Originally posted to the JETAA DC website by JETAA DC Newsletter Editor Kathryn Kovacs: http://jetaadc.org/okaeri-volunteering-your-way-to-a-job/ Amber Liang, a former JET participant in Kochi Prefecture, shares her experience using volunteer work to boost her resume and land a job. She is now gainfully employed and serving on the JETAA New York Board of Directors. Volunteering. What does […]
JQ Magazine Seeks Writers for Winter 2012!

As winter approaches, JETAA New York’s JQ magazine continues to provide content with an ever-expanding array of articles, interviews and features (see our recent stories here). We’re now looking for new writers, including recent returnees and JET vets, from all JETAA chapters worldwide for posting stories via our host at the global JET alumni resource site JETwit.com. (Scribes are […]
JQ Magazine Seeks Writers for Summer 2012!

As we slide into summer, JETAA New York’s JQ magazine continues to provide content with an ever-expanding array of articles, interviews and features (see our recent stories here). We’re now looking for new writers, including recent returnees and JET vets, from all JETAA chapters worldwide for posting stories via our host at the global JET alumni resource site JETwit.com. […]
CLAIR-NY Report: JETAA USA Support for Communities in Japan

CLAIR-NY recently posted the below report, written by Senior Researcher Matthew Gillam, on its website about JETAA USA chapter activities in support of communities in Japan: http://www.jlgc.org/TopicList.aspx?topicCategoryID=6&topicID=271&languageTypeID=1&controlType=Display JETAA USA Support for Communities in Japan Recent examples as of May 2012 One way that the many JET alumni chapters in the US work to stay connected […]
JQ Magazine Seeks Writers for Spring 2012!

As we march into spring, JETAA New York’s JQ magazine continues to provide content with an ever-expanding array of articles, interviews and features (see our recent stories here). We’re now looking for new writers, including recent returnees and JET vets, from all JETAA chapters worldwide for posting stories via our host at the global JET […]
JETwit Diary 11.02.10

JETwit Diary is a new feature by Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94), founder and publisher of JETwit. It’s time to re-connect with JET alum readers. Sure, I connect with JET alums all the time. At JETAANY events, meetings and conferences as well as in exchanges with numerous alums around the world via e-mail, Facebook, LinkedIn, the […]
JET alum James Kennedy turns “Odd-Fish” novel into school curriculum

In a rather brilliantly creative move, James Kennedy (Nara-ken, 2004-06), author of the acclaimed young adult novel The Order of Odd-Fish, has developed a classroom guide for the novel which is intended to be used by school teachers in class with their students. In James’ own words: Some schools have put The Order of Odd-Fish […]
JETAA International Conference Twittered live from Jamaica!

JETAA Jamaica (ya’ mon, there really is a JET alumni chapter in Jamaica) is hosting this year’s JETAA International Conference today and all weekend. And in a nice use of new media, Ryan Hart, one of JETAA USA’s three country reps, is Twittering live from the conference and doing a great job. Here’s the feed […]
Roland Kelts on Australian radio

Check out this interview on Australian radio (ABC) with Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99), author of Japanamerica, about the anime industry in Japan, financial foibles and hentai habits. Roland recently finished a speaking tour in Australia where made several appearances. July 13-16th, Sydney, AU, JSAA Conference, University of Sydney July 17th, Sydney, AU, The Japan Foundation: Panel w/Susan […]
James Kennedy (Nara-ken, 2004-06), author of The Order of Odd-Fish continues to redefine the standard job description for “author.” In his latest adventure, he gave a speech at the American Librarians Association where he forcibly took the Newbery Award from “Neil Gaiman.” And that’s not even the most shocking part. After watching the video clips […]
Roland Kelts Australia tour

Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99), author of Japanamerica, is en route to Australia where he’ll be making several appearances. For JET alums in Australia, here are the dates and locations where you can catch him. And if you do happen to see him, by all means go up and say “G’day.” He really appreciates meeting other […]
JETAA Canada National Conference Keynote Speech – May 30, 2009 – Toronto By Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, Kariya-shi, 1992-94) IMPORTANCE OF COMMUNICATION Minasan, Ohayo gozaimasu. 1. First, I’d like to thank JETAA Canada and Gloria Ma and everyone else involved with this conference for inviting me here to speak today. As an American, I have to […]
James Kennedy interviewed by School Library Journal

Great interview with James Kennedy (Nara-ken, 2004-06), author of The Order of Odd-Fish, by Elizabeth Bird of the School Library Journal. JET-riffic bonus: They use Zorgamazoo author Rob Weston’s (Nara-ken, 2002-04) blurb in the opening paragraph of the interview, and they’ve included the video clip of James from the JET Alumni Author Showcase.) http://www.schoollibraryjournal.com/blog/1790000379/post/1160044516.html
JETAA NY Learning to Blog Workshop: Part 2

Update: I ran the second “JETAA NY Learning to Blog Workshop” last Wednesday evening, April 29 in the back of Cosi on 31st & Park, not knowing quite what to expect. It turned out to be a lot of fun and everyone found it helpful and productive. (Click here to read about the first one.) […]
*************** Another good post from my brother Greg on TheDigitalists.com, this one on Kindle and the future of book publishing. Definitely worth a read by JET alums authors and those working in publishing, especially on the heels of the JET Alumni Author Showcase. Much of the chatter surrounding Mark Bowden’s Vanity Fair piece on the […]