Toronto Fukushima JET alum fundraising

Just noticed on Brent Stirling’s (Fukushima) blog ForYourBrentertainment an item about some Toronto JET alums (Jason Ishida and Eric Chan) who worked in Fukushima who have organized a Japan fundraising event for this coming Saturday, April 9 at Orville’s Pub as well as an additional fundraiser on Sunday, April 10 at the Toronto Buddhist Church Social Hall.
Asahi article about JETAA NY Fundraiser

Thanks to Kyushu-based professional translator Joel Dechant for alerting JEtwit to this article in Japanese on about Tuesday night’s JETAA NY Japan Fundraiser. My Japanese reading ability has weakened over the years, but it looks like I’m quoted at the end of the article. I think the other JET alum quoted is Ayelet Fogel (Sendai City, Miyagi-ken) who is in the photo. (And yes, that’s me in the background of the photo wearing my “JETAANY Nihongo wakaru yo!” t-shirt.)
If anyone would like to translate or summarize in English, please post as a comment or e-mail it to jetwit [at]
English translation below by Lee-Sean Huang, webmaster of JETAANY and JETwit.
〈世界から被災地へ〉第二の故郷「ガンバ!」 元英語教師奔走
ニューヨークのパーティーには約300人が駆けつけ、約90万円が集まった。90年代に愛知県刈谷市に滞在したスティーブン・ホロウィッツさんによる と、米国各地で同様の動きがある。「私たちはどこにいても心の中では日本人。日本で過ごした日々への恩返しをしたいのです」(ニューヨーク=田中光)
<International responses to the Tohoku Earthquake>
Former English Teachers support their 2nd hometowns
April 12, 2011, 10:25
Former American English teachers who worked in Japanese junior high and high schools are organizing to support the victims of the recent eastern Japan earthquake. There was a fundraiser party in New York on the evening of April 5, where many participants came out in support of their “second hometowns.”
Ayelet Fogel (31 yrs/old), from New York’s Long Island, was at her home in Sendai City on the day of the “3/11” quake. She ran outside to safety as items in her home came crashing down.
Fogel has lived in Miyagi Prefecture since August 2003 when she was invited by the Japanese government to serve as an ALT (Assistant Language Teacher) on the JET Programme. After finishing her 3 year term, she remained in Miyagi and taught for 8 years at 7 schools in the prefecture. She is currently employed as an instructor at the Sendai Ikuei Gakuen.
In Minamisanriku Village and Kesennuma City, where Fogel spent her first 2 years in Japan, she has many friends whose houses were washed away by the tsunami. The beautiful coastline where she went fishing and surfing many times in the past with her friends has been turned into a mountain of rubble. JET participant Taylor Anderson, who was based in Miyagi Prefecture’s Ishinomaki City, died in the disaster.
Fogel did not want to leave her friends in Miyagi in a time of distress, but upon the request of her family, she returned to the US on March 18th. “I should be able to do something to help from the US as well,” she thought, and so began to collect donations for the disaster relief effort. She plans to return to Sendai in time for the beginning of the new school year on April 20th.
Founded in 1987, the JET Programme now has over 50,000 alumni.
The fundraiser party in New York attracted about 300 guests and raised over 10,000 dollars (~90,000 yen). According to Steven Horowitz, who lived in Aichi Prefecture’s Kariya City in the 1990s, similar fundraising events are taking place across the United States. “Wherever we are, we are all Japanese in our hearts. We want to do something to give back for the time we spent in Japan,” Horowitz said.
Tanaka Akira, New York
Fukushima City JET Brent Stirling recently put out word to JETAA chapters about Quakebook, “a book of stories, art and photographs that reflected first person accounts of the disaster” which will soon be available on with all proceeds going to benefit the Japan Red Cross. Brent contributed his own story and has also offered to help with marketing and spreading the word. Below Brent provides some insight into the unique process that led to the creation of of the project as well as his own involvement.
I lived in Fukushima City from August 2006 to August 2010 and worked as an ALT there. The recent earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis in Tohoku has had me glued to my computer since it began, as has probably been the case with all JET Alumni. Keeping in contact with my friends in Fukushima-ken through Facebook and Twitter, I felt helpless as far as how to help and what to do.
With limited access to news in the first days after the quake, I compiled information from friend’s Facebook status updates, Twitter and a variety of news sources. I sent these updates via Facebook to my friends who didn’t have the time to comb through the news in order to get an accurate picture of what was going on. Updates included news about transportation, gas, areas with running water, wind directions, reactor conditions and radiation levels. Facebook became a source of news for everyone in the prefecture. The current and former Fukushima JET community along with Japanese people worked together in order to get a clear picture of what was going on in Fukushima.
A week after the earthquake, I was sent a link to a blog asking for contributions about the earthquake. The blogger, OurManInAbiko, hoped to create a book of stories, art and photographs that reflected first person accounts of the disaster. He vowed to edit all the submissions and donate all of the proceeds to the Japanese Red Cross. Looking to help anyway I could, I put in a submission about my experience in Canada throughout the ordeal and how proud the JETs and Japanese community had made me throughout the crisis. My submission discusses sensationalism in the media and how the JET community worked together using social media to overcome adversity and share accurate news on the situation as it unfolded. I didn’t know that within 15 hours, OurManInAbiko had received 74 eyewitness submissions from all over Japan, as well as reactions from elsewhere in Asia, Europe and North America.
Through Twitter, the idea of #Quakebook grew. Just as the Fukushima-ken JETs had used social networks in order to keep in contact, #Quakebook was using the networks in order to promote and create a book. People joined in to spread the word and help with the logistics of publishing a book of this magnitude in such a short span of time. Soon after, writer, William Gibson wrote a piece for the book, then Jake Adelstein contributed, Yoko Ono has recently come on board, offering her own piece in Japanese and English Through the work of so many on Twitter from all over the world, #Quakebook began to take off. Articles appeared on the BBC website, the Wall Street Journal and CNN Go to name a few. Amazon has agreed to publish the book, waiving all of their fees with 100% of the money going to the Japanese Red Cross. The all-volunteer team of #Quakebook is now working at getting translations of the book into different languages so that it can be a truly worldwide phenomenon.
The group that comprises the Quakebook team is continually growing. Every person involved is using their skills and their own contacts in order to get the word out to every corner of the globe. The team, while working closely is completely anonymous as everyone is referred to by their Twitter names. My role has been very small throughout the Quakebook marketing process, but I believe in the book and I think it has the potential to bring people who are otherwise removed from the situation in Japan closer to it. In buying the book, not only are people making a donation to the Japanese Red Cross, but they’re also getting the stories of the people involved, the people that this disaster has affected.
I know that all JET Alumni are tied to Japan the same way that I am. Everyone’s time in Japan had a profound affect on where they are now and what they’ve done with their lives. I’m hoping that this connection to Japan will get JET Alumni Associations worldwide to support and promote this book as best they can. By putting a link to the Quakebook website on your blog, printing Quakebook posters for around your neighbourhood or your local library or getting it into the media wherever you are, everyone can make a difference in this project and help with the relief efforts in Japan.
- Pre-order the book at
- Excerpts from Quakebook
- Brent’s re-work of his submission
NHK video of JETAA NY Fundraiser

