Jan 10

Pacific Northwest JETAA Newsletter seeks submissions by January 16

Via Pacific Northwest JETAA:

Fellow JET Alums,

In two weeks’ time, our annual newsletter will be going to proverbial print. You’ll be able to read about all the things PNWJETAA has been up to this past year, as well as get a forecast for the future. Last year, we added a new column called “Haikus From You and Short Stories.” We welcomed poetry (haiku or other), stories, and photographs from JET Alums. We got a bunch of good haikus, several entertaining tales, and some neat photos.

We welcome you to submit your creative work again this year. If you are sitting on stories, poems, or pictures, send them our way. Simply reply here. We’d love to showcase your creative work. Please submit all materials by next Wednesday, January 16th.
If you have any questions, let us know. If you’re in need of inspiration, here’s a haiku from Matsuo Bashou’s The Narrow Road to the Deep North:
The first poetic venture
I came across —
The rice-planting songs
Of the far north.
Happy 2013,
PS – In case you missed the newsletter last year, here you go: 2012 PNWJETAA Newsletter 

Brett Rawson
Newsletter Coordinator
JETAA USA – Pacific Northwest Chapter
E: newsletter@pnwjetaa.org

Jan 9

jetaabcThe latest issue of the JETAABC Newsletter is now available. The January issue includes a poignant article on Rikuzentakata by former  Alison Dacia Brown (Iwate-ken, Rikuzentakata-shi, 2005-08) as well as an article on Photohoku, hockey in Japan, and other JET-relevant topics.  JETAA BC is also one of the few remaining chapters to publish a print-layout newsletter, and they do a great job at it.


Dec 24

“Introduction to the JET Program” video created by JET alum Eliot Honda

Here’s the latest video project by Hawaii-based JET Eliot Honda (Ehime-ken, Uwajima-shi), who previously created four videos about his JET town of Uwajima-shi as well as a video titled “Sister City Ties“:

Eliot says: “I finally completed the JET Program Introduction video. (Revised, hopefully audio and graphics look better.)”


Published on Dec 23, 2012

An Introduction to the JET Program.The Japanese Government, CLAIR, nor The JET Program had any involvement in the creation of this video. All information displayed in this video came from the experience I had over my three years on JET, as well as speaking with other ALTs throughout Japan. Your experience may differ, because as they say:”Every situation is different.”

For official documentation on the JET Program please visit these sites:

Wallpaper by Kevin Macleod
Sunshine by Kevin Macleod

Dec 14

State of Colorado recognizes contributions of JET alumni to Colorado-Japan relationship

Written by JETAA USA Board of Advisors member Jessyca Livingston who also serves as the JET Coordinator at the Consulate in Denver:

The Consulate General of Japan and Consul-General Ono recently hosted the 2012 National Day Reception. Rocky Mountain JET Alumni Association Executive Officers and Board Members were among the invitees along with other Japanese Community members, business leaders and government officials (including Denver Mayor Hancock).

Every year, the State of Colorado issues a Proclamation to the Consulate General of Japan in Denver on the occasion of the National Day Reception. This year, marked as “The year of opportunity for enhanced relations, friendship and mutual understanding between Japan and the State of Colorado”, acknowledged the success of the JET Program and the many participants sent from Colorado as a key component which continues to strengthen ties between Colorado and Japan.

The number of JETs sent from the Rocky Mountain region remains strong as does the quality of JETs we send as participants. Additionally, many of our JET alums in this region remain involved in supporting and strengthening US-Japan relations in a variety of fields locally, nationally and internationally. This recognition from the State of Colorado is indeed significant to RMJETAA and to the JET Program as a whole.

Nov 27

JETAA DC Newsletter seeks writers and submissions

Via JETAA DC Newsletter Editor Sarah Howe:

Hi everyone!
My name is Sarah Howe, and I’m the JETAADC Newsletter Chairperson.  Hopefully, you’ve all read the summer edition of the JETAADC newsletter!  If you haven’t, feel free to check it out on our newly-redesigned website (jetaadc.org).  Now I’m working on the fall edition, and I would love to feature some of your submissions!  Let the rest of the JETAADC community know what you’re up to, whether you’re taking aikido classes, frequenting some awesome ramen shops downtown, or attending seminars on Japan-U.S. relations.  The newsletter is also the perfect place to relive the experiences we had on JET and share our memories with everyone.
If you’re interested in submitting an article/picture/haiku, or if you have any questions or comments about the newsletter, please send me an email.  I’m looking forward to reading about your amazing experiences!
Sarah Howe <sehowe [at] email [dot] wm [dot] edu>;

Nov 25

JETAA Chicago Career Forum Videos

Here are a couple videos from the recent JETAA Chicago Career Forum.  (Thanks to JETAA Chicago Treasurer Thomas Osugi and Jobs/Social Activities Coordinator Dan Martin for making this available.):

Crafting Effective Resumes – Mamiko Fujita
How to Network and Build a Career – John Casey

Nov 20

JETAA Ottawa: Elections 2013

*************** Posted by Gemma Villanueva (Fukushima-ken, 2008-11), editor for the JETAA Ottawa Newsletter. Visit the Canadian chapter’s website here for more stories. Written and photo submissions are always welcome. Please contact us at newsletter[at]jetaaottawa[dot]ca.

