JCIE Special Report on Giving to Japan and the Current Status

Thanks to Jim Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-94), Executive Director of the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA), for sharing this uniquely informative and eye-opening report from his organization on what’s been going on in Japan with regard to recovery and donations. From a JET perspective, it’s very useful information as a point of reference with regard to the strength of […]
JQ Magazine: JQ&A with Matthew Gillam, Senior Researcher at the Japan Local Government Center

By Adam Lobel (Nagano-ken, 2000-02) for JQ magazine. Last year, Adam returned to New York after 10 years in Japan, where he researched satoyama (traditional landscape of Japan) as a master’s student, and collaborated with Japanese policymakers in science and technology while working at a think tank. Adam currently helps manage his family’s business, a land use law firm […]
Japan Society (NY) Event: Local Economic Recovery: Firsthand Accounts from Tohoku

Thanks to Jim Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-94), Executive Director of the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA), for sharing this Japan Society event with which JCIE is involved. Local Economic Recovery: Firsthand Accounts from Tohoku LECTURE: Local Economic Recovery: Firsthand Accounts from Tohoku Monday, September 17, 6:30 PM SYNOPSIS The world’s eyes were on Kamaishi City in Iwate Prefecture […]
JCIE Special Report: US Giving in Response to Japan’s March 11 Disaster Tops $630 Million

Thanks to Jim Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-94), Executive Director of the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA), for sharing his organization’s special report, which notes the grassroot efforts of JETAA USA among others. “JCIE Special Report: US Giving in Response to Japan’s March 11 Disaster Tops $630 Million” “A JCIE survey of hundreds of American and Japanese organizations estimates that […]
JET News Roundup 2.9.2012

By Filmore Ha (Ibaraki-ken, 2006-08). Filmore continues to live and work in the Greater Tokyo Area as an FAE and is also webmaster for JETAA Tokyo. He is actively seeking new opportunities in the U.S. or Canada. Back today with another roundup of JET related news after a brief hiatus. This roundup will include items from last month as […]
JETAA USA Fund Update 02.04.12

Thanks to Jim Gannon for passing on the following update about the JETAA USA Fund: The JETAA USA donation of $26,700 to Hope for Tomorrow has apparently been extremely effective, allowing Hope for Tomorrow to provide subsidies to cover travel and other exam-related costs for a full 70 students from Takata High School in Rikuzentakata. […]
JET alum paper published: “A New Framework for US-Japan Development Cooperation”

Jim Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-94), Executive Director of the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA), has a new paper published as part of JCIE’s “Enhanced Agenda for US-Japan Partnership” paper series titled: “A New Framework for US-Japan Development Cooperation“ (PDF) http://www.jcie.org/researchpdfs/USJapanPapers/Gannon.pdf Click here for other JCIE papers in the series.
Photos from Rikuzentakata Tutoring Project supported in part by JETAA USA Earthquake Relief Fund

Thanks to Jim Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-94) for forwarding the below photos of the “Youth Empowerment Iwate“ Rikuzentakata tutoring project that received $25,000 in support from the JETAA USA Earthquake Relief Fund. These photos are from a November 10 visit to one of the several middle schools in town where the project is operating three times a week. These photos are of […]
Summary of JETAA USA Fund disbursements

*************** Thanks to JETAA USA Country Representative (and JETAA USA Fund Committee member) Megan Miller (Hyogo-ken) for the following summary of the JETAA USA Earthquake Relief Fund’s disbursements. It was originally an e-mail sent to the JETAA USA chapter officers Google Group which has been modified slightly for posting here: Dear US Chapters, The fund committee […]
Daily Yomiuri: Study halls opened in honor of “Monty-sensei” in Rikuzentakata

******************* Update 11/07/11: The Ministry of Education has apparently been impressed enough by Youth Empowerment for Iwate to send a team to observe them. And fyi, the group now has a website as well: http://soup1993.com/epatch.html ******************* There’s a nice Daily Yomiuri article (“Study halls opened in honor of ‘Monty-sensei‘”) on Monty Dickson and the contribution JETAA USA will be making to […]
Return on JET-vestment: AJET Chair Matthew Cook on the recent 25th Anniversary JET Programme Symposium

***************** Originally posted to the AJET website by National AJET Chair Matthew Cook (Osaka) who was an attendee of the 25th Anniversary JETProgramme Symposium, where, notably, JET alum Jim Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-94), Executive Director of the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA), was invited to speak about the JET Programme and the JET Alumni Association. It’s been a […]
JET Programme 25th Anniversary Symposium to be held by Japanese government

******************** FYI, this is a big deal and something to pay attention to, especially in terms of the future of JET. One of the speakers, notably, will be Jim Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-94), Executive Director of the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA). I believe AJET President Matthew Cook (Osaka, 2007-12) may also be in attendance. […]
*************** This editorial in support of the JET Programme by Hitoshi Tanaka appeared originally in Japanese in The Mainichi Daily News. Thanks to Jim Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-94), Executive Director of the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA), for sharing the article. And special thanks to Laura Kamutaka (CIR Miyagi-ken, Shiogama-shi, 2005-07) for translating it into […]
JET alum with key role in post-Katrina response meets with JET alum working on Japan earthquake disaster response

I learned from Jim Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-94), Executive Director of the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA), that in the course of his recent work with JCIE/USA to help coordinate U.S. efforts to support Japan with disaster relief, Jim had the opportunity to set up a meeting in New York for Japanese representatives from key […]
Challenges facing the US-Japan Earthquake Relief Response

I had the privilege yesterday of being invited by Jim Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-94), Executive Director of the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA), to attend a unique information and idea exchange titled “Funding Meeting: US-Japan Cooperation on Supporting the Japan Disaster Response.” The gathering, organized by JCIE/USA and the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership […]