JETAA Podcast Beat

JETAA Podcast Beat is a weekly round-up of current JET and JET alumni podcasts and podcast appearances compiled by Emmalee Manes (Toyama-ken, 2016-19)
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Welcome to the JETAA Podcast Beat! Every week we’re sharing the newest podcast episodes from JET alumni and current JETs. Studio Ghibli lovers, be sure to check out “The Perfect Show” for a special episode about Princess Mononoke. For Halloween vibes, check out “Season by Season”. To geek out about Japanese theme parks, listen to this week’s episode of “Krewe of Japan”. For everything else, please enjoy listening to one of these recent episodes this week!

よっぱれ英会話 English Nomikai Podcast
In this eikaiwa podcast targeted to Japanese English-learners, Emmalee Manes (Toyama-ken, 2016-19) talks to fellow JET alumni, current JETs, and Japanese English teachers and friends about cultural differences between Japan and their home countries (all while sharing some drinks!)
International Relationships「国際恋愛」with Hattaku!
Emmalee and Hattaku talk about Hattaku’s relationship with a girl from the Netherlands, Emmalee’s experiences dating Japanese men, and the difficulties that come with dating someone from another country.
インスタ: @yoppareikaiwa
~Please check out Hattaku’s accounts!~
Hattaku Nihongo Podcast

Krewe of Japan
Krewe of Japan is a weekly podcast co-hosted by Doug Tassin (Fukushima-ken, 2007-10) that takes listeners on audio journeys through Japanese culture. With our hosts as your guide, and the help of guest experts, Japanese natives, and ex-pats, understanding Japan is now easier than ever before.
Japanese Theme Parks ft. TDR Explorer
In this week’s episodes, Strap in for a wild ride as the Krewe talks Japanese theme parks! Nigel, Jennifer, & Doug all share their own experiences and favorite parks around the country. Then, Chris Nilghe of TDR Explorer joins us to talk all things theme parks! Tokyo Disney vs. Universal Studios Japan… who wins? Chris shares his top tips & tricks, along with some great insider knowledge for planning any theme park-based trip in Japan!

AIGA Design Podcasts
How is design changing as a discipline and profession? What are the current landscapes and future horizons of innovation? What are the opportunities for the design community? AIGA’s Lee-Sean Huang (Oita-ken, 2003-06) explores these questions and more with creative practitioners and business leaders to deepen the impact of design across all disciplines on business, society, and our collective future.
Fireside Chat with Robbie Tseng, Vice President, Growth Design at HBO Max
AIGA Executive Director Bennie F. Johnson talks with today’s leaders in design, business, and technology, focused around the topics of leadership growth, the future of work, and creating a culture of design. Join us in welcoming Robbie Tseng, Vice President, Growth Design at HBO Max.
This Fireside Chat was originally livestreamed on October 13, 2021. Watch the captioned video version here:
As the largest professional membership association for design, AIGA offers you deep personal connections with your community. Your membership dues are an investment in yourself, your profession, and a network of creative changemakers, problem solvers, and professionals. Join today:

Season by Season
Join Alexis (Shimane-ken, 2009-11) and Kit, lifelong friends who now live on opposite coasts, as they explore poetry, music, and sound on a journey through the rhythm of nature expressed by the seasons.
In this chilly (and chilling!) episode, Kit and Alexis journey through the eerie, melancholy season of Halloween and the Day of the Dead; will they escape alive, or will they meet their grim deaths as predicted in their calaveras literarias?! In Hiro’s Corner, a closer look at the seasonal concept of “Winter’s Neighbor,” or departing autumn.

The Perfect Show
The Perfect Show is a podcast where host Scot Maupin (Hokkaido-ken, 2008-09) is cataloging the perfect things in life, one by one. Each episode he examines something that he or someone else thinks is perfect.
Mononoke, Miyazaki, and Maebashi – もののけ姫 – 宮崎駿 – 前橋市
This episode Scot explores being in Japan for the opening of Mononoke Hime (Princess Mononoke) in 1997, and trying to see it again before it was available in the US. Mononoke Hime was Scot’s introduction to the animated movies of Hayao Miyazaki and began a life-long appreciation for his work and films.
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