JETSites: JET Prefectural Websites and Newsletters?
JetWit has just created a new page in the JETLinks section of this site called “JET Prefectural Websites and Newsletters.”
So far, the only ones listed are Hiroshima-ken and Akita-ken. There are, of course, many more out there. So please send an e-mail to jetwit [at] jetwit [dot] com to share links for your prefecture’s:
- Website
- Blog
- Yahoo or Google group
- Wiki-site
- Facebook page
- Twitter feed
- LinkedIn group
- Any other crazy new form of media the kids have come up with recently
Thanks and yoroshiku.
Dan Dooher, an Akita-ken ALT and who also serves as the Prefectural Advisor, recently let JetWit know about their English-language guide to Akita-ken for JETs.
Not sure if other prefectures have done something similar or if this is standard, but Akita-ken has put together a fantastic wiki-style site. When you first arrive you see a map of Akita divided into cities. Clicking on a city leads to a whole wealth of useful information for any JET (or any English-speaker for that matter) who’s planning on going there.
The left sidebar includes links to topics such as Entering JET, Financing, Travel, Health, Driving, Computers and Phones, Entertainment, Volunteer Opportunities and other extremely helpful topics. On the right are feeds for “Latest Discussion” and “Events/Updates.” And scrolling down leads to a Calendar as well as an Article Spotlight featuring “What is the Akita International Sumo Taikai?” (Note: How come my prefecture didn’t have a sumo taikia?) (Additional note: How come the internet didn’t exist when I was on JET?)
Do other prefectures have JET sites like this? (We know, for example, that Hiroshima-ken has The Wide Island View, a terrific e-zine for the JET community there, published by Gail Cetnar Meadows and Josh Zimmer.)
If so, please send the link to JetWit along with any other info and we’ll be more than happy to post it on the site for the benefit of readers.
Japan Fix: South Carolina
Note: This is the second in what JetWit hopes will grow into a series of “Japan Fix” articles. How do you get your Japan fix wherever you live? Write it down and send it to JetWit for the entertainment and benefit of the JET alum community.
Japan Fix: South Carolina
By Daniel J. Stone (Saitama-ken, 2004-07), JETAA South Carolina Subchapter Rep
After spending seven years In San Diego and Los Angeles followed by three years in the metro Tokyo area, the decision to return to my hometown of Greenville, South Carolina with my wife who hails from Tokyo was a bit naïve when I look back to when we first returned to “America’s Bible Belt” in 2007.
Despite the geographic location, demographics and the overall facts that South Carolina is a small and rural state, one can get their “Japan Fix”, if they know where to look.
The International Center of the Upstate (ICU), located at the Greenville City Hall building, is a non-profit organization devoted to promoting cross-cultural understanding among local and international residents of Upstate South Carolina. It was here where my wife and I went to learn of where to go and what to do in the area’s international community. One of the first things I did was volunteer at ICU’s English conversation group where a group of Japanese spouses attended the weekly session.
Another group which was helpful was the Japan America Association of South Carolina based in Greenville. Through this group I was able to network with Japanese expatriates working at various companies in the area and like-minded Americans.
Lastly, there is the good ‘ol JETAA group based in Atlanta. It was through here that I met other JET alums in the area.
The Tanpopo, aka “Dandelion”, located at the corner of Pelham Road and Highway 14 is a Read More
JETAA Chapter Beat 6.17.09
Freelance writer/editor Jonathan Trace (Fukuoka-ken, 2005-08) takes us on a walk around the JET Alumni community for another edition of JETAA Chapter Beat.
- Pre-Departure Seminar – Saturday, June 27th, 8:00 to 5:00 at Almansor Court. The 2009 JET participants are gearing up for their adventure to Japan, and JETAASC is leading the way with this orientation weekend. Workshops include: Financial Matters, First Time Teachers, Advice on Moving, Japanese Etiquette for Beginners and Jr./Sr. HIgh School.
- Wilson Park BBQ – Saturday, July 11th, 12:00 at Wilson Park in Torrance. Spend a summer day outside with JETs, family and JET alumni.
- JET Pre-Departure Reception – July 31st in Detroit. JETAA and the new batch of 2009 JET Participants are getting together before the day of departure arrives for some guidance, laughter and memories.
- Ask JET Brownbag Lunch – June 21st, 12:00 to 2:00 at Golden Gate Park Arboretum. 2009 JET Participants are welcomed to this informal get together to ask questions and learn about the JET experience by JET alumni. Don’t miss this great chance to learn and share.