Thanks to Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99) for sharing the link to this NHK video on Tuesday night’s JETAANY Japan Fundraiser:
Update: Here’s a clip from NHK TV about the JETAANY Fundraiser including some interviews with JET alums.
JETAA NY’s Fundraiser for Japan was held last night at Slate (50 W. 21st St) and drew over 300 people while raising over $10,000 for the JETAA USA Fund. The event also drew significant Japanese media coverage and included a table run by NY-based Japanese volunteer organization NY de Volunteer to give people an opportunity to write messages of support back to Japan.
Photos to come.
Did your JETAA chapter hold a fundraiser or engage in earthquake/tsunami relief activities? Email jetwit [at] with details and photos.
The Anchorage Daily News has an article reporting that the body of Rikuzentakata JET Montgomery “Monty” Dickson has been found. This is very sad news but also not unexpected at this point. From the article, it sounds like Monty’s family is relieved to finally know.
Thoughts and prayers and lots of warmth to Monty’s family and friends from JETwit and the JET and JET alumni communities. You will be missed by many, including those of us who never had a chance to meet you.
MTV’s Act Blog: ‘Smile Kids Japan’ Turns Spotlight On Orphans Affected By Disaster

Here’s a recent article on MTV’s Act Blog about collaboration amongst Smile Kids Japan (founded by Fukui JET Mike Maher-King), and Tokyo-based non-profit to form an effort called Smiles & Dreams: The Tohoku Kids Project aimed at providing “immediate and long-term support to orphanages in Tohoku and other areas that were affected by the devastating earthquake and tsunami.”.
To learn more or to make a donation, go to their Global Giving page:
JET Prefecture Round-up 04.04.11: Volunteer information by prefecture

