Zorgamazoo wins 3rd prize at New York Book Show

************* Good news to report from Rob Weston (Nara-ken, 2002-04), author of the rhyming novel Zorgamazoo: One reason I travelled to NYC last week was because my book was up for a design award from the Bookbinder’s Guild of New York, presented at the New York Book Show. …I’m very pleased to announce that Zorgamazoo […]
botodesigns by JET Alum designer Chen Reichert

One of the pleasant surprises that came out of yesterday’s JET Alumni Author Showcase was learning about Philly-based JET alum Chen Reichert, creater of botodesigns. In her Etsy site’s own words: Welcome to the world of Boto created by Chen Reichert! Meet Boto, a robot in Japan. During his travels, Boto has met other robot […]
JET Alums and the art scene

What’s the connection between JET alumni and the NY art scene? It turns out that a JET alum, Matt Schlecht (Akita-ken, 1998-99), is the editor of NY Art Beat (www.nyartbeat.com), an online art review and listings site, which grew out of Tokyo Art Beat. Matt says they’re always looking for writers to contribute to the […]
According to Rob Weston’s (Nara-ken, 2002-04) recent post on his blog, “Zorgamazoo has been chosen by the Children’s Literature Assembly as a notable book for 2009. The Assembly is affiliated with the National Council of Teachers of English.” Rob explains that each year the Assembly selects 30 titles that “demonstrate uniqueness in the use of […]
James Kennedy “Librarian” essay sets blogosphere atwitter

Following James Kennedy’s (Nara-ken, 2004-06) recent post of his essay describing the heretofore unpublicized lifestyles and rituals of librarians (a “cult” of which Kennedy’s own wife is admittedly a member) in connection with the American Library Association’s awarding of the “Best Book for Young Adults” to Neil Gaman, author of Coraline, rather than Kennedy’s The […]
********************** James Kennedy (Nara-ken, 2004-06), author of The Order of Odd-Fish, has a new blog post in which he “attacks” the American Library Association in a uniquely entertaining way. Below is an intro which doesn’t even begin to do justice to the full post. In January the American Library Association held its Midwinter Meeting in […]
Writing opportunity: JQ (JETAANY Quarterly) seeks writers

JQ (JETAANY Quarterly) Magazine editor Justin Tedaldi is seeking writers for the below assignments. If interested, contact Justin at magazine /atto/ jetaany /dotto/ org. 1. JETAA ALUMNI AUTHOR SHOWCASE – MARCH 22 @ 1:00 p.m. On March 22, JETAA NY is pleased to present three great authors – Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99), James Kennedy (Nara-ken, […]
Roland Kelts upcoming appearances: Pasadena, CA, Hobart College and NYC

******************** For the West Coast JET set out there, Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99), author of Japanamerica, will be speaking this Sunday, March 1, at the Pacific Asia Museum in Pasadena. Full details here: http://www.pacificasiamuseum.org/calendar/calendar-next.htm And for the Upstate NYers, on March 4 Roland will be at Hobart and William Smith Colleges. Full details here: http://www.hws.edu/academics/fisher_center/fc_events.aspx#09s_kelts […]

Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, Kariya-shi, 1992-94) *jetwit [at] jetwit.com *Connect with Steven on LinkedIn *Read Steven’s Personal Blog (stevenwaseda.wordpress.com) Steven is the creator of JETwit and the founder of the Writers Interpreters Translators (WIT) Group. He also served as the editor of the JETAA NY Quarterly Newsletter (now “JQ“) from 2002 through 2008, served as JETAA […]