Pacific Northwest JETAA Opportunities Forum and Networking Expo – Oct 17
Hot off the presses from the Pacific Northwest JETAA yahoogroup:
Dear PNWJETAA Members & Friends of PNWJETAA,
“TRANSITIONS: PNWJETAA Opportunities Forum & Networking Expo” is BACK!
The Pacific Northwest JET Alumni Association in Cooperation with the Consulate-General of Japan at Seattle and local businesses and educational institutions is proud to present it annual fall career and opportunities event! In conjunction with the recent return of JETs, who have just completed their contracts in Japan, PNWJETAA is putting together a great program open to all PNWJETAA Members & Friends of PNWJETAA!
THEN YOU NEED TO ATTEND: TRANSITIONS 2009: Opportunities Forum & Networking Expo!
This year’s program will include:
- Opportunities Forum:
o Key note speakers who will address the current job market & grad school options
o Panel (based on needs of those who register, this may break into 2 separate panels) with information & advice for:
§ Getting into the job market
§ Volunteering to serve the community & broaden your social & professional networking circles
§ Strategies on how to use your JET experience when applying to grad school
- Networking Expo – Connect with a variety of organizations including:
o Local Companies
o Educational Institutions
o Community Service Groups
o J-LINK Businesses (J-Link is comprised of companies & organizations owned by or endorsed by PNWJETAA Members)
WHEN – Saturday, October 17th, Noon – 5:30 pm
WHERE – Kirkland, WA
ATTIRE – Dress for Success!
COST – $5 for JET Program Alumni who are registered with PNWJETAA* / $10 for Friends of JETs (FOJs) & Guests
Further event details will be provided to those who register for Transitions 2009.
JETAA New York Softball Tournament – PHOTOS!
JET alum Francis Lee took a whole bunch of great photos from the JETAA NY Softball Tournament, held last Saturday, September 12. The winners in the two divisions were Kintetsu and Docomo. (Though JETAA NY was one error away from holding the lead in that game! :-) Special thanks to JETAA NY Vice-Prez Monica Yuki for organizing, to Liz Wanic for captaining the JETAA NY squad and cheering with extreme genki-ness, to Ito-en for once again providing cold, yummy tea drinks, and to all the teams for coming out, having fun and keeping the tradition alive!
Teams (in no particular order):
- JETAA New York
- Japan Local Government Center (JLGC) + Consulate General of Japan in New York (i.e., the parent organizations of JETAA)
- Columbia’s Center on Japanese Economy & Business (ably managed by Jennifer Olayon)
- Kintetsu
- Mitsubishi (featuring Zack Ferguson)
- Docomo
- TV Japan (starring Scott & Keiko Hiniker :-)
Dozo shyashin wo mite kudasai!
Bruce Rutledge hired as editor of new Ibuki Magazine, seeks ideas and stories from JETs in Pacific Northwest
A nice update from JET alum Bruce Rutledge, the owner of Seattle-based publisher Chin Music Press via the JETAA Pacific Northwest yahoogroup:
Hi everyone, I wanted to let you all know about a new magazine about Japanese culture that was launched this summer. It’s called Ibuki.
You can find it on the Web here:
The publisher has hired me to edit the magazine and has said she would love to hear ideas for stories from former JETs in the Pacific Northwest. The magazine is beginning as a quarterly centered on Seattle, but, the economy willing, it will expand both its focus and its readership in 2010. If you’re coming to Aki Matsuri this weekend, you’ll find publisher Misa Cartier there at the Ibuki table (and you’ll find me at the Chin Music Press table).
Please stop either one of us and say hi if you’re interested in contributing.
For more information about Bruce Rutledge and Chin Music Press just go to
Events: JETAA Toronto Upcoming Events Digest (Toronto)
JetWit job poster Stephen Palanik (Fukushima Ken, 2004-08) learned of the following events through the JETAA Toronto newsletter and thought they might be of interest to former JETs in the Toronto area. Stephen is a translator based in Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka Ken, and he periodically posts job listings and event information for JET alumni.