AJET has posted a very helpful chart with links to “Volunteer,” “Donations” and “Events” info by prefecture.
Also, here’s a link to all AJET posts concerning earthquake/tsunami relief.
Justin’s Japan: In New York This Week, JET Fundraisers, Networkings, Sake, Arts, Monster Wrestling

By JQ magazine’s Justin Tedaldi (CIR Kobe-shi, 2001-02) for Visit his page here to subscribe for free alerts on newly published stories.
Only in New York. As the JapanNYC festival’s slated performances wrap up this week, here’s a rundown of more Nippon-flavored events of note:
Tuesday, April 5, 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m.
Slate – 54 West 21st Street (between 5th and 6th Avenues)
$25 donation for entry, plus two raffle tickets. Additional tickets can be purchased both in advance and during the event.
The JET Alumni Association of New York, in partnership with NY de Volunteer, will be holding a fundraiser to benefit Japan. The night will include great drink specials, entertainment, and wonderful raffle prizes. Over 30 generous JET Alumni and local businesses have donated goods and services to the cause, such as cooking classes, bottles of sake, private dance lessons, handmade jewelry, and more!
All proceeds from this event will go to the JETAA USA Japan Earthquake Relief Fund. During the event, volunteers will be collecting messages for Send Hope to Japan from the World to further express solidarity during this difficult time. This open event will have a great crowd of JET alumni, members of the local Japanese community, and many other New Yorkers wanting to show their support. All are welcome to attend.
Tuesday, April 5, 7:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m.
Solas – 232 East 9th Street (between 2nd and 3rd Avenues)
Free with RSVP to $5 suggested donation at door.
Spring is here, and what better way to bring in the new season than to celebrate and network! Hills Learning and Two Rivers Associates will provide a raffle, snacks, and, of course, multiple opportunities to build your network. Come enjoy the fresh smells and sights of spring and build up your contacts in the season of new opportunities. The Solas bar will of course provide an extended happy hour for guests, and an exclusive second floor private bar service.
Saturday, April 9, 11:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m.
Concert for Japan
Japan Society
333 E. 47th Street (between 1st and 2nd Avenues)
Tickets: $5/$100 for gala block for certain acts
Japan Society‘s is raising the roof (and funds to help Japan) with this ambitious 12-hour concert extravaganza, from which 100% of the proceeds will go to the Japan Society’s Japan Earthquake Relief Fund. John Zorn organized the GALA BLOCKS, which include Philip Glass and Hal Willner, Lou Reed, Laurie Anderson, Ryuichi Sakamoto, and Bill Laswell with gigi band. New York-based Japanese bands Echostream, Hard Nips, and Me and Mars will also perform. Shakuhachi Grand Master James Nyoraku Schlefer assembled a group of traditional Japanese artists such as koto player Masayo Ishigure and gagaku flute player Sadahiro Kakitani. In addition to these musical delights, there will be special activities, from learning basic Japanese phrases to origami crane folding to learning the basics of shodo calligraphy.
Saturday, April 9, 7:00 p.m.
Kaiju Big Battel – “When Danger Comes to Town”
B.B. King Blues Club & Grill
237 West 42nd Street (between 7th and 8th Avenues)
Tickets: $15.00 advance general admission/$18.00 day of show
In perhaps the ultimate American nod to Godzilla and Ultraman-styled smackdowns, Kaiju Big Battel is live wrestling of epic proportions. Planet Earth is under threat: scattered throughout the galaxy is a monstrous mob of maniacal villains, menacing alien beasts, and giant, city-crushing monsters that are waging war against one another. Currently, the Kaiju Universe maintains an active roster of approximately 30 monsters, including a blue alien-glutton named Sky Deviler, a factory-worker-turned-soup-can called Kung-Fu Chicken Noodle, and a despicable, square-headed mad scientist known as Dr. Cube. After a rapturous reception at Brooklyn’s Warsaw last October, Kaiju is taking Manhattan with no holds barred.
Click here for the rest of this week’s events.
2:46 Quakebook project

Via a recent article in the Wall Street Journal:
The 2:46 Quakebook Project is “a Twitter-sourced collection of personal accounts of the quake and its aftermath….one group’s response to the disaster initiated by the local blogging community that aims to raise money for relief efforts (the title refers to the time at which the magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck on March 11).”
Note: All proceeds will go to the Japanese Red Cross.
Taylor Anderson memorial service in Richmond, VA

