Dec 4



The JET alumni community already has a great reputation for writers such as Bruce Feiler, Roland Kelts and James Kennedy among others.  And now we’re starting to make our mark on the world of film as well.

JET alum Aaron Woolfolks film The Harimaya Bridge, starring starring Ben Guillory, Saki Takaoka, Misa Shimizu, and Danny Glover (who is also the Executive Producer), is making its New York debut on Sunday December 6 (with Q&A and cocktail reception to follow) and Sunday December 13 as part of the African Diaspora Film Festival.

(Editor’s Note: I already bought my ticket for the Dec 6 date!)

The film had a nationwide theatrical release in Japan beginning in June, and the response from audiences and critics was fantastic.  (There was also a showing in Los Angeles back in June that a number of JETAA Southern California JET alums attended.)

The film will be showing in New York:

  • Sunday, December 6 @ 5:30PM – Thalia Cinema, Symphony Space (95th & Bway) – GALA SCREENING. Followed by a Q&A with director and catered reception
  • Sunday, Dec. 13 @ 7:30PM- Thalia Cinema, Symphony Space (95th & Bway)

This looks to be a big event for the JET alum community, so get your tickets now and hope to see you there.

Here’s the trailer for the film:

Dec 2

Here are two videos of Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99), author of Japanamerica, from a keynote speech he gave at the University of Missouri in St. Louis back in October.

In the first, he talks about the connection between manga and anime and traditional Japanese line-based aesthetics–or what Takashi Murakami now calls “Superflat”:

And in the second video, he discusses the fundamental differences between American visual iconography and Japanese sensibilities, with a reference to Pokemon in America and McDonald’s in Japan:

Nov 21

Roland Kelts Daily Yomiuri column: Soft power evolution from Perry’s day to Obama’s


Here’s the latest SOFT POWER/HARD TRUTHS column in the Daily Yomiuri by Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99), author of Japanamerica, this one about Obama’s recent visit, Perry and the new Asia.

FYI, images below are 1) Commodore Perry’s bow, 2) Obama’s bow and 3) Political commentary from Perry’s day.





Nov 16

Photos: JET alum Aaron Woolfolk’s 5-week Japan promotional tour for “The Harimaya Bridge”

HarimayaPressConfJET alum Aaron Woolfolks film The Harimaya Bridge, starring starring Ben Guillory, Saki Takaoka, Misa Shimizu, and Danny Glover, is making its New York debut on Sunday December 6 (with Q&A and cocktail reception to follow) and Sunday December 13 as part of the African Diaspora Film Festival.  (See the JetWit post about the upcoming event here for details and ticket info.)

The film had a nationwide theatrical release in Japan beginning in June, and Aaron was involved in a five-week promotional tour in Japan for the film.  What is it like for a former JET to go on a five-week promotional tour in Japan?  Well, Aaron captured much of it in photographs available on Facebook along with informative and entertaining captions.  (FYI, you don’t need to have an account to view the pictures.)

Here’s the link:

And here’s Aaron’s intro commentary on the photos along with a couple samples of what you’ll see:

Five weeks in Japan in May and June of 2009, traveling all around the country doing promotion in the run-up to the June 13th nationwide opening of “The Harimaya Bridge.” Most days were spent doing loads of media interviews and promotional appearances. This here is just a small sampling, as I wasn’t able to come anywhere close to capturing everything with a camera. It was hectic and exhausting…but talking to the media and connecting with audiences only reaffirmed my desire to live my life telling stories via film, television and theater. :-)




Nov 16

Roland Kelts radio interview with Tyler Brule of Monocle Magazine on manga and Japanamerica


Here’s a radio interview Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99), author of Japanamerica, did in Tokyo this past weekend with Tyler Brule, founder and editor of the UK-based Monocle magazine, about manga in Japan and overseas, and Japanamerica:

The Japanamerica segment is introduced at 1:00 and starts at 22:00

Nov 11

Sake World e-Newsletter by John Gauntner (November 2009)


The November 2009 issue of the Sake World E-mail Newsletter by JET alum and leading sake expert John Gauntner (aka “The Sake Guy”) is now available online.  In this issue:

It Just Gets Worse
Did You Know? Rice Harvest Timiing
Guided Sakagura Tours
Sake and Pottery Seminar
Sake Professional Courses in Japan
Learn More About Sake through  eBooks

Additional links:

Sake World Website
More About Us

Nov 10


Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99), author of Japanamerica, was interviewed by Japan Society of New York at the New York Anime Festival 2009 which was held September 25-27 at the Jacob Javits Convention Center.  Let’s go to the video tape:

Part 1 of the interview:

Part 2 of the interview:

