JET alum Jim Gannon continues his work on behalf of JCIE in support of Rikuzentakata and other areas

*************** Via the Japan Center for International Exchange’s Facebook page. A nice post about the work that Jim Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-94), Executive Director of the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA), has been doing in Tohoku on behalf of his organization. Jim is also a member of JETAA USA’s Board of Advisors and the JETAA USA Disaster […]
Video: Panel discussion with JET alums Anthony Bianchi, Laurel Lukaszewski and Jim Gannon

Thanks to JET alum and Inuyama City Council Member Anthony Bianchi (Aichi-ken, Inuyama-shi, 1988-89) for sharing the video below (in four parts) taken by his son Matthew of a panel discussion from the JETAA USA National Conference held in Washington, D.C. July 14-17. The panel featured Bianchi along with fellow JET alums Laurel Lukaszewski (Kagoshima-ken, […]
By Renay Loper (Iwate-ken, 2006-07). Renay is a freelance writer and international education professional currently seeking FT opportunities. Visit her at Atlas in Her Hand. JET alum Jim Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-94) is the executive director of the Japan Center for International Exchange in New York. A Columbia graduate who previously worked for the for […]
JET ROI: Shukan NY Seikatsu article on JETAANY Welcome Back Reception quotes Jim Gannon

Below is a copy of an article from Shukan NY Seikatsu (Weekly NY Life) about the JETAANY Welcome Back Reception held on November 6. The article includes some quotes from James Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-94) (Executive Director of the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA), author of the July 3 “JET on the Chopping Block,” and […]
Perspectives: “A Glass Half Full: Japan’s Disaster Response at One Year” by James Gannon

The below article by Jim Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-94), Executive Director of the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA), appeared originally on Smart Assets: The New York Philanthropy Blog. “A Glass Half Full: Japan’s Disaster Response at One Year” Here’s an excerpt: One constant refrain in the disaster zone is the need for more effective mental health interventions. Women […]
Foundation Center interview with JET alum James Gannon on Rebuilding After the Great Tohoku Earthquake

******************* The below interview appeared in PhilanTopic, the Philanthropy News & Digest blog which is part of The Foundation Center. It’s a really terrific explanation of the situation in Japan from a philanthropy/fundraising/non-profit perspective by Jim Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-94), Executive Director of the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA), who has become one of the experts in […]
********** JET Return on Investment (ROI) is a new category on JetWit intended to highlight the various economic and diplomatic benefits to Japan resulting from its investment in the JET Program. This first post by Jim Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-94) lays out the context and background regarding the serious challenges now faced by the JET Program […]
Job: Analyst in Foreign Affairs – U.S. Congressional Research Service (Washington, D.C., USA/Hybrid)

Posted by Sydney Sparrow. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email. Position: Analyst in Foreign AffairsPosted by: U.S. Congressional Research Service (Library of Congress)Location: Washington, D.C., USA/HybridContract: Full Time; No Visa Sponsorship Thanks to Jim Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-1994) for passing along the following job opening. The Asia Section covers Central Asia, South Asia, East […]
Job: Senior Fellow – German Marshall Fund (Washington, D.C., USA)

Posted by Sydney Sparrow. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email. Position: Senior FellowPosted by: German Marshall FundLocation: Washington, D.C., USAContract: Full Time Thanks to Jim Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-1994) for passing along the following job opening. Portions of the job posting are below, and the position seems focused on Japan and its multilateral connections […]
US-Japan community:”Calling on Japan to open to foreign students and scholars”

In advance of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s Friday virtual meeting with President Joe Biden, the US-Japan community has issued a letter to the government of Japan urging it to relax its border restrictions in order to allow foreign students and scholars as well as family members abroad to enter Japan. Link to just the letter […]
Job: Program Assistant – Japan Center for International Exchange (New York, NY)

Posted by Sydney Sparrow. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email Job Title: Program Assistant Posted by: Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA) Location: New York, NY Contract: Full-Time Thanks to JET alum, Jim Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-1994) for the following job opening at his organization: The Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA) is seeking a full-time program […]
$10K in Matching Funds for Tohoku Relief Still Remains!

If you’d still like to donate to the Taylor Anderson Memorial Fund (TAMF) in support of Tohoku relief efforts, there’s still time! $10,000 of matching funds remains but will no longer be available in a few days. Donation website: The JET/JET Alum community has already come through to an inspiring extent, raising $23,968 for the […]
JQ Magazine: JETAA USA Earthquake Relief Fund Aids Recovery

By C-M Daeley (Saga-ken, 2008-2011) for JQ magazine. C-M is a poet, rap lyricist, and travel enthusiast currently working as an English teacher in Tokyo. For a look at some of his other writing, poetry and lyrics, check out his blog at With today’s 24-hour global news cycle, it is sometimes difficult to […]
USJBF selects JET alum Laurel Lukaszewski for new “Strengthening the JETAA USA Network” initiative

Remember the job listing for the Part-time Project Director with the US-Japan Bridging Foundation (USJBF) to support JETAA USA growth? The USJBF has announced that it has selected Laurel Lukaszewski (ALT Kagoshima-ken, 1990-92) for the position for its new initiative “Strengthening the JETAA Network and Connecting Next Generation Leaders.” Shojiki ni itte, it’s hard to imagine anyone better […]
JETAA USA Disaster Relief Fund Update – 06.01.13

Jim Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-94), Executive Director of the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA) and a member of the JETAA USA Disaster Relief Fund Committee, was recently in Tohoku for work and shared the following update regarding one of the projects that JETAA USA helped fund: Jim says he met with Kodomo no Empowerment Iwate (click here for their Facebook […]