The below was sent by JETAA DC to its members via its chapter yahoogroup:
We have extended the deadline for messages in Taylor Anderson’s condolence book until Friday, April 1 at 12 pm. It doesn’t matter if your message is long or short, profound or emotional, we encourage you to send it to jetaadc.311relief [at] Members of the JETAADC Board will present the condolence book to Taylor’s family at a service to be held in Richmond on Saturday.
For more information on Taylor’s life, her experiences on JET, and Saturday’s service, please visit the website of the Richmond-Times Dispatch<http://www.legacy. com/obituaries/ timesdispatch/ obituary. aspx?n=taylor- anderson& pid=149794411>.
The family asks that in lieu of flowers, a donation be made to the Taylor Anderson Memorial Fund for the purpose of rebuilding schools in Ishinomaki City. Donation information is available here: catherines. org/tayloranders on.
Leigh Ann Mastrini
Outreach Chair, JETAADC
Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA) Update: 03.30-03.31.11

The Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA) has been an excellent source of updates via the earthquake section of its website as well as its Facebook page. The kind of info you’re likely not getting from CNN or network news. Notably, JET alum James Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-94) is the Director of JCIE/USA’s New York office. Here’s the latest update:
March 30 – 31 Fund Update:
- Increasing signs of mental health issues from stress to ‘survivors guilt’.
- Also, Peace Winds through its partner organization – Mercy Corps – reports on the attention and care being provided to children.
Anthony Bianchi back in Brooklyn for “Xaverian High School Japan Benefit Concert” tonight

Just heard from JET alum, Brooklyn native and current Inuyama City Councilman Anthony Bianchi (Aichi-ken, Inuyama-shi) that he’s back in New York for a very short stay in order to attend his alma mater Xaverian High School‘s “Japan Benefit Concert” tonight (Thursday, March 31).
Anthony notes that any JET alums around are welcome to come. [Ed. Note: Sorry for the short notice. I wasn’t able to post this until 4:21 pm and it starts at 7:00 pm.]
Start time: 7:00 pm
Location: Xaverian High School, 71st St & Shore Road in Brooklyn
Cost: $10
NY’s Japan Society announces allocation of Japan Earthquake Relief Fund

New York’s Japan Society has released full details about the non-profit organizations in Japan that will receive the first allocation of funds from Japan Society’s Japan Earthquake Relief Fund. Read on for their press release…
New York, NY – Japan Society today announced four Japanese nonprofit organizations that will receive a total of $1,000,000 in the first installment of funding from the Society’s Japan Earthquake Relief Fund for relief and recovery work in northeastern Japan.
The four organizations – Tokyo Volunteer Network for Disaster Relief, JEN, Entrepreneurial Training for Innovative Communities (ETIC), and the Japan NPO Center – are involved in immediate relief efforts to help victims of the earthquake and tsunamis that struck Japan on March 11, 2011.
“Each organization is on the front lines in Japan and is playing an important role in the relief process,” Japan Society President Motoatsu Sakurai said. “We are pleased to provide financial support to these groups.”
Minamisanriku JET Kathryn Oi shares her experience of the earthquake and tsunami

Kathryn Oi (Miyagi-ken, Minamisanriku-shi) has shared a deeply personal description of her experience in the midst of one of the hardest hit towns by the earthquake and tsunami–Minamisanriku, which has lost approximately half of its 18,000 residents. The link below to the written piece which appears on the Claremon-McKenna College website where Kathryn went to college also includes a slideshow of before-and-after photos taken by Kathryn.
Katie Oi ’10 was teaching at a junior high school in Japan when the earthquake and tsunami hit the island. She offers the following firsthand account of the week following the disaster and her journey to safety. Katie is now back at home in Seattle, WA.
After a two hour nap or even a night’s long rest, I wake up suddenly feeling uneasy with a feeling like I had a bad dream somewhere deep within my slumber. It takes me even a few seconds to process where I am—back home in the comfort of my own bed—when it was just two weeks ago I was pinned in the heart of Mother Nature’s deadliest attack on Japan. I have to keep telling myself that the past two weeks were not a dream. What I witnessed was real: the devastation from a M9.0 earthquake and 30-meter tsunami, but also the perseverance to rise up as a people and continue to live in spite of all that.
CLICK HERE to read the full piece on the Claremont-McKenna College website.
Correction 3/31/11: Katie e-mailed to point out that she incorrectly mentioned the tsunami as 30 meters a couple times in her piece. The actual reported height, she says, was 16 meters.