May 8

By Kirsten Phillips (Niigata-ken, 2005-08)

Loving Japanese music from afar is hard.

If it sucks this bad in the red, white, and blue I can only imagine what my poor J-music loving kindred in Yugoslavia must be enduring. Living in Japan was my oyster! For years I had to pay massive amounts every time Shiina coughed out a single or assisted someone else in coughing one out (I am dedicated, if broke…) In addition, much of the Japanese music that gets any play whatsoever on these shores doesn’t usually cater to my taste. Sure, I love Cibo Matto and Shonen Knife but they are practically unheard of in Nippon. That’s because by now they’ve worked themselves so firmly into the American indie diaspora, they are never to return. They didn’t so much make it over there, they left and began over here.

And truly no offense? But PuffyAmiYumi can kiss my ass. No, no, I don’t hate them? But I’m also not 12, thank you. Read More

May 8

Hikaru Utada upcoming U.S. store appearances – NY, LA, SF, Sea, HI

According to JETAA Ongaku Connection, Hikaru Utada is back in the U.S. and will be making the below store appearances.  Meanwhile, stay tuned for the JQ (JETAA NY Quarterly) Magazine exclusive interview with Utada, coming out in two weeks!

Tuesday, 5.12 @ 7:00 PM
Best Buy
529 5th Ave
New York, NY 10017-4608
For more info call: 212-808-0309

Wednesday, 5.13 @ 6:00 PM
Hard Rock Cafe Hollywood & FYE
1000 Universal Studios Blvd
Ste. 99
Universal City, CA 91608
For more info call 818.622.ROCK (7625) or 310.641.7170

Thursday, 5.14 @ 6:00 PM
Best Buy
1717 Harrison
San Francisco, CA 94103-4272
For more info call 415.626.9682

Friday, 5.15 @ 6:00 PM
FYE @ Southcenter Mall
2636 Southcenter Mall
Ste. 2110
Seattle, WA 98188-2823
For more info call 206.439.3636

Saturday, 5.16 @ 3:00 PM
Sam Goody
1450 Ala Moana Blvd.
Ste. 1049
Honolulu, HI 96814-4607
For more info call: 808.945.9027

May 7

Music: Hanami Taiko tonight at Drom (NYC)

JET alum Ariel Shearman (a member of the the Soh Daiko taiko group) shared the following (FYI, Ariel studies under Kaoru Watanabe, a longtime member of KODO, based in Brooklyn, and Kaoru is in the group performing tonight):

Thursday May 7th 2009 (TONIGHT)
Naka Naka Series presents:
Yoshikazu and Yoko Fujimoto
(founding members of KODO)
and Special Guests
$15 Advanced Tickets, $20 at the Door

Read More

May 6

Music: ConnectForce Productions Presents…

Producer Adren Hart (Nagano-ken, 1998-2000) is showcasing some new music talent this weekend at Drom in NYC’s East Village.

Friday, May 8th 7:30pm – $10 in advance/$12 at the door

Vocalist Catarina dos Santos sings a unique mix of African, Brazilian and Portuguese music with a groove that is bright, colorful and full of the joy of the tropics.

Saturday, May 9th 7:30pm – $10 in advance/$12 at the door

Described as “the kind of artist musicians love to play with and audiences love to appreciate” NY-based Japanese jazz vocalist Mamiko Taira takes center stage along with Tadataka Unno on Piano, Joseph Lepore on bass, and Luca Santaniello on Drums.

85 Ave. A (btwn 5th/6th Sts.)
NYC 10009

Apr 25

Event Digest for Late April and May, Toronto, Ontario

JetWit job poster Stephen Palanik (Fukushima Ken, 2004-08) learned of the following events through the Consulate General of Japan in Toronto website and thought they might be of interest to former JETs in the Toronto area. Stephen is a translator based in Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka Ken, and he periodically posts job listings and event information for JET alumni.

Click the respective links for more information related to the following events taking place in the Toronto area at the end of April and throughout May.

April 29 – The Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre hosts a Dedication to Bill Hashizume, the translator of an invaluable directory of Japanese living in Canada, published in 1921.

April 30 – The Tokyo String Quartet plays the secnd concert of a Beethoven cycle which will develop over two concerts each season of Music Toronto for three seasons.

May 1 – The Japan Foundation, Toronto presents ANTIMATTER: A Viewpoint on Contemporary Japanese Art, a lecture by Yuri Mitsuda, the Curator for the Shoto Museum of Art in Tokyo.

May 2 – It’s time once again for the annual JCCC Bazzar at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre!

May 3 to 31 – East Meets West – The Art of Gerald and Setsuko Lazare at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre is the coming together of two people from distinctly different cultures, in love with art, and how it affected their future lives and careers.

May 6 – After hugely successful performances for two years in a row, Katsura Sanshi, the Rakugo master, will be returning for the third time to Toronto for a single performance at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre.

May 6 to 9 – The annual CanAsian International Dance Festival is known for the presentation of world-class, pan-Asian dance that ranges from rarely seen traditional dances, to cutting edge contemporary forms.

May 25 – The Canadian Soccer Association will host the Women’s National Soccer Team of Japan for an intermational friendly match.

Apr 24

U.S. High School Japanese Karaoke Contest – via YouTube

Definitely some future JET alums in this crowd.  It turns out there’s a national contest for U.S. high school students to submit “karaoke videos” in which they sing Japanese songs which are then judged by a panel of experts.  (Come to think of it, I wonder if there are any JET alums now working as Japanese teachers who have students who submitted videos.)

You can see the full slate of the winner and finalists here:

And the winning entry below:

Apr 21

Via Sabrina Carlin on the JETAA Pacific Northwest e-mail list:

For those Yoshida Kyodai fans out there, the Brothers are playing at the Triple Door on May 20th. There are two shows, 7 pm or 9:30. Tickets are $23 or $26 at the door. You can call over the phone for tickets for a small service fee. The doors open at 5 pm, and they have a full dinner menu available. A few of us Alums are going to the first show. Want to join us?

For those of you who’ve never heard of them:

One more video clip below the fold: Read More

Apr 2

“Bankruptcy Lover” – by Bankruptcy Bill and The Fresh Starts

Bankruptcy Bill is a cartoon created by Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) and Gideon Kendall.  To see more strips as well as original bankruptcy haiku, go to

Ladies and gentlemen, debtors and creditors, we are pleased to share the debut single by Bankruptcy Bill & The Fresh Starts….

Bankruptcy Lover

(Click either the link above or the image below to listen.)


Bankruptcy Bill & The Fresh Starts groupies can get their…

Click here for the lyrics and explanatory notes as well as a note on copyright and use restrictions. Read More

Apr 2

HappyFunSmile to play at Columbia festival April 10

Happy Fun Smile, will play at Columbia on April 10.
Date: Friday, April 10, 2009
Raindate: Friday, April 17, 2009
Time: 4:00 – 8:00 PM
Location: Low Plaza

Mar 19

Meet Utada Hikaru – New York, LA, Miami


Thanks to JQ (JETAA NY Quarterly) Magazine editor Justin Tedaldi (CIR Kobe-shi, 2001-02) for sharing this info for the benefit of all the Utada fans out there. Oh, and stay tuned for Justin’s exclusive, in-person interview with Utada-san in the Spring 2009 issue of JQ.

Come Meet Utada!

Utada will be appearing at the following Sephora Locations:

Sephora Hollywood & Highland
Tuesday, March 24 – 6-8PM
6801 – Hollywood Blvd.
Hollywood, CA 90028

Sephora 5th Avenue
Wednesday, March 25 – 6pm-8pm
597 5th Avenue
New York, NY 10017

Sephora South Beach
Friday, March 27 – 7-9pm
721 Collins Ave
Miami, FL 33139

More info at

Mar 14

JETAA Ongaku Connection Google Group

Hey Folks,

Fresh from the desk of the JETAA Ongaku Connection Group, here are a few shows around NYC for music fans.  Click here for more info or to join the group.