Japanese Class
If you’d like a fun, casual environment where you can keep up your Japanese language skills, then sign up for JETAA Toronto’s Japanese conversation class.
Classes are conducted in Japanese, and are led by beloved long-time teacher, Sugimoto-sensei.
Conversation level is intermediate, but a lot of individual attention means that beginner and advanced students will also enjoy the class.
Monday nights starting Sept 28
WHAT: 10 sessions; 2 hours each
WHERE: Toronto Reference Library at Yonge & Bloor
WHO: Former JET participants only
COST: $60 to be paid by the second class
Interested parties should contact Sonia.
Read More
JETAA Northern California 2009 Career and Networking Forum – Sept 27
JETAA Northern California and the Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco present:
The 2009 Career & Networking Forum
Sunday, September 27, 2009 – 1:00-5:00 p.m. – Kabuki Hotel
The Career & Networking Forum (CNF) co-sponsored by the JET Alumni Association of Northern California (JETAANC) and the Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco, will take place on Sunday, September 27, 2009 at the Kabuki Hotel ( at 1650 Post Street in San Francisco from 1:00-5:00 pm (registration begins at 12:30).
The event will include industry-related breakout sessions and a keynote address, as well as a networking session where attendees can meet representatives from various organizations, and discuss resumes and job hunting techniques with alumni. This event is FREE for all JET Alumni and $10 for Friends of JET (FOJ).
For all veteran alumni this is a great opportunity for you make some career contacts, catch up with old friends, and help recently-returned JETs. Through the industry-related breakout sessions, we are providing an opportunity for older alumni to help mentor newly returned JETs and JETs looking to transition into another career.
Following CNF the Consul General of Japan in San Francisco, Yasumasa Nagamine will be hosting a reception for recently-returned JETs at the Kabuki Hotel. We would like to invite all JET Alumni attending CNF to this reception to help welcome back JET participants.
Please RSVP through the CNF registration link, also found below.
Tentative Schedule of Events:
- 12:30-1:00: Registration
- 1:00-1:10: Opening remarks
- 1:10-1:40: Keynote
- 1:40-2:45: Breakout sessions by industry
- 2:45-3:00: Break
- 3:00-5:00: Networking Session
- 5:00-7:00: Welcome Back Reception
>> Keynote Address: Timothy Morey, (CIR, Aomori City 1996 – 99) UC Berkeley Haas School of Business MBA, Senior Business Architect at Wipro Technologies. Focusing on the tools that can help you take action to realize your career aspirations.
>> Breakout sessions by industry
Hear from alumni who been there and done that. Get your questions answered from alumni who have all landed new jobs in a variety of fields.
>> Networking Session
What is the power of networking? Find out at this two hour-long session where you will have the opportunity to meet with Bay Area companies and organizations, and fellow alumni engaged in a variety of fields. Alumni will also be available to review your resume and help you showcase yourself and the skills you honed during your years on JET. You will not want to miss this opportunity to get a jump start on your career search!
**Be sure to bring an UPDATED resume and business cards (if you have them).
**Professional attire is required.
If you are interested in attending please register online by Monday, September 21, 2009. Space is limited so register now!
CNF Registration Link:
***If your company or organization is interested in hosting a table during the Networking Session please contact for more information***
JapanInfo eNewsletter – August 2009
The August 2009 edition of JapanInfo is now available online. JapanInfo is published by the Consulate General of Japan in New York/Japan Information Center and is a great source of info for Japan-related things going on in New York and the surrounding area.
Highlights include:
- Farewell Reception for 2009 JET Participants
- House of Representatives Dissolved: General Election to Be Held on August 30
- First Japanese to Complete Extended Stay on the International Space Station
- Bon Appétit with Self-Made Japanese Dishes!
- World Heritage Sites in Japan: Yakushima
- Netsuke – The Art of Utility
- From the Ambasador’s Desk
- And plenty of things to do and see on the Events Calendar.
