Thanks to Matt Gillam, Senior Researcher at CLAIR-NY (aka Japan Local Government Center), who attended the recent Sister Cities International Conference in Riverside, CA, for writing up a little something about the conference and noting how JETs were present in several ways.
A little context: Back in July, several JET alum reps including Mike Shu, Jessyca Wilcox and myself along with Matt met up with Sister Cities International when we were in D.C. for the JETAA USA National Conference to talk about potential collaboration. The topic was subsequently discussed with JETAA chapter reps in a session at the JETAA USA National Conference.
“I just got back from the Sister Cities Pan-Pacific conference in Riverside, where we had a chance to gauge interest in the idea of making alumni available to cities to help out with their sister city relationships. The reaction I got was that there is definitely interest, and not just limited to sister cities matters. There seems to be quite a need for help with other visitors from Japan as well, where cities lack people with knowledge of not just language, but also cultural and social norms.
Mark Juloya and Russell Iriye, from JETAA Southern California, came for the conference and Russell participated in a session on “Best Practices in Youth Programming”, where he talked about JET & JETAA. In the Q&A after his presentation, I had a chance to mention the alumni as an available resource for cities and a couple of people were quite interested. Overall, as I said, the response was positive, and Mark and Russell were also great exemplars of the kind of talent JETAA has to offer.
On Sunday, Sendai City put on a display at the most popular spot in town (the Mission Inn) to talk about how the city is recovering and to thank Riverside for all its support ($584,000 in donations, plus the area dispatched USAR (Urban Search and Rescue) teams etc. to the region immediately following the disasters). Audrey Shiomi, a former CIR in Sendai City, also came out to help for the day. Audrey is one of those former JETs who have taken advantage of the program to revisit their former communities in Tohoku, and another great example of how valuable alumni can be to their former employers.
And one more person to mention is Renay Loper, who’s with the Japan Foundation’s Center for Global Partnership now. She was there with a Japanese colleague to attend the conference, since CGP was helping to fund it.
JETs are everywhere.”
Matt Gillam
JLGC, New York
Return to Tohoku: “Don’t Speak, Just Move On” by Audrey Shiomi

The following is a personal essay by Audrey Shiomi (CIR Miyagi-ken, Sendai-shi, 1999-2001). Through generous sponsorship by Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she spent a week in September visiting her former residence in Sendai City, one of the areas affected by the March 11 earthquake. In lieu of volunteering in disaster-stricken regions, she spent each day meeting with friends and former coworkers to listen to their stories.
Click here to read other Return To Tohoku updates on JETwit. You can also check the JETAA USA website post (“JET Alums Return to Tohoku”) for additional information.
Don’t Speak, Just Move On
By Audrey Shiomi (CIR Miyagi-ken, Sendai-shi, 1999-2001)
I couldn’t believe how normal it all felt to spend each day hanging out with old friends in Sendai. They hardly talked about what had happened six months ago, and if they did, they were calm, reflective and grateful. They didn’t suffer the way they did in the north, along the Pacific coast.
Within city limits, homes were damaged and people were left without running water, electricity and heat soon after the earthquake. It was late winter, and they had no clue when things they’d taken for granted—warmth, hot food and information—would be readily available. The minute it looked like a market was about to re-open, people formed long lines out the door. Luckily, by Day 5, water and electricity had been restored.
Now, six months later, my friends are with me, laughing, drinking and eating like there’s no tomorrow. We were doing everything but dwelling on March 11 and for good reasons. For one, it was simply time to more forward. For another, talking about your own situation made it seem like you were complaining about it, and—as my friend explained—the only people who are socially allowed to lament are those whose loved ones died in the tsunami.
Another reason few people talk about the events of March is that if someone were to mention they temporarily fled the prefecture after the nuclear reactor meltdown, they’d face the silent scorn of their peers. For some, leaving town was a logical safety measure. For others, leaving town was the moral equivalent of abandoning your family. It’s these opposing schools of thought that make it difficult to openly talk to one another. “It’s like in the U.S. where people don’t bring up religion,” said one Japanese friend. “People don’t talk about certain parts of their experiences after the disaster.”
So instead of dwelling in the past, my friends have no option but to move forward. For many of them, March 11 instilled a newfound reason for living. Many have taken up new hobbies and started traveling more. My friend, Nanae, has been making a living by holding private cooking classes at her home. March 11 fueled her to hold more classes. The way she sees it, she’s lucky to be alive, so not living life would be like besmirching the memory of all those who’d died.
I’m glad my friends have emerged from this tragedy with their heads held high. It would have been a sad reunion if they’d greeted me with distressed tears. If they’d told me, “Take me back to the U.S. with you!” I would have stowed them all away in my suitcase. But, no, instead we’re able to share a drink, enjoy great izakaya food and laugh about old times.
That’s the Japan I know.
JET Alum Author Beat 10.05.11

JET Alum Author Beat is a new feature by Ling Tran (Saga-ken, 2009-11) intended to keep readers informed of what various JET alum authors are up to. Contact Ling at jetwit [at] jetwit.com if you’d like to see something included in upcoming posts. She is also interested in providing exposure for aspiring authors/writers among alumni and current JETs – excerpts and updates are all welcome.
- Suzanne Kamata (Tokushima-ken, 1998-90), author of Losing Kei and fiction editor for Literary Mama, reflects on the recent loss of a dear friend through a post about her first sushi experience on Gaijin Mama (a personal blog). Check it out and give some JET support.
- Sam Baldwin Ono (Fukui-ken, 2004-06) hails from the UK and made a life altering decision when he decided to move to Fukui-ken through the JET Program. The quiet facade of inaka Japan gradually revealed its colorful nature, eventually leading Sam to share stories and insights in For Fukui’s Sake: Two years in rural Japan. Whether for reference (newbie JETs, holla!), nostaliga, or reflection – ESID aside – this book is available electronically. If you want to be notified of its hard copy release, click here. Visit the website For Fukui’s Sake for details. (Fukui t-shirts are also available for purchase.)
- Author of The Order of Odd-Fish James Kennedy (Nara-ken, 2004-06) recently did a Q&A with JQ magazine as he will be curating the 90-Second Newbery Film Festival (Nov. 5 @New York Public Library | Nov. 16 @Harold Washington Library, Chicago). Read here.
- Robert Paul Weston’s (Nara-ken, 2002-04) Zorgamazoo will be honored at the Author Banquet of the California Library Association Conference for a California Young Reader Medal on Nov. 12. Details of the upcoming event are available on Weston’s blog. Congratulations!
- What is Japanamerica blogger Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99) reading these days?
- Cartoonist Lars Martinson (Fukuoka-ken, 2003-06) has been busily settling into his new home and schedule in Kameoka, Kyoto. He managed to fit in a brief post after a short hiatus. Eager followers can see how he is doing here – more substantial updates to come!
Return to Tohoku Update 10.04.11

Here are updates from a few more of the 20 Tohoku region JET alumni selected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) to return to their town to both engage in volunteer efforts and also help document and share what’s going on there.
- Audrey Shiomi (CIR Miyagi-ken, Sendai-shi, 1999-2001) has had some of her excellent writing and observations published in a series titled Tohoku Travelogue (http://rafu.com/news/tag/tohoku-travelogue/) including:
- “Moving On From Tragedy” (Oct 1)
- “Scenes from an Izakaya” (Sept 15)
- “Nearly Swept Away” (Sept 14)
- “Ah Matsushima!” (Sept 11)
- “Signs, Signs, Everywhere!” (Sept 10)
- “Gambarimasu” (Sept 9)
- “The Telephone Booth” (Sept 8)
- “Letters to Sendai” (Sept 8)
- “Ganbarou Nihon!” (Sept 7)
- “Omiyage 101” (Sept 6)
- “To Be Afraid or Not To Be Afraid….” (Sept 2)
- Brent Stirling (Fukushima-ken, Fukushima-shi, 2006-10) – “Why This is Only Blog #3.5” – Brent tries to explain the overwhelmingness of visiting Soma and how it has affected his approach to blogging about his trip. He shares photos and questions why he has taken them.
- Sharon Van Etten (CIR Iwate-ken), President of JETAA Sydney, has blogged about her trip here: Revisiting Iwate: http://revisitingiwate.blogspot.com/ Here are some recent posts:
Click here to read other Return To Tohoku updates on JETwit. You can also check the JETAA USA website post (“JET Alums Return to Tohoku”) for additional information.
JET alum Lee-Sean Huang in Fast Company, recruiting alumni interested in design for social innovation for new MFA program

JET alum and JETwit webmaster Lee-Sean Huang (Oita-ken, Nakatsu-shi, 2003-2006) recently appeared in the Fast Company article “An MFA Degree For Designers Who Want To Change The World” by Michael J. Coren.
So you want to change the world? Cynics may send you off to Wall Street or a white-shoe law firm. Those with gumption will look for another way. The new Master’s of Fine Arts in Design for Social Innovation has opened its doors just for them.
“We’re adamant this not be a program where people sit in a classroom and talk about how great it’s going to be when they go out and change the world,” says program chair Cheryl Heller at the School of Visual Arts (SVA) in New York, and a board member of PopTech. “It is helping designers go beyond self-expression, which is how most designers are taught, and how to put [design] into practice to create a change.”
Read the full Fast Company article here.
Lee-Sean, a faculty member in the department, is reaching out to the JET community and encouraging returning JETs and alumni to apply to the MFA Design for Social Innovation program. The program is for applicants from a broad range of backgrounds with an interest in design and social innovation, and not just those with college degrees or prior professional experience in design. Email leesean@purpose.com with inquiries, and apply here. The deadline for applications is January 15, 2015 for Fall 2012 enrollment.
Photo: Lee-Sean with fellow MFA Design for Social Innovation faculty member Alessandra Orofino.
JET alum author Bruce Feiler’s latest NYTimes column

September 23, 2011
I RECENTLY attended a chaotic, kid-friendly gathering at the home of a friend. On my way to the bathroom to seek some solace, I decided to indulge in one of my favorite antisocial activities: scrutinizing someone else’s bookshelf. For a veteran sleuth, a bookshelf can offer a trove of insights worthy of any Freudian’s couch. Does a person alphabetize the books or clump them? Do they arrange their books by genre, order in which they were purchased, or color? Are these books unopened hardcovers or dog-eared paperbacks?
I was several minutes into my investigation (Bill Clinton’s memoir; “The DaVinci Code”), when I had a heart-sinking realization: Read More
New version of LinkedIn group for Monbusho English Fellows (MEFs) and other pre-JETs

A few months ago I set up a LinkedIn group for Monbusho English Fellows (MEFs) and other pre-JETs such as British English Teachers (BETs). However, it turns out that an MEF named Thomas Schalow, now a professor living in Kobe, had already set up an MEF group on Linkedin.
Here’s the link for anyone who would like to join: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?about=&gid=3757582
I believe there are a few hundred or so MEFs in existence and would love to track you guys down and bring you into the JET alum orbit to the extent possible. So if you are an MEF or BET or other pre-JET, please identify yourself by joining the group.
FYI, two prominent MEFs I’m aware of are Michael Green, former top Japan guy at the State Department during the Bush administration and Bruce Rutledge, founder of Seattle-based Chin Music Press.
Media Outlets Claiming ‘Law Is no Longer a Golden Ticket’ Conceal Decades of a Profession in Decline

Matt Leichter (matt [dot] leichter [at] gmail [dot] com) (Saitama-ken 2003-05) is a renegade attorney who plays by his own rules. He operates a think tank of one, The Law School Tuition Bubble, where he archives, chronicles, and analyzes the rising cost and declining value of legal education in the United States.
The popular lawyer periodical, the Am Law Daily, ran an article I wrote, titled, “Media Outlets Claiming ‘Law Is no Longer a Golden Ticket’ Conceal Decades of a Profession in Decline.” In it I use Bureau of Economic Analysis data, charts, and animations to demonstrate that the legal sector of the U.S. economy stagnated about 20 years ago, and along with increasing law school tuition creates a crisis for legal education in the United States.
Ishikawa AJET publishes digital cookbook for charity

Thanks to Leah Zoller (CIR Ishikawa-ken, Anamizu, 2009-11) for sharing the below. Leah is currently a writer and translator for The Art of Japan: Kanazawa, an art-based tourism project via a METI grant to the Cooperative Association for the Promotion of Kanazawa-Kaga Maki-e in Kanazawa, Ishikawa.
Ishikawa AJET has just published a digital cookbook for charity. The book is designed for the English-speaking expat in Japan.
CLICK HERE for details and to purchase the Ishikawa AJET Digital Cookbook.
When I moved to rural Ishikawa in 2009, I had to entirely revamp my philosophy on cooking: how to work with the ingredients I had available in my small town; how to cook without a full-size oven; how to deal with metric measurements; and how to cook for one. I started this project with the hope that any JET, regardless of cooking skill or Japanese language ability, could arrive in Japan and immediately have a guide to simple home-cooking and be able to make the food s/he wants to eat.
The recipes are written in English with the Japanese terms for the ingredients right on the page, along with helpful hints for navigating the grocery store. Measurements are in metrics, and the recipes are meant for Japanese kitchen equipment, so you never have to worry about recipes not fitting in the oven range or not cooking through. Furthermore, 30 JETs and friends and I did extensive testing on the recipes to make sure they all were easy to understand and actually worked correctly. The recipes are a mixture of Japanese, foreign, and fusion food, and include a large number vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free recipes.
Because this is a pdf, we were able to save on printing costs and keep things more environmentally friendly. The pdf is interactive: there are hotlinks to recipes from the indices, and the document is searchable. Our design team did a fantastic job, and it’s a very useful friendly layout.
The cookbook costs 1000 yen, and all proceeds go to Second Harvest Japan, a charity that brings food and supplies to food banks, orphanages, single mothers, immigrants, et al. This charity has been critical in the relief efforts after the Tohoku Earthquake.
The original post on the Ishikawa JET Blog is here: http://ishikawajet.wordpress.com/2011/09/07/master-cooking-in-japan-with-the-ishikawa-kitchen/
Payment options include using paypal for a downloadable pdf (see link) or contacting AJET directly at ishikawaajet@gmail.com to pay via furikomi and receive the document by email.
JET alum band Monkey Majik to play Sendai charity concert

Here’s info on a charity concert (“charity live”) by JET alum Maynard Plant’s (Aomori-ken, 1997-2000) hit band Monkey Majik in Sendai on October 16th, as part of their ongoing effort to support rebuilding and recovery in Tohoku, in their capacity as Tohoku Tourism Ambassadors.
そしてこの出来事を全国の皆様に伝え続けて行かなくてはならないという強い想いから、プロジェクト第3弾となるチャリティライブを故郷 被災地 仙台で開催することを決断しました。
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TBC事業部 TEL022-227-2715
ニュース・プロモーション TEL022-266-7555
詳しくは こちら へアクセス願います。
Return to Tohoku: Round-up 09.20.11

Here are updates from a few more of the 20 Tohoku region JET alumni selected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) to return to their town to both engage in volunteer efforts and also help document and share what’s going on there.
- Ben Erickson (Iwate-ken, Ninohe-shi) of Pacific Northwest JETAA left yesterday for Iwate. You can follow his experience on his blog at Tohokuben.com – One JET’s Return to Iwate. Here’s Ben’s current itinerary:
Day One: Tokyo, Ichinoseki, The Coast
My first official duty will be a meeting with the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) in the Kasumigaseki area of Tokyo. After a brief meeting to discuss the goals of my program, there is no time to waste. I head from Tokyo to Ichinoseki to meet with Peace Winds America, and their staff member Mari Poorman who is overseeing their efforts in Japan. Time permitting, Mari and I may head south into Miyagi, and the town of Minamisanriku.
Day Two: The Coast
Mari and I are planning to head to the coastal cities of Ofunato and Rikuzen-Takata.
Day Three: Ninohe
After a late night train back to my second hometown, I’ll be back on familiar ground. In the morning, I’ll have a meeting with the good people of the Ninohe City Board of Education who have been working with me on this trip. I’ll also have a meeting with the Superintendent of Schools, and the Mayor. The real joy will be in the afternoon. A trip to the local High School and a chance to see my former Junior High School students now in High School.
Day Four: Ninohe
The schedule for this day is being determined.
Day Five: Ninohe, Northern Iwate and Hanamaki
The schedule for this day is being determined.
Day Six: Hiraizumi, Ichinoseki
Today I’ll visit the newly designate UNESCO World Heritage site in Hiraizumi. I’ll also be staying in a traditional Japanese Inn for my last night in Japan.
Day Seven: Return to Tokyo, Seattle.
My last day will be travel. A train to Tokyo and my flight home.
- Brent Stirling (Fukushima-ken, Fukushima-shi, 2006-10) – “A Rough Guide to My Fukushima Trip – Return to Tohoku #1“ –Brent, based in Ottawa, shares his itinerary as he prepares to depart Canada for Fukushima.
Day 1: Wednesday September 21st – Depart from Ottawa for Japan
Day 2: Thursday, September 22nd – Arrive in Tokyo. Go straight to MOFA, then check into my hotel. (Spend the night in Tokyo)
Day 3: Friday, September 23rd – Tokyo to Koriyama city, then travel to Aizu-Wakamatsu to see Enzo-ji, Iimoriyama andTsuruga Castle. (Stay in Aizu-Wakamatsu)
Day 4: Saturday, September 24th – Take part in the Global Citizen’s Festival in Fukushima city that the Fukushima AJET Chapter will be taking part in. There will be facepainting, games and food from all different parts of the world and this is something that JETs in Fukushima do every year. (Stay in Fukushima)
Day 5: Sunday, September 25th (Tourist Destination) – Volunteer on the coast in Soma. Head to Soma to volunteer with Hearts for Haragama, a charity created by current Fukushima JETs, which provides funds and assistance to a kindergarten in Soma. (Stay in Fukushima)
Day 6: Monday, September 26th – In the morning, visit Fukushima Senior High School with Jason Ishida (Fukushima SHS ALT) to participate in classes and conversations with his students. (Stay in Fukushima)
Day 7: Tuesday, September 27th – Visit Nihonmatsu Adachi Senior High School to partake in their yearly bunkasai (oh ya, that’s right, who picked the best time to go? Oh this guy…BUNKASAI!!!!) (Stay in Fukushima)
Day 8: Wednesday, September 28th – Visit Nihonmatsu Technical Senior High School in the morning and then depart for Tokyo. (Stay in Tokyo)
Day 9: Thursday, September 29th – Depart from Tokyo for Ottawa
CLICK HERE to read the full post.
You can also check the JETAA USA website post (“JET Alums Return to Tohoku”) for additional information.
Newly-wed JETs Give to JETAA USA Earthquake Fund

Originally posted on the JETAA USA website by Jessyca Wilcox:
Rachel and Josh, JET alums from the DC area were married this past summer. They met while on JET in Kumamoto-ken, falling in love with Japan and each other during their years in Japan. As they celebrated their marriage this summer, Rachel and Josh approached JETAA USA, expressing a desire to have their wedding guests give to the JETAA USA Earthquake Relief Fund in lieu of getting toaster ovens, china, towel sets and mixing bowls. We were deeply touched by their thoughtfulness, belief in the JET alum community and their continual and sincere dedication to Japan.
The generous contributions Rachel and Josh’s wedding guests made in their name will help the Japanese communities that most need it. ども ありがとう ございました!
About the bride
Rachel is from Alexandria, Minnesota. An English major at Gustavus Adolphus College, she flew on a JET plane to Japan to test out her teaching skills and try something new! Little did she know, a Texan would capture her heart!
About the groom
Josh is from Dallas, Texas. He did Computer Science at the University of Texas (Dallas) and went on to get his MBA before JET. Unsure about joining the corporate world and eager to experience Japan, Josh flew out of Texas. Little did he know, a blond Minnesotan was waiting for him!
How they met
Rachel and Josh met in Japan while on JET. Rachel was just starting her second year as an ALT in Kumamoto-ken, when Josh landed on the foreign soil. Taking care of the ‘newbies’ as a social chair, Rachel helped plan Orientation for the new JETs. They met the weekend before Orientation, at a lantern festival with friends. Josh asked Rachel if she thought they’d be friends had they met under normal circumstances in the United States. Rachel looked at the charming Texan and said, ‘Yes, we’d be friends.’ He agreed and the rest is history.
Return to Tohoku: Round-up 09.13.11

Here are updates from a few more of the 20 Tohoku region JET alumni selected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) to return to their town to both engage in volunteer efforts and also help document and share what’s going on there.
- Alan Mockridge (Iwate-ken, Ohtsuchi-shi), originally from the UK and now based in Santa Clara, CA, has started a blog in preparation for his upcoming trip to Tohoku. www.alanmockridge.com Alan reports that his town of Ohtsuchi “was completely destroyed by earthquake, tsunami & fire on 3/11. As you can imagine, after 17 years its been a bit of a challenge to reconnect with my old school but I’ve managed it & will depart on 19th Sep. until 27th.”
- James Foley will be blogging about his visit at jamesafoley.com.
- Brent Stirling (Fukushima-ken, Fukushima-shi, 2006-10) – “Still Alive, Just Really Busy” – Brent, based in Ottawa, writes about getting ready for his upcoming Tohoku visit and includes some of the recent media coverage about him.
You can also check the JETAA USA website post (“JET Alums Return to Tohoku”) for additional information.
CBC News Article on the MOFA/JET Alum “Return to Tohoku” Program

Here’s a link to a nice article on Canada’s CBC News website titled, “Repairing Japan’s image, one teacher at a time: 20 former teachers return to view progress in Japan six months after the earthquake and tsunami.” (By Amber Hildebrandt)
“Japan is employing an unusual method in its attempt to rejuvenate its faltering international image after a massive earthquake and tsunami devastated the country exactly six months ago on March 11.
It comes in the form of a petite, brunette teacher from Canada: Tanya Gardecky, 25, of Aurora, Ont.
Or rather in the form of 20 foreigners from around the world who once taught English in the devastated regions and now have gone back, on Japan’s dime, to view the progress for themselves.
Each was once a teacher with the government-funded JET Programme and taught in the public school system.”
CLICK HERE to read the rest of the article
Return to Tohoku: Video by Michael Blodgett

Update 9/11/11: Michael has also shared a link to photos from his trip along with commentary.
Michael Blodgett (Miyagi-ken, Iwadeyama, Osaki-shi, 2005-07) is one of the 20 Tohoku region JET alumni selected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) to return to their town to both engage in volunteer efforts and also help document and share what’s going on there. Michael is originally from Chicago and currently lives in Osaka.
Thanks to Michael for getting in touch and sharing the below video he made about his visit:
JETwit will continue to post updates from other participating alums.
Click here to read other “Return to Tohoku” posts.
If you are returning to Tohoku and would like to share your updates, please feel free to e-mail jetwit [at] jetwit.com.