Nov 6



A story just published in the new December issue of VANITY FAIR chronicles the way Japanese kawaii, or super-cuteness, has conquered America:

Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99), author of Japanamerica, is quoted fairly liberally via an interview with Vanity Fair writer Jim Windolf.  Here’s a sample:

“There’s no doubt that cuteness has been a part of the Japanese aesthetic since the postwar years,” says Roland Kelts, the author of the 2006 book Japanamerica: How Japanese Pop Culture Has Invaded the U.S. “One theory, which has been proposed by a lot of Japanese artists and academics, is that, after the humiliation and emasculation of Japan in the postwar years, Japan developed this quasi-queer position of ‘little brother’ or ‘little boy.’ If you become ‘little brother’ or ‘little boy,’ the only way you can get big brother’s or fat man’s attention is by being so cute or puppy-like that he has to take care of you.”

Roland also recently returned to Japan from a book promotion tour in Korea.

Oct 26

Roland Kelts on Japanese pop music in Daily Yomiuri column

cibomattoRoland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99), author of Japanamerica, has another SOFT POWER/HARD TRUTHS column in The Daily Yomiuri (and also re-printed in 3:AM Magazine) about J-Pop music in America, featuring interviews with Miho Hatori, formerly of Cibo Mato, and Reni-chan, a recent NYC transplant from Tokyo, plus reflections on AKB48.

  1. Daily Yomiuri SOFT POWER/HARD TRUTHS:  Japan’s Music Makers in America
  2. Link to 3:AM Magazine post of the column:

Oct 20

Roland Kelts article in Adbusters: Private Worlds

Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99), author of Japanamerica, has a good article out in Adbusters magazine.

Private Worlds:  Lives spent lurking too long in the shadows of the virtual

Also, Roland is traveling to Korea soon to do give some talks there.  If you’re a JET alum living in Korea and you go, make sure to go up and introduce yourself and invite him out for some sho-chu.

Oct 6

Sake World e-Newsletter by John Gauntner (October 2009)

JohnGauntnerThe October 2009 issue of the Sake World E-mail Newsletter by JET alum and leading sake expert John Gauntner (aka “The Sake Guy”) is now available online.  In this issue:

The Boyz of Nada
Did You Know? Sake Day
NEW! Sake Professional Courses in Las Vegas and Japan
Learn More About Sake eBooks

Additional links:

Sake World Website
More About Us

Oct 2

Roland Kelts to speak at anime event in St. Louis – Sat, 10/3

Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99), author of Japanamerica, will be giving a talk in St. Louis tomorrow as part of the Anime at UMSL event featuring renowned translator of anime and manga, Frederik L. Schodt, as well as a screening of the film PAPRIKA.  The event is being run by the University of Missouri at St. Louis’ Center for International Studies.

All you Missouri JET alums out there, make sure to introduce yourself and say hi if you happen to attend.

Click here for full details:


Sep 22

CrayonShinchanThanks to a tweet from Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99), I just read the news that Yoshito Usui, the creator of Crayon Shinchan, died after falling off of a cliff.  Apparently he was taking photos in Nagano and must have slipped.

Here’s the article:

This is very sad news.  I learned Japanese thanks to Crayon Shinchan.  No joke.  When I went on JET, I subscribed to Manga-Jin, a now defunct magazine that would do line-by-line explanations of manga.  It was studying from an issue of Manga-Jin one day that introduced me to Crayon Shinchan.

I was hooked, and I proceeded to buy ever new Crayon Shinchan book I could find.  The relatively simple language combined with use of furigana plus the appealingly crude humor that also inadvertently explained a lot of Japanese social dynamics was exactly what I was seeking in those pre-Internet days of JET.

The news of Usui’s death reminded me that I had a sort of fantasy (long since forgotten) where I would track down Usui-san and thank him and let him know how influential he was in my Japanese language study.

Well, that opportunity no longer exists.  But if anyone else wants to share any thoughts or memories about their experience with Crayon Shinchan, feel free to post below.

Sep 15

Roland Kelts appearances at upcoming New York Anime Festival starting Sept 25



The New York Anime Festival has announced its bookings for Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99), author of Japanamerica, for this year’s event, which commences at the Javits Center on September 25.

Roland will be on with Yoshiyuki Tomino (GUNDAM creator) on Friday, pop sensations AKB48 Saturday, and Yui Makino (voice of TSUBASA) on Sunday.

Here’s the official announcement:

Sep 6

Sake World e-Newsletter by John Gauntner (September 2009)

JohnGauntnerThe September 2009 issue of the Sake World E-mail Newsletter by JET alum and leading sake expert John Gauntner (aka “The Sake Guy”) is now available online.  In this issue:

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