JETAA Chapter Beat 8.19.09
Freelance writer/editor Jonathan Trace (Fukuoka-ken, 2005-08) takes us on a walk around the JET Alumni community for another edition of JETAA Chapter Beat.
- JLPT 1 Kyuu Prep Course – September 16th through November 18th, every Wednesday night from 6:30 to 8:30 at the Japanese American Association of Northern California. Sign up ends soon, so don’t miss it if you’re planning to take the test in December.
- Way of the Sword Event at the Asian Art Museum – Thursday, August 27th, 5:0o to 9:00 at the Asian Art Museum. Part of the Museum’s special exhibition on “Lords of the Samurai,” this event will feature a discussions and a workshop on drawing a sword with one of Japan’s finest masters of iaido, Esaka Sensei.
- San Jose Taiko presents Rhythm Spirit 2009 Concert Series – Friday, September 11th at 8:00 and Saturday 12th, at 2:00 and 8:00 at the Campbell Heritage Theatre. Catch an amazing performance by this world-class performance troupes this fall.
- East Bay Tabehodai – Friday, August 20th, 5:45 at Zabu Zabu in Berkeley. In place of this month’s nomikai, East Bay is doing a shabu shabu tabehodai, so stop by and grab a drink with JETAANC.
- Second City Saturday Sketch Comedy – Saturday, August 22nd, 11:00 p.m. at Second City. JETAA Chicago as well as members from other JETAA chapters will be checking out the America: All Better! sketch comedy performance this weekend. Join in for some politically charged laughs and hilarity.
- JETAA National Conference Volunteers Needed! – Friday, August 21st at the Dana Hotel. JETAA Chicago is looking for volunteers to help with general tasks and note taking at the JETAA National Conference from 8:30 to 3:00 on Friday. Lend a hand and help welcome the other JETAA chapters, JETAA USA, and CLAIR members.
- J-Happy Hour/Dinner – Thursday, August 18th at Asia Nine in DC. Happy hour begins at 6:00, with dinner to follow at 7:30. Stop by for a drink and a bite to eat with the gang at JETAADC.
- Ship for World Youth – The Japanese government has announced that Australia has been selected as one of the countries that will participate in the 22nd Ship for World Youth(SWY22) Program. They are seeking a 12 member delegation from Australian young people between the ages of 18 and 30 from all walks of life to represent Australia in this unique, 2 month cross-cultural exchange program.
- O-Shaberikai – Wednesday, September 2nd, 5:30 at the Holy Grail in Civic. Join in and meet Japanese people living in Canberra and other locals interested in Japan.
- Nihongo Dake Dinner – Monday, August 31st, 7:00 at Takesushi. Brush up on your Japanese while delighting in some sushi and lively conversation.
- JETAANY Annual Softball Tournament – September 12th marks the day of the Annual Softball Tournament. Brush up on those skills and get out the old mitt, sign ups and more information to follow soon.
- JETAANY Book Club – Thursday, September 24, 7:00. The selection this month is “Daughter of a Samurai” by Etsu Sugimoto. Start reading now and make sure to think of an interesting discussion question for the group.
What happened at your chapter’s event? If you attend(ed) any of these exciting events, JetWit would love to hear about them. Just email Jonathan Trace with any info, stories or comments.
JETAA Southern California elects new officers
JETAA Southern California is pleased to announce the winners of the 2009-2010 JETAASC Officers elections. Please note, there is a position still open. If anyone is interested in becoming co-president, please contact the current officers or the elections coordinator. JETAA SC will be inducting the next officers at their annual Golf and Installation Luncheon on Saturday, September 12th.
Co-Presidents: Zoran Iovanovici, Open
Secretary: Matt Braaten
Treasurer: Frankie Murphy
Dominique Eugene, 2009-2010 Elections Coordinator, Email: elections [at]
New York de Volunteer Happy Hour Fundraiser – Friday 9/25
7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Enjoy Drink Specials, Raffles, and Prizes
Slattery’s Pub
8 E 36th St. (btwn. 5th and Madison Ave.)
100% of cash tips will support to
NY de Volunteer’s
“Explore Japanese After School Program”
@ New York City Parks and Recreation Center
For more information regarding the FUNdRaiser please visit:
New JET Program page on Miami Consulate website
Thanks to the hard work of JET alum Abigail MacBain, current JET Program Coordinator for the Consulate General of Japan in Miami (and former JETAA DC Newsletter Editor), the Miami Consulate has a wonderfully updated JET Program page.
Have a look at Abigail’s handiwork at
Abigail also reports two big JET Program policy changes as of Monday, August 17:
1. JET alumni can now reapply for JET after 3 years instead of 10
2. The previous requirement used to be that you couldn’t have lived 3 or more years in Japan in the past 8 years. Now it’s 6 or more years years in the past 10.
Newsletter: JETAA British Columbia seeks Newsletter submissions
Via the JETAA British Columbia Yahoogroup:
Hello everyone,
Hope you’re all having an awesome summer! This is a call for submissions for the next JETAABC Fall 2009 Newsletter. We always welcome new contributors to submit an article. Any and all ideas (JET or Japan-related) would be great!
If you’re wondering what to write about, here are a few ideas to help you get started:
*life post-JET – personal anecdotes/experienc es
*JET Life / Life in Japan – personal anecdotes/experienc es
*upcoming events or a review of events that have taken place recently (ex. summer events, Powell Street Festival, etc).
*restaurant reviews of Japanese restaurants in Metro Vancouver and Victoria
*former JET personal profiles; profiling local and prominent former JETs
*profiles on a specific prefecture/area in Japan
*Japanese TV and movie reviews
*photos, art, poetry
***For current JETs who have subscribed to this list, we would love to hear from you, too! Tell us about your fantastic life in Japan as it’s happening right now (so those of us back in Canada can live vicariously through you ;p)
The deadline for submissions is Friday, September 4, 2009!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at at newsletter[at]
I hope to hear from you soon! Thank you,
JETAABC Newsletter Editor
Isshoni London: Top 5 Picks for Summer in Japanese London
Great article from the Isshoni London website run by JET alum Vanessa Villalobos (who is also the Communications Officer for JETAA UK).
There’s a welcome lull in frenetic London life over August… time to enjoy some of the finer things in life: food, music and the great outdoors.
If you, like I am, are counting down the days to the Japan Matsuri at Spitalfields this September 19th, you should indulge in a little Japanese cultural exploration over the summer!
I know! I couldn’t believe it either! Simply book your table in advance at Tokyo City Japanese Restaurant near Bank on any Tuesday in August, anytime from 11.30am to 10pm at night. A tasty offer too good to miss, you simply pay a £2.50 service charge and the cost of drinks you order.
City workers can feast for free on everything from handmade sushi and sashimi to bento boxes filled with Japanese classics, plus other traditional Japanese dishes, and help Tokyo City celebrate their 10th birthday and the launch of their new August menu.
Tokyo City is at 46 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7AY
Call 020 7726 0308 and quote the Tokyo City offer when you book.
You’ll be pleased to hear Tsuru Sushi plays host to new Japanese music the last Wednesday of every month! Their 100% Genki events showcase Japanese musical and performance talent.
The events have been running for one year on the last Wednesday of each month, and attract a diverse crowd from the Japanese and local communities. Performers are also diverse, ranging from Wataru Kousaka, a sanshin player, to contemporary electronic composer Anchorsong and many others.
CLICK HERE to read the rest of this article
JQ Magazine’s Summer 2009 “¼ Cheap Trick” Issue Is Out Now!
SUMMER 2009 ISSUE – click image below to download PDF
The leader of a band that’s sold over 20 million records and brought the words “At Budokan” to the big time, the new Japanese ambassador to New York, a tour of Philadelphia that’s uncannily Zen, and chats with award-winning writers, French pastry operations managers and even a maid-outfitted cosplay superstar complete with bunny ears. All this and more in the new summer issue of JETAANY’s JQ magazine.
To preserve our budget for alumni events, and in an effort to be greener and save paper, JETAANY will begin charging for print copies of JQ Magazine. The cost is $12 for 4 issues and you will only have the opportunity to sign up once a year – annual subscriptions will occur each fall. Please note that the magazine, in its entirety, is also available online. If you would like to sign up to receive a paper copy by mail, please follow the PayPal link below (Add to Cart) or e-mail for more information. Remember you must put “JQ subscription” and your desired mailing address in the Paypal comments box.
Editor: Justin Tedaldi –
Page 3…Letter From the Editor / Professional Outreach & Development Rep
Page 4…Nippon News Blotter
Page 5…Comings & Goings
Page 6…An Interview with Ambassador Shinichi Nishimiya by Anne Koller
Page 7…JET Alum Author Cristy Burne Wins Award by Gregory Anderson
Page 8…Philadelphia Loves Japan! by Therese Stephen
Page 9…JETAA in the Big Apple and Beyond by Megan Miller
Page 10.Japan Day @ Central Park Recap by Stacy Smith
Page 10.JETlog featuring Yukari Sakamoto (Chiba-ken, 1989-1990)
Page 11.Nihonjin in NY – Featuring Beard Papa’s Masashi Wada by Janice Chow
Page 12.Cheap Trick’s Rick Nielsen: The JQ Interview by Justin Tedaldi
Page 13.U.S. FrontLine’s Ken Haraguchi on Japanese Newspapers by Junko Ishikawa
Page 14.JETAActivity Photos
Page 15.JET Farewell Reception at the Ambassador’s Residence
Page 16.Maid in America: Q&A with Cosplay Singer Reni by Adren Hart
Page 17.JETAANY Webmaster Lee-Sean Huang by Shree Kurlekar
Page 17.Understanding Japanese Women with David J. Radtke by Rick Ambrosio
Page 18.Theatre Review: Samurai Takamine Jokichi by Anne Koller
Page 19.Film Review: Tokyo! by David Kowalsky
Page 20.Book Corner: Sony: The Private Life by Lyle Sylvander
Page 21.KRAZY! Exhibition at Japan Society by Anton Phung
Page 22.Pop Rock: Q&A with Marshall Crenshaw by Justin Tedaldi
Page 23.Jy? Q! with JET Alum Poet James Shea by Liz Wanic
JETAA Chapter Beat 8.5.09
Freelance writer/editor Jonathan Trace (Fukuoka-ken, 2005-08) takes us on a walk around the JET Alumni community for another edition of JETAA Chapter Beat.
- English Discussion Group “on Japan” – Thursday, August 6th, 3:00 at the San Francisco Downtown Metreon Food Court. The topic of this month’s meeting is “What you are is what you eat,” covering ideas on diet, organic food, vegetarianism, etc.
- Happy Hour – Thursday, August 6th, 4:00 at Double Decker. Enjoy wings, drafts and good conversation with JETAANC this Thursday.
- Japanese Discussion Group “Taboo” – Saturday, August 15th, 3:00 at a location yet to be determined. The topic of this month’s discussion is “The Month of World War II.” Part II of this discussion will continue next week with “The Atomic Bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.” Join in for this interesting discussion.
- JLPT 1 Kyuu Prep Course – September 16th through November 18th, every Wednesday night from 6:30 to 8:30 at the Japanese American Association of Northern California. Sign up ends soon, so don’t miss it if you’re planning to take the test in December.
- Summer Picnic – Saturday, August 8th, 1:00 at the Mercer Island Luther Burbank Park. Semi-potluck(burgers and hot dogs provided) with prizes, puppet shows and games. Don’t miss it.
- Happy Hour – Tuesday, August 11th, 5:30 at Galaxy Hut. Stop by, have a drink and a few laughs with JETAADC.
What happened at your chapter’s event? If you attend(ed) any of these exciting events, JetWit would love to hear about them. Just email Jonathan Trace with any info, stories or