Elections 2013

We are pleased to announce that we are looking for the 2013 JETAA Ottawa Board of Directors! If you are interested in getting actively involved with JETAA Ottawa, now is your chance. Detailed information about platform submissions and each position’s responsibilities can be found here  on our website. The JETAA Ottawa bylaws are posted here on our website.

Please join us on Monday, December 10, 2012 at The Exchange Pub & Restaurant in Rideau Centre. (Please note that the Annual General Meeting is scheduled to run from 6:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. and is open to alumni only. Voting open to JET alumni, so we hope to see you there! We will be discussing the year’s events, budget, elections and other JETAA Ottawa business. From 7 p.m. onwards, the party is open to all alumni friends and family.) Please send your RSVPs for the “Annual General Meeting/Bonenkai” to current Event Organizers Ferra-Lynn and Ala  [ events [at] jetaaottawa [dot ] ca ] 

Read More

Nov 19

JET alum seeks members for new taiko club in Atlanta

Posted to the JETAA Southeast Facebook group by Melanie Davenport (Gifu-ken, 1991-92):

“Hello everyone! I’m working with a young woman, Sarah Choy, who plays Taiko to try to form a Taiko Club here in Atlanta! If anyone is interested in becoming involved or just wants to be kept in the loop about our progress, please let me know! What fun will this be?! Ikimasho! Tanoshii!”

If interested, check for updates on the JETAA Southeast Facebook group and get in touch with Melanie there.

Nov 3

JQ Magazine: 2012 JETAA National Conference in San Francisco Recap

JETAA USA delegates at the residence of Ambassador Hiroshi Inomata, Consul General of Japan in San Francisco, Oct. 26, 2012.


By Pam Kavalam (Shiga-ken, 2007-09) for JQ magazine. Pam is Secretary of the JET Alumni Association of New York (JETAANY) and a participant at this year’s National Conference.

Thursday, Oct. 25

Hosted by the JETAA Northern California (JETAANC) chapter, the conference kicked off with a “reception” at Off the Grid, a collection of gourmet food trucks inspired by Asian night markets and conceived and run by JET alum Matt Cohen (Saga-ken, 2001-04).

Friday, Oct. 26

The delegates from 18 of the 19 JETAA USA chapters received a welcome from JETAANC President John Dzida, Consul General of Japan in San Francisco Hiroshi Inomata, and Takaaki Ogata from CLAIR New York. Noriko Watanabe from the Embassy of Japan in Washington, D.C. gave a touching personal farewell from Ambassador Ichiro Fujisaki, who attended the past two JETAA National Conferences and will be leaving his post this year. Workshops topics included sister city-JETAA cooperation; databases and approaches for chapter membership management; and the utilization of Google apps and websites to publicize programs. There was also an update on the National 3/11 Relief Fund, which raised nearly $90,000 from all 19 chapters for Tohoku recovery efforts. The evening ended with a reception at the Consul General’s Residence and continued networking at Local Edition in the Financial District.

Saturday, Oct. 27

The Country Representatives discussed their visions for JETAA in the coming year and introduced the newly formed JETAA USA Advisory Board, which consists of four seasoned JET alums who will provide guidance to all national and regional leadership. It includes James Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-94) and Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) of JETAANY; Ryan Hart (Chiba-ken, 1998-99) of Pacific Northwest JETAA; and Jessyca Livingston (Hokkaido, 2003-06) of Rocky Mountain JETAA. Other workshops discussed organizing chapter finances; a JETAANC-run high school scholarship program; facilitating cultural exchange through continuing Japanese traditions such as kabuki; and a panel with members of the Northern California community, including JET alums Ken Wakamatsu (Hiroshima-ken, 1996-1998) at Salesforce and Ryan Kimura (Shizuoka-ken, 2004-06) of JCCC Northern California (and the owner of a purikura shop in San Francisco’s Japantown!). The panel discussed how JETAA chapters can form relationships and collaborate with community groups to engage members. The delegates finished the night with a CLAIR reception at Yoshi’s San Francisco and a cable car sightseeing tour.

Read More

Oct 25

JETAA USA National Conference in San Francisco this weekend

I’m heading to San Francisco today to participate in the the JETAA USA Conference for the next four days hosted by JETAA Northern California. A great opportunity to meet and work with officers from the 19 US chapters to build and strengthen the JET alumni community and its goals and purposes.

Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94)

Sep 30

JETAA Northern California announces 2012 Scholarship Winner

Milo Barisof (front right) celebrates winning the 2012 JETAANC scholarship with his parents, Steven and Bonnie, and JET Alumni John Dzida and Johanna Wee. (Photo by JETAA NC.)

Via the JETAA Northern California website.  FYI, ten years ago JETAA Northern California created a scholarship for students who demonstrate interest in Japan’s language and culture.  

The JET Alumni Association of Northern California recently awarded its annual scholarship to Milo Barisof, a graduate of Alternative Family Education, an independent home study program in Santa Cruz, CA.

Throughout his high school career, Milo pursued his passion for Japanese language and culture while maintaining a demanding course load. His years of diligent practice were apparent when Milo was awarded first place at the 38th annual Japanese Speech Contest, sponsored by the Consulate-General of Japan in San Francisco. In addition to his academic achievements, Milo is an accomplished violinist, who performed throughout high school with the Santa Cruz County Youth Symphony.

“Milo’s love of the Japanese language and his passion for learning is very apparent,” said Johanna Wee, JETAANC board member. “Given Milo’s work ethic and drive, I am confident he will achieve everything he sets out to do in life.”

Milo entered Pomona College in Claremont, CA this fall. He plans to major in Japanese.

The JETAANC scholarship is awarded to students who demonstrate an interest in Japan’s language and culture. Applicants are evaluated on academic accomplishments, extracurricular activities, personal essays and letters of recommendation. The scholarship is in its 10th year.

Sep 22

JETAA British Columbia Newsletter – September 2012

JETAABC Sept 2012 Newsletter

The latest issue of the JETAABC Newsletter is now available. In this “Food Issue”, they talk about making Chicken Namban, preparing bentos for lunch in a reasonable amount of time, fermenting your own natto, eating locally-produced food, checking out various izakaya restaurants in Vancouver, and much more!

Sep 19

JETAA DC Summer 2012 Newsletter

The JETAA DC Summer 2012 Newsletter has just been published.  Here’s the link:  http://xa.yimg.com/kq/groups/7247642/324117872/name/JETAADC+Summer+Newsletter.pdf

Here’s a note from JETAA DC Newsletter Editor Sarah Howe:

Hi everyone,

I’m Sarah Howe, your new JETAADC newsletter chairperson. A lot of JET alums have been busy this summer, and you can read all about it in the attached summer newsletter! If you’re doing something Japan-related that you’d like people to know about, please consider submitting an article to the fall newsletter. We’d love to read your stories!



Sep 17

Nagasaki JET alumni meet Nagasaki Governor and Assembly members together with Nagasaki Group in New York

Via the Japan Local Government Center blog:

Nagasaki JET alumni meet Nagasaki Governor and Assembly members together with Nagasaki Group in New York

(Click link above to see photos.)

In early September, Four Nagasaki JET alumni participated in an exchange meeting with a delegation from Nagasaki Prefecture (led by the incumbent Governor Nakamura) and the Nagasaki Association in New York (New York Batten-kai).

In the first part, Nagasaki residents in New York and the alumni spoke of their ideas and opinions about how to revitalize Nagasaki Prefecture. The alumni proposed the promotion of eco-tourism, making the most of the newly introduced Shinkansen, etc. The Governor, assembly members including the Assembly Speaker Mr. Watanabe and other prefecture officials listened to them earnestly.

After that, they happily spoke with each other about their memories of JET life in Nagasaki and so on.

September 17th, 2012

Counselor / Deputy Executive Director, Hotaka Kawasaki

Sep 17

JETAA: Rocky Mountain JETs Come Out For The Kids

Via the Japan Local Government Center blog:

The Rocky Mountain JETAA chapter has been busy with two recent events helping out their various Colorado sister cities.

Fujiyoshida, in Yamanashi-ken, and Colorado Springs just celebrated their 50th anniversary in early August, so RMJETAA mobilized their Colorado Springs and Denver JET alumni to participate in the festivities in Colorado Springs and be available to assist with translating, interpreting, and other duties for the 70 visitors from Japan. One main place they helped out was the family event held at America the Beautiful Park on August 4th. Because many JET alumni from Colorado Springs were placed in Fujiyoshida as ALTs and CIRs, the celebration was a great chance for friends and acquaintances on both sides to get together again and reminisce about old times spent together in Japan. As part of the celebration, Mayor Horiuchi of Fujiyoshida and the students presented a check to Colorado Springs for $11,415, raised by the citizens of Fujiyoshida to help their sister city recover from the recent devastating wildfires there.  Although Fujiyoshida now directly contracts with Colorado Springs for private CIRs it was wonderful that they could still draw on the resources of their former ties to the JET Program.


Click JLGC link for the full blog post in English.

クリックJLGC リンク 日本語 ブログ.

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