- Pre-Departure Volunteers Needed for Workshops – As the 2009 group of JET Participants prepare to leave, JETAANC is looking for volunteers for a Japanese Cross Culture Workshop and a Q&A for New JETs Workshop.
- Natsu Matsuri Summer Picnic – Sunday, June 28th, 11:00 to 3:00 at Golden Gate Park Speedway Meadow. New JET participants, JET Alumni and friends are getting together for a casual ad fun day outside with good food and company.
- 2009 JET Q&A Session and Nijikai – Sunday June 27th following the weekend orientation activities PNWJETAA will be hosting a special pizza dinner and Q&A session for new JET Participants. Afterwards will be a Nijikai at the Elephant and Castle.
- Walk for Rice – Saturday, June 20th, 8:00 to 12:30 at Seward Park. Join PNWJETAA in a free 2.5 mile fun run and walk-a-thon to benefit the Asian Counseling and Referral Sevice Food Bank.
- JETAADC Volunteer Event – Sunday, June 28th, 11:30 to 1:30 at Loaves and Fishes in Columbia Heights. This years JETAA Volunteer Event will be preparing and serving hot lunches for 200 people in need at Loaves and Fishes. Lend a hand and spend the day giving back.
- NOVA Brewfest – Saturday, June 27th at the Morven Park in Leesburg, VA. JETAADC is getting together at this years Northern Virginia Summer Brewfest “Celebration of American Beer.” More details soon.
- Shaitsu Clinic and Workshop – Friday, July 10th, 6:00 at the YWCA Hotel. The Canadian College of Shiatsu Therapy and JETAABC are hosting an event to learn more about the shiatsu experience. Learn about it firsthand and let the stress melt away.
What happened at your chapter’s event? If you attend(ed) any of these exciting events, JetWit would love to hear about them. Just email Jonathan Trace with any info, stories or comments.
Note: This is the first in what JetWit hopes will become a series of “Japan Fix” articles. Each article can be a simple guide for where to go to get a Japan fix in your neck of the woods, or a more personal account of how you get your Japan fix. (Or in Kirsten’s case below, both of those and more.) The goal is to use the collective brain of the JET alumni community for the benefit of the JET alumni community.
Japan Fix: New York City
By Kirsten Phillips (Niigata-ken, 2005-08), writer of the Kirsten’s World columns on JetWit
There are thousands of different angles to approach a story like this, particularly in a metropolitan city such as New York. But I’d really love to expand this topic and hear about Japan Fixes in other parts of the country, preferably those without a coast! Yes, I’m talking to you Wyoming! Hi there, Kansas City! Since Japan means something different for everyone who walks away from it, I’d really like to hear about where and how you find Japan. Whether its building a raft and fording rivers to reach that one Kaiten Sushi bar, renting your favorite Japanese language film, or simply chatting with your Japanese neighbor down the hall, tell us all about it!
Now let’s get one thing straight. I earned an admirable jones before I even lived in Japan.
I have my buddy Reiko to thank for the multitude of pre-JET Japanese obsessions I harbored before marching knee-deep into the trenches. In Nueva York, karaoke was only something I did when I was too drunk to care about the lyrics and the only songs I knew then were by Shiina Ringo. Tarako-spaghetti was novelty, not survival. I entered without ceremony. Tips were important. The sole purpose of a handkerchief was for gagging. Vending machines only offered one thing.
Although prior knowledge of Japanese custom, popular wastes of time and cuisine-abuses was a reasonably applicable methadone for the harder edges of culture shock, nothing can fully prepare you for the experience of living on Japanese soil. Everyone gets shocked in one way or another. However, once you get used to the vibe and start running with the pack, untangling yourself from that mentality can be equally as harsh. Three years of opening important doors with 失礼しますand public transportation that runs on time can really leave a mark. Also, it’s hard to say goodbye to your favorite onsen, izakaya, chuugakkou and depaato. A majority of these are difficult to revive even in facsimile here in the States unless you wanna fork over your rent check.
But for those who are blessed enough to live in or around Nueva York, Read More
Where do you get your “Japan fix”?
This is a call out to JET alumni in chapters everywhere about where you get your “Japan fix,” i.e., where you go in your town or region to feel connected with Japan, whether through food, karaoke, cultural activities or interacting with Japanese people.
The goal is to end up with a collection of “Japan fix” articles from different JET alumni chapters and from JET alumni in different cities and towns throughout the U.S., Canada, UK, Australia and anywhere else. (Well, except in Japan, where you get your Japan fix pretty much every day.)
The purpose is to aid JET alums who live or are planning to move to a certain area. A great way to know where to go for things Japanese in your new home town. And a great way to use our collective JET alum brains to help each other out.
JETAA Montreal is already working on the first one. If you want to write one for your chapter, subchapter, town, state, province, etc., feel free to get in touch. Or just write it and email it to Steven at jetwit [at] jetwit [dot] com and put “Japan Fix” in the subject heading.
Yoroshiku and gambarimashou!
JETAA South Carolina Sub-chapter sets up Facebook group
JETAA South Carolina Sub-Chapter rep Daniel Stone (Saitama-ken, 2004-07) has set up a JETAA South Carolina Sub-Chapter Facebook Group. A great way to connect with the JET alumni community for any JET alums in the South Carolina area or with South Carolina connections, or any JET alums or current JETs who are planning on moving to South Carolina.
Daniel has been doing a great job at getting the JET alumni community moving in South Carolina along with great support from the growing JETAA Southeast chapter based in Atlanta. CLAIR and MOFA made a big push at last year’s JETAA USA Conference hosted by JETAA Pacific Northwest in Seattle to encourage the formation of subchapters and invite subchapter reps to attend the conference. And South Carolina is one of a number of examples where the subchapter movement is really starting to flourish.
Speaking of which, if you’re involved in a subchapter in your area and want to let the JET alum community know more about it, just send an email to Steven at jetwit [at] jetwit [dot] com.
JETAA Chicago to host JETAA US national conference August 21-23
This just in from JETAA USA Country Reps Ryan Hart, Randall Crowder and Shreek Kurlekar:
Hello JETAAers, On behalf of US-7 JETAA Chicago and JETAA USA, we are pleased to officially announce that the 2009 US National Conference will be held in Chicago over August 21-23. Emi Fukuda, President of US-7, and the rest of the Chicago chapter are working very hard to make the preparations for a wonderful conference. We all owe Chicago our gratitude and a big collective otsukare sama de gozaimasu on behalf of JETAA USA!
- Here’s the link for conference info on the JETAA Wiki site (Betcha didn’t know there was a JETAA Wiki site, deshou.):
- To read the latest version of the JETAA Chicago Newsletter put out by Editor Elizabeth Friedman (Shimane-ken, 2003-04), go here:
- Notably, Chicago is the home chapter of some great JET alum writers, including James Kennedy (Nara-ken, 2004-06), author of The Order of Odd-Fish, and poet James Shea, author of Star in the Eye.
JETAA DC Book Club to meet in SpaWorld
Check this out. The JETAA DC Book Club is not only reading a book about Japanese baths for its next meeting (Getting Wet: Adventures in the Japanese Bath by Eric Talmadge), it’s actually planning on holding the discussion at SpaWorld, the Korean spa chain that has a location in the D.C. area.
According to JETAA DC book club organizer Daniel Knowlton:
It’s a great non-fiction tour of the public baths and hot springs around Japan – their history and their culture – told through personal anecdotes of an American who has lived in Japan for 20+ years straight. For those who loved the public baths, it will bring up fond memories, and for those who haven’t, you still have the chance to try out an Asian-style bath here in the DC area…
…Because we’re meeting at Spa World to talk about the book! This place is the real deal. It’s run by a Korean family, and they’ve done the Asian-style bathing just right. That means gender-separated baths with no clothes allowed! After you bathe, you can put on Spa World’s yellow pj’s and try out the many sauna rooms. The common room also has lounging chairs, free wireless internet, snacks, and drinks.
Please RSVP to Dan by June 21st if you want to go.
Date: Sunday, June 28th
Time: Morning-ish
Price: $35 (gets you in to all rooms/baths, and lets you stay for 24 hours!)
SPA World website:
JETAA Chapter Beat 6.3.09
Freelance writer/editor Jonathan Trace (Fukuoka-ken, 2005-08) takes us on a walk around the JET Alumni community for another edition of JETAA Chapter Beat.
- Scavenger Hunt – June 13th, location and other details to be announced.
- Pre-Departure Seminar Volunteers Needed – Saturday, June 27th, 8:00 to 5:00 at Almansor Court. The 2009 JET participants are gearing up for their adventure to Japan, and JETAASC is looking for JET Alumni to guide them on their way. Share your experiences, wisdom and laughs with the new crowd and become a volunteer.
- San Francisco Nomikai – Thursday, June 4th, 6:00 at Double Dutch. Cool off and hang with friends at this month’s Nomikai.
- Pre-Departure Volunteers Needed for Workshops – As the 2009 group of JET Participants prepare to leave, JETAANC is looking for volunteers for a Japanese Cross Culture Workshop and a Q&A for New JETs Workshop.
- Kickball! – Shobu Cup Round 2 – Saturday, July 11th, 11:00 to 3:00 at Golden Gate Park. JETAANC and the Japan Society of Northern California are facing off once again in a round of Kickball. Come enjoy some friendly competition followed by a potluck BBQ.
- Sushi Mixer – Saturday, June 13th, 3:00 to 7:00 at the Mirage Clubhouse. JETAA Texoma is hosting a sushi party to kick off the summer.
- Origami Workshops – June 16th, 17th and 18th, from 6:00 at the Consulate-General of Japan in Houston. JETAA Texoma needs a few volunteers to make origami for a Tanabata celebration in July. Come lend your hands and help out the consulate.
- Tampa Subchapter Tsudoi – Friday, June 5th, 7:00 at Panera Bread in the Brandon Mall. The Tampa Subchapter will be hosting their monthly Tsudoi, an informal time for anyone interested in Japanese and Japanese culture.
- Kaiwa – Thursday, June 4th and 18th, 5:30 at 43 Below. Practice your Japanese with old friends and some tasty snacks.
- Winter in the Valley Wine Tour – Sunday, June 28th 10:45 to 5:30. JETAAWA is heading on a wine tour to Lancaster Wine and Black Swan Winery as well as several other fun locations. Join in for a casual day of sophistication and fun.
- NOVA Brewfest – Saturday, June 27th at the Morven Park in Leesburg, VA. JETAADC is getting together at this years Northern Virginia Summer Brewfest “Celebration of American Beer.” More details soon.
- Happy Hour – Friday, June 5th, 6:00 at Wann Izakaya.
- Walk for Rice – Saturday, June 20th, 8:00 to 12:30 at Seward Park. Join PNWJETAA in a free 2.5 mile fun run and walk-a-thon to benefit the Asian Counseling and Referral Sevice Food Bank.
What happened at your chapter’s event? If you attend(ed) any of these exciting events, JetWit would love to hear about them. Just email Jonathan Trace with any info, stories or comments.
Via JETAA Southern California:
JET Alum Movie Premieres in Japan: “The Harimaya Bridge”, starring Danny Glover , Harry Lennix, Misa Shimizu, JET Alum Mike Coleman, and more!
Synopsis: After the sudden death of his estranged son, an English Language teacher in rural Kochi prefecture, an American man must go there to claim some important family items. While there, he discovers some secrets his son left behind. The Harimaya Bridge takes place in Kochi, Shikoku, where traditional customs remain strong and the ancient bridge of the title still exists. The bridge is a fitting metaphor for the film, which addresses the connections-and conflicts-between past and present, fathers and sons, insiders and outsiders, Japanese and Americans.
Directed by JET Alum Aaron Woolfolk, with supporting cast consisting of: Margaret Avery (The Color Purple), Viola Davis (Doubt), Harry Lennix (Ray, The Matrix Revolutions, The Matrix Reloaded), Danny Glover (Lethal Weapon series, Dreamgirls), Ben Guillory (The Color Purple, Maid to Order, The Tuskegee Airmen), Misa Shimizu (The Eel/ Palm d’Or – Cannes Film Festival, 1997), Saki Takaoka (A Long Walk/Best Picture – Toronto Int’l Film Festival, 2006), Julius Tennon (Dazed and Confused, Small Soldiers, Lonesome Dove)
Calling JETAA UK
JetWit is seeking a writer or two (or even three or four) to do occasional posts that have a UK/Euro focus.
Topics could be upcoming or recent JET alum events or gatherings, job search experiences or advice, keeping an eye out for appropriate job listings, sharing career perspectives, readjustment, where to get your Japan fix in various locales, restaurant or film reviews, or just post-JET life in general.
If you’re interested in working on the effort to make sure that JetWit is not so NorthAmerica-centric, please get in touch with Steven to chat over email or perhaps Skype.
Oh (JETAA) Canada!
I just had a great time in Toronto this past weekend (May 29-31) where I had the honour (Americans: please note spelling) of being invited to be the keynote speaker for the JETAA Canada National Conference.
Here’s what I have to report:
- I think the speech went well and resonated with the chapter reps, especially on the themes of creating structures and motivation to get more JET alums to self-identify and view themselves as part of the JET alumni community. (Full text of speech available here.)
- Several people told me they were familiar with JetWit but didn’t really get what it was all about and how it could be helpful until they heard me talk about it and provide the background and context.
- People seem to be much nicer in Canada. From the hostess at the trendy Panorama bar where we gathered the first night even to the personal search I had to go through at airport security. (Did I mention that my suitcase was already on the baggage carousel by the time I got to the baggage claim area upon arrival? First time ever in my life that’s happened.)
- JETAA Toronto did a fantastic job of hosting, thanks to the hard work of Conference Organizer Amy Schindler, JETAA Canada Country Rep Gloria Ma, JETAA Toronto Co-chairs Natalie Bey and Glen Morales, Website & Communications Chair Darryl Young, Website Support (and professional illustrator) David Namisato, Treasurer Sonia Cheng and many others.
- A number of chapters, especially in the less populated areas of Canada, are struggling with ways to keep their membership lists above a certain level (which they need for continued financial support from CLAIR) due to some evolving new requirements on who can be counted as a member. (So if you’re a JET alum in, e.g., Saskatchewan, and not on a chapter list, please get in touch with your chapter!)
- The main street in Toronto is called Bloor Street, which sounds funny if you keep saying it over and over.
- JETAA Toronto recently hosted a successful event featuring the work of JET alumni artists. A great idea to try and replicate in other chapters. Actually, it would be really nice if someone wanted to start a Facebook or Google group for JET alumni artists. If you do this, get in touch and I’ll help get the word out. There are a lot of good ones out there.
- I learned of two more JET alumni academics/authors: Alison Gabriele (linguistics) and Karen Healey (literature). (Thanks to linguistics grad student and JETAA Montreal chapter rep Moti Lieberman for sharing the info. Moti, by the way, also offered to write a piece for JetWit on where to go in Montreal to get your “Japan fix.” Part of the idea is that any JET alums planning on moving to Montreal will stumble on the article and then know to get in touch with the JETAA chapter there. If anyone else wants to write a “Japan fix” piece for wherever you are, please feel free to get in touch. It would be great to have a whole series of these.)
- I had a wonderful informal walking tour of Toronto with Robert Weston (Nara-ken, 2002-04), author of Zorgamazoo (which just won an E.B. White Honour given to the 4 best “read-aloud” books).
All of which is to say, if you’re ever invited to attend the JETAA Canada National Conference, by all means take them up on it.
And lastly, thanks to everyone from Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Ottawa and elsewhere for your hospitality and for allowing me to join the conference. It was a terrific experience and is already leading to more cross-chapter collaboration and communication.
WITLife #41: Drugs for all!
WITLife is a periodic series written by professional Interpreter/Translator/Writer Stacy Smith (Kumamoto-ken, 2000-03). Recently she’s been watching Fujisankei’s newscast in Japanese and sharing some of the interesting tidbits and trends together with her own observations.
Starting today in Japan, as a result of loosening of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act, consumers will be able to purchase nonprescription drugs at convenience stores and supermarkets. With this deregulation, conbini and supermarket chain operators will be allowed to sell most nonprescription products such as cold and stomach medicine at outlets staffed with registered sales clerks.
Currently, consumers can only buy nonprescription products at drug stores where pharmacists are in attendance, but the legal change will allow consumers to buy such drugs at conbini around the clock. A conbini operator senior official said that Read More
JetWit is cho-beri excited that Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) has been invited to serve as the keynote speaker for the JETAA Canada National Conference this weekend in Toronto.
The national conference, which is being hosted by JETAA Toronto, is an opportunity for officers from Canada’s JETAA chapters to get together, brainstorm, exchange information, discuss the nitty-gritty of grant-in-aid funding and by-laws and form relationships that will help lay the groundwork for future generations of JET alumni in Canada and elsewhere.
Speaking of which, JetWit’s own Canadian roots have blossomed in recent months thanks to Toronto native Stephen Palanik (Fukushima Ken, 2004-08), a translator currently living in Japan who has been posting job listings on JetWit as well as events and updates from the Canadian JETAA-sphere.
In his speech, Steven (Horowitz) will be discussing the topics of communication and cross-chapter collaboration and afterwards possibly also trying out the wonderful sport of curling. (Is that still in season in late May?)