JETAA Tokyo collaborates with Tokyo de Volunteer for trip to Miyagi

Via JETAA Tokyo:
JETAA Tokyo is pleased to support Tokyo de Volunteer in their “Beauty de Volunteer” volunteer activities. This time, Tokyo de Volunteer is organizing a volunteer trip to Tohoku region to participate continuing relief and recovery effort. Participants will be providing free beauty services (such as haircuts, make-up, etc.) in order to boast morale in Higashimatsushima. If you do not have any beauty or special skills, there will no doubt be other ways to contribute at the volunteer center. Simply visiting the region is meaningful gesture to support their still difficult daily life.
As these trips have received corporate sponsorship, free bus transportation to/from Tokyo will be provided. If you would like to stay longer in Tohoku to travel, you can do so, or join Tokyo de Volunteer at the volunteer site and come back on the bus with the group. You may as well, simply stop by and join the group for a day of volunteering. If you are interested in participating in this activity, please contact directly with the date you would like to participate.They will reply with a confirmation with details application and information.
1) Higashimatsushima Trip
Departs: Friday, October 21, 23:30 from in front of the Marunouchi Building at Tokyo Station
Volunteer: Saturday, October 22
Return: Tokyo, October 22, 21:00
For more information about Tokyo de Volunteer and available volunteer opportunities, please click here:
Miyagi JET alums organize Hong Kong fundraiser

Thanks to Osaka JET Cailin Arena for letting us know about this:
From Miyagi JET alum Monique Moloney: “Here is the press release (and photos) for the fundraiser in Hong Kong on April 16. It was a great way to connect with the Japanese community in Hong Kong and to put our energy towards a positive outcome for Miyagi.”
Former Miyagi Residents Raise Funds Through Hong Kong Event
Hong Kong – 25th April, 2011
Two former residents of Miyagi Prefecture have pooled the creative expertise of five photographers in a silent photographic auction in Hong Kong to raise money for the March 11 earthquake and tsunami relief efforts.
The event entitled “Kampai for Sendai” was held on Saturday, April 16 at Shore Restaurant and Bar and was attended by approximately 180 people. The silent auction of distinctly Japanese photographs including 13 original mounts and three canvassed photographs, was the main focus of the evening. Additional funds were raised through the live auction of Simone Legno autographed Tokidoki merchandise and the sale of raffle tickets.
The total amount raised from the event was HK$30697 (US$3950). 100% of these funds were be donated to Peace Winds Japan andShine Humanity, two non-government organisations that have been highly visible in Miyagi Prefecture and are committed to using all designated funds for the Japan relief effort.
The event organizers, Monique Moloney and Matt Jones, both Australian nationals living in Hong Kong, were Assistant Language Teachers on the JET Programme in Miyagi Prefecture between 2003-2006. Having maintained strong connections with their former home, they were deeply affected by the devastation and suffering in communities where they’d often visited and fondly remembered. Their reaction was to organise an event that could raise awareness and funds in a meaningful way.
Through online groups, Monique found photographers who were willing to contribute their work to the cause. She also connected with other former JET participants who were living in Hong Kong. These people helped promote the event and attended to show their support.
“We may have moved on but we haven’t forgotten our friends in Miyagi Prefecture. It was our turn to give back for the kindness and good will we were shown during our time there.”
For more information, please contact Monique Moloney at or phone +852 90300243
JET alum collaborates on documentary about photographers of Tohoku Disaster

Here’s a unique and compelling short documentary–an academic non-profit venture–by JET alum Janak Bhimani (who has been studying at the Keio Graduate School of Media Design after hosting an online Japanese TV show in New York a few years ago) made with some of his Keio classmates. The film is about Tohoku post 3.11 from the point of view of the people who took photographs and was shown at a special session of the 2011 Tokyo International Film Festival. It was originally shown in 4K (which was part of Janak’s research).
Here’s the link:
lenses + landscapes from KMD 4KNarrative on Vimeo.
Janak says feel free to share with others as they’d like to get it shown in more places in Japan and elsewhere.
Return to Tohoku: Update 10.24.11

Here are updates from a few more of the 20 Tohoku region JET alumni selected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) to return to their town to both engage in volunteer efforts and also help document and share what’s going on there.
- “Back to Iwate“ by Alan Mockridge (Iwate-ken, Ohtsuchi, 1992) – (Lots of excellent photos.)
- Here’s a schedule of Alan’s trip:
Visit schedule
19 Sep (Mon) Depart San Francisco
20 Sep (Tue) Arrive Tokyo
21 Sep (Wed) Briefing at Min. Foreign Affairs. Bullet train to Iwate
22 Sep (Thur) Hiraizumi (UNESCO World Heritage Site) & Morioka
23 Sep (Fri) To Kamaishi via Miyako, Yamada & coast road
24 Sep (Sat) Kamaishi
25 Sep (Sun) Ohtsuchi
26 Sep (Mon) Ohtsuchi High School (cultural exchange)
27 Sep (Tue) Kamaishi to Narita. Depart Japan
Video: NHK covers JETAA International Conference in Tokyo and JETAA fundraising efforts

Here’s a link to a 1.5 minute NHK news story (video) about the JETAA International Conference just held in Tokyo. The story also references the approximately $500,000 raised for earthquake relief by JET Alumni Association chapters around the world.
The video includes a brief interview with Akita JET Paul Yoo, founder of volunteerAKITA and The Fruitree Project, who attended the conference. Also visible in some of the shots are JETAA International Chair Shree Kurlekar (Shiga-ken) and JETAA USA Country Reps Megan Miller (Hyogo-ken) and Jessyca Wilcox (Hokkaido). (Those are the people I recognized. If you recognize others, please post in the comments section.)
The JETAA International Conference attendees are also scheduled to participate in a JET-led volunteer trip to Rikuzentakata this weekend.
Here’s the NHK article that accompanies the video:
外国語指導助手ら 被災地支援強化
10月21日 15時37分
JETAA USA Earthquake Relief Fund announces recipients

Below is the official press release (in English and Japanese) announcing the recipients for JETAA USA Earthquake Relief Fund to the media in Japan.
FYI, a lot of hard work has gone into this process, using our JET contacts, bilingual and bi-cultural abilities to identify appropriate and worthy uses for the approximately $75,000 raised by the JETAA chapters in the U.S.
JETs and JET alumni should be extremely proud of the ways we’ve been able to support Japan in the wake of the 3/11 crisis. Many larger organizations have faced significant challenges in finding appropriate grantees, due in a large part to a very different and smaller Japanese non-profit sector that continues to grow and evolve in new ways. Our quasi-Japanese expat community of 55,000+ JET alumni spread around Japan and the world has been uniquely positioned to help meet these challenges.
Also worth noting is that the JETAA International meeting is taking place this week in Tokyo. JETAA representatives from each country are attending and will be participating in a JET-led volunteer effort in Rikuzentakata with the help of JET Paul Yoo, founder of volunteerAKITA and The Fruitree Project. JETAA International Chair Shree Kurlekar (former JETAA New York Vice-President) and other representatives will also be speaking with the Japanese media.
Thank you to JETs, JET alumni and Friends of JET everywhere who have contributed to the fund, volunteered their time, volunteered their translation and other skills and supported Japan in many other ways as well.
Ganbarou Nