Roland Kelts interviewed by AnimeNewsNetwork’s Chicks-On-Anime

A good (and long) interview with Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99), author of Japanamerica, by Bamboo and Sara (aka Chicks-On-Anime) has been posted on the AnimeNewsNetwork.
James Kennedy “Librarian” essay sets blogosphere atwitter

Following James Kennedy’s (Nara-ken, 2004-06) recent post of his essay describing the heretofore unpublicized lifestyles and rituals of librarians (a “cult” of which Kennedy’s own wife is admittedly a member) in connection with the American Library Association’s awarding of the “Best Book for Young Adults” to Neil Gaman, author of Coraline, rather than Kennedy’s The Order of Odd-Fish, the blogosphere was atwitter with commentary about Kennedy, who will be appearing in NYC March 22 for the JET Alumni Author Showcase along with Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99) and Robert P. Weston (Nara-ken, 2002-04)).
The Handless Poet’s Maria Alexander said:
I’m buying James Kennedy’s book, The Order of Odd-Fish. I’m buying it entirely because of this blog post. James Kennedy could quite possibly be the funniest man in America.
School Library Journal’s Elizabeth Bird wrote:
Bad news for my husband. I have just fallen head-over-heels in love with James Kennedy, author of the YA novel The Order of Odd-Fish. Ladies and gentlemen of the liking men variety, I advise you to be very careful in reading this blog post of his which tells (in a fashion) of his experience with the last ALA Media Awards. He had me at “conniving sidelong lope” and now I feel compelled to read every damn word the fellow has ever written, starting from the early scribbles he scrawled out as a toothless mewling babe. Ba-bump goes my little heart. I also feel inclined to give him a bad review with the sole intention of hoping that he will write about me and do complicated things with my name. As I read through it I almost want to dedicate this entire post solely in the purpose of getting you to read this blog. Go. Now. Read. This. Man. I, for my part, am off to read his book. Even if it is YA.
Roland Kelts on Japan’s News Zero interviewed by Sho Sakurai

Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99) was recently interviewed by Sho Sakurai on Japan’s News Zero program. Click here to watch the clip on YouTube. (Good opportunity to practice your Japanese a bit as well. :-)
JQ Magazine: Winter 2009 “New Issue” of JETAA NY Quarterly Magazine Now Online!

Otsukare sama deshita to Justin Tedaldi (CIR Kobe-shi, 2001-02), the new editor of JQ, JETAA NY’s Quarterly Magazine, for putting out the first issue of the Magazine. And what an amazing issue it is.
Go to to see the issue online.
Here’s the table of contents:
- Page 3…..Letter From the Editor
- Page 4…..Nippon News Blotter
- Page 5…..JETAAnnouncements
- Page 6…..East Meets West
- Page 7…..Nihonjin in New York Featuring the JLGC by Junko Ishikawa
- Page 8…..JETlog by Sean Sakamoto
- Page 9… Q&A with Steven Horowitz
- Page 9…..Catching Up with Randall David Cook by Lyle Sylvander
- Page 10…Youth for Understanding by Sylvia Pertzborn
- Page 11…Theatre Review: Shogun Macbeth / John Briggs Q&A by Olivia Nilsson and Adren Hart
- Page 12…Speakit LLC: Kevin Kajitani Interview by Junko Ishikawa
- Page 13…Jero: The JQ Interview by Justin Tedaldi
- Page 14…Joost!: Japanese TV on Your PC by Rick Ambrosio
- Page 15…Film Review: Sukiyaki Western Django by Elizabeth Wanic
- Page 16…An Inside Look at Japan Airlines by Kelly Nixon
- Page 17…Japan Society’s Best of Tora-san Series by Matt Matysik
- Page 18…Chip Kidd Talks Bat-Manga! by Justin Tedaldi
- Page 19…Book Corner: Natsuo Kirino’s Real World by David Kowalsky
- Page 19…Restaurant Spotlight: Wajima by Allen Wan
- Page 20…Adventures in SwirlySwirlDates by Rick Ambrosio and Nicole Bongiorno
- Page 21…Yosakoi Dance Project by Kirsten Phillips
- Page 22…The Tale of Eric and Ozawa by Rick Ambrosio
- Page 23…Top 14 List / Next Issue / Sponsors Index
Help JET alum Suzette Simon get into the Caroline’s Comedy Competition

Click here to vote for Suzette Simon (Tochigi-ken) (aka “The Subway Comic“) to be one of the entrants in Caroline’s “March Madness.” (Here’s the full voting URL address:
“March Madness” hosted by Caroline’s Comedy Club is one of NYC’s most challenging and fun comedy competitions. It’s 64 comics going head to head for comedy glory! However, to win it, she’s got to get in it. So help Suzette out by voting her in. (You can vote OFTEN but only once a day.)
The deadline is Sunday, March 1.
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
Learn more about Suzette at her website: and by watching this NY1 feature on her.
JETAA NY Quarterly Magazine (JQ) Interviews JetWit

From the 2009 Winter Issue of JQ, the JETAA NY Quarterly Magazine: Taking the JET Alumni Community to Another Level
After spending the last several years growing the JETAA NY Quarterly newsletter into a full-fledged alumni magazine, Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) began focusing his efforts on last fall. JQ caught up with Steven to learn more and see how he’s doing.
JETAANY Quarterly: Hey, what is a JetWit, anyway?
It’s just “JET” plus the acronym for “Writers Interpreters and Translators.” I started the WIT e-mail group last May to find more writers for the JET alum publications and also to help freelance translators find more work opportunities. I wanted to create a sort of public face for the WIT group to be able to do these things on a more consistent basis. I also wanted to create an online archive of newsletter articles that editors from other JETAA chapters could easily access and copy and paste for their own chapter newsletters.
JQ: Then why does JetWit look like an elephant?
[Laughs] I knew I wanted a Japanese-style mascot, so I went to graphic designer and Web developer Zi Mei (Saitama-ken, 2002-05) because I’d seen some of the excellent characters he created on his site ( I told him I wanted a cute little furry animal, and he somehow he came back with an elephant that he named A.J. which I love anyway. Read More
From the 2009 Winter Issue of JQ, the JETAA NY quarterly magazine:
A JET Alum’s Experience Makes its Way to the Stage: JQ Catches Up With Playwright Randall David Cook
By Lyle Sylvander (Yokohama-shi, 2001-02)
Three years ago, the Gotham Stage Company produced the terrific play Sake with the Haiku Geisha by JET alum Randall David Cook (Fukui-ken, 1991-93). The entire evening consisted of five one-act vignettes, all involving cross-cultural conflict among expatriates in Japan. As I noted in my review for JQ at the time, what made the play so successful was its exploration of the psychological issues confronting the main characters.
At first glance, Randall David Cook does not fit the profile of the typical playwright. As a human resources specialist with an international MBA, he was working in a corporate capacity at Newsweek magazine when two random events set him on a play writing course.
“I was dissatisfied with most of the new plays I was seeing at the time,” Cook says in his native South Carolina accent. “I kept insisting that I could do better, and one of my friends set me up on the challenge. At the same time, I was heartbroken over a relationship that had just ended and writing seemed like a good way for me to channel my emotions into a more productive pursuit.” Read More
Know a Newsletter Editor: Mark Frey – JETAA Northern California

Mark Frey (Kumamoto-ken, 2002-06) has served as the Newsletter Editor for JETAA Northern California since 2007. But how did he find himself in this position? And what else do we know about this man who has been entrusted not only with JETAA NC’s news needs but with with responsibility for a small child as well? JETAA Chicago’s Elizabeth Friedman (profiled in the previous edition of Know a Newsletter Editor) decided to get to the bottom of things, and this is what she learned.
Residence: Beautiful Lake Merritt neighborhood of Oakland, California
Job: Marketing Manager, MIG, Inc.
What he does all day at work: Write proposals, dream about Japan
How he found his job: Website for the Society for Marketing Professional Services (professional society for my field of work)
Job he would really like to be doing: Teaching!
First job after JET: Marketing Manager, MIG, Inc.
How he ended up as the Newsletter Editor: Was asked at a weak moment after about the 5th kanpai at a JETAA shinnenkai. Read More
Video: Roland Kelts on Studio360 with Kurt Anderson

A sampling of what’s to air on NPR’s Studio 360 Goes to Japan on Saturday at 10 am, featuring Roland Kelts (Osaka, 1998-99):
Elizabeth Friedman (Shimane-ken, 2003-04) recently took over the role of Newsletter Editor for JETAA Chicago. But how did she find herself in this position? And what else do we know about this woman who Chicago’s JET alums have entrusted with such informational responsibilities? JetWit decided to get to the bottom of things, and this is what we learned.
Residence: Chicago, IL
Job: Sales representative at Nippon Steel Sales and part-time Asian Art History Instructor at Triton College
What she does all day at work: Listen to people complain about why their steel has, or has not, been shipped
Job she would really like to be doing: I would like to Read More
JET Alum Business Beat: Yvonne Thurman starts Dolly Bella Bakery

Yvonne Thurman (Kagoshima-ken, 1994-95), former JETAA NY President, recently left her position as Director of the Columbia Business School’s Center on Japanese Economy and Business (CJEB) to start her own baked goods business, Dolly Bella Bakery ( Read below as she explains what led her down this path and how it’s all going.
I have enjoyed my career at Columbia Business School , directing its Center on Japanese Economy and Business with Professor Hugh Patrick. After 10 years of working there, I was searching in the corporate sector for business development positions but couldn’t find something that really excited me. So I pushed myself to think outside of the box, and really took a good look at my strengths and skills, work experience and education, and analyzed what I really enjoyed doing.
I was fixated on keeping my career in the international organization/international business arena, but I had to explore all options. I had solid management skills, a degree in finance and business, international experience (same as so many…but wait!)…liked boating as a hobby…loved baking. Hmm. I started to put all that together. Read More
Roland Kelts in Boston for “Grave of Fireflies” Event Feb. 11

Roland Kelts (Osaka, 1998-99), author of Japanamerica, will be at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston on Wednesday, February 11 for a screening + discussion of the animated film Grave of the Fireflies. More details here. (Side note: Lyle Sylvander (Yokohama-shi, 2001-02) wrote an excellent and succinct review of Grave of the Fireflies for the Spring 2008 JETAAA NY Newsletter.)
BONUS: Roland’s story on Japanese Youth Pathologies for WNYC’s Studio 360 will air on NPR nationwide as part of this coming weekend’s special Japan edition of the show. (See the recent JetWit post on last week’s Studio360 Japan feature.)
Correction: This post previously listed the date of the MFA event as February 9, but it has now been corrected to February 11. Apologies for any confusion.
James Kennedy Interviewed by Teens at the Evanston Library

James Kennedy (Nara-ken, 2004-06), author of The Order of Odd-Fish, was recently interviewed at the Evanston Library by some wonderful teenagers. Watch a video of the interview below.
From James’ blog: “This Saturday (2/7) I’m going to be appearing at the Fantasy Festival at the Evanston Public Library! There will also be manga drawing, fantasy video gaming, and a screening of the almighty Hayao Miyazaki’s Spirited Away. (See the events sidebar, right, for details.)
In preparation, I sat down with Sam, Zoe, Heather and Luke of the Evanston library’s Teen Advisory Board to
Japanese Convenience Store Clerk Dissertation by JET Alum

I recently learned about an interesting JET alum named Gavin Whitelaw (whom I’ve never met) whose doctoral dissertation at Harvard’s Reischauer Institute involved 18-months of “observant” participation as a convenience store clerk in Japan. Through his writing he then “sought to describe the lifeworld of these stores and understand their cultural significance as industrial system, social arrangement, and personal practice.”
In August 2008, Gavin began working in Tokyo on a new collaborative project through the Asian-Japan Research Center. The project focuses on “the role popular culture plays in the formation of Asian identities” and “the impact of Chinese and Japanese trends in other Asian societies.”
Click here to read Gavin’s introduction with regard to the project. If I can get in touch with him, perhaps we can post a link to his unique dissertation in the near future.
It turns out that the phone interview that JETAA NY Quarterly Magazine editor Justin Tedaldi (CIR Kobe-shi, 2001-02) had scheduled with Hikaru Utada for 1pm on Friday was a mistake–they actually wanted him to do it in person!
So Justin headed out (did his boss know where he was going?) and spent an hour or so chatting away with “Hikki” and asking her various questions he had requested and collected from readers via the “Ask Hikaru a Question!” JetWit post that ran on Thursday. Utada’s parents even showed up at the end giving Justin a chance to chat with Hikaru’s dad for a short while.
The article will run in the Spring 2009 issue of the JETAA NY Quarterly Magazine. But there may be some recorded clips of the interview posted here on JetWit as well as on the sometime in the next month.
Meanwhile, JetWit web traffic spiked mightily over the last two days as a result of the Utada posting on Thursday. It turns out that once word got out of Justin’s JETAA NY interview with Utada, a number of fans posted the item in the comments sections of several Utada-related blogs. Make sure to read the first one below which includes an entertaining discussion among several people of good questions to ask Utada as well as whether to submit a question even though they’re not JETs.