NIPPON JAZZ NYC Meet-Up – 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month, 8pm –
11pm.  Yours truly hosts an event bringing together Japanophiles and
emerging Japanese talent.
Blue Owl Cocktail Lounge, 196 Second Ave @ 12th St., NYC 10003, $5

– 11:00pm, The Kitano, 66 Park Ave. @38th St., NYC 10016, $15 min.

JAPAN NITE ’09 @BOWERY BALLROOM March 22nd, 8pm, 6 Delancey St. New York, NY 10002, NY, New York 10002,

ASOBI SEKSU @ BOWERY BALLROOM April 2, 8pm, 6 Delancey St. New York, NY 10002, NY, New York 10002,

Feb 25

JET alum and NY-based Japanese band otaku Ilya Blokh is going to this show on Thursday night and welcomes anyone else who’s interested to join him.

Bloody Panda – A doom band from NYC with a Japanese female vocalist @ Santo’s Party House (96 Lafayette St in Manhattan), 2/26, 7pm.

Driven by the mournful, melodic vocals of Japanese frontwoman Yoshiko Ohara, Bloody Panda’s transcendent sound finds its roots in the dirge-like power of Swans, the amplifier-worshipping textures of Earth, and the ethereal tension of Skepticism, as well as in various traditional styles from around the globe. The band synthesizes its esoteric influences into focused, powerful, anthemic songs, hailed by Decibel Magazine as “Khanate-caliber doom metal” and by CMJ New Music Monthly as “New York microtonal funeral doom”.

See their MySpace page here:

Feb 20

JetWit Blog Beat: Short and Sweet

JetWit Blog Beat by Crystal Wong (Iwate-ken, 2002-04) is a recurring item featuring posts from the blogs of various JET alumni.  Crystal is a former English-language writer for Kyodo News. She now works as a media planner in Chelsea and sorely misses all her favorite midtown ramen joints.

Robert P. Weston (Nara-ken, 2002-04) is pleasantly surprised to find out about the Green Book Award, which is designed “to promote books that inspire a child to grow a deeper appreciation, respect and responsibility for his or her natural environment.”

Current JET Jody Godoy (Fukui-ken, 2005-2009), brings a taste of inaka life to her readers as she prepares to leave JET.

Still trying to make it up to your sweetie for a less than stellar Valentine’s Day? Rack up bonus points by sending him/her this sweet tune found on Lee-Sean Huang’s (Oita-ken, 2003-06) blog.

Happy Friday, everyone!

Feb 20

JETAA Philly: KyoDaiko

Via the JETAA Philadelphia subchapter:

On Friday, March 6, 2009 there will be what looks like an amazing and fun taiko performance taking place – cosponsored by KyoDaiko, a group in which Therese Stephen (fellow Philly JETAA member) is a member.  We are hoping to support this performance as a group!  Please let me know if you are interested in going, and we can hopefully arrange for a fun night out!  Please see the details below…   Thanks!

Renay & Natasha


This is to let you know Philadelphia’s first community taiko group, KyoDaiko, is co-sponsoring, with the Asian Arts Initiative, a performance by Taiko Project at the Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts. We’d love it if you could support the event by coming, or by passing this information along to your friends and family!

Asian Arts Initiative and Kyo Daiko present TAIKOPROJECT in concert

Friday, March 6, 2009, 8 p.m. Read More

Jan 29


JETAA NY Magazine Editor Justin Tedaldi (CIR Kobe-shi, 2001-02) has apparently just landed a phone interview with Hikaru Utada to run in a future issue, and he’s looking for good questions to ask her.  E-mail responses to Justin at magazine /atto/ jetaaany /dotto/ org.

Hi everyone,

I just received an e-mail saying that Utada Hikaru will call me tomorrow (Fri. 1/30) afternoon to do an interview with JETAA NY Quarterly about her forthcoming English studio album, which will be released in the U.S. at the end of March.

I thought it would be cool to put out a request to the JET Alumni community for any questions you’d like to ask her. I’ll do my best to include as many as I can.

Please e-mail your questions to Justin Tedaldi at magazine /atto/ jetaany /dotto/ org no later than 1:00 p.m. this Friday.

Official release info for the new album appears below.  Yoroshiku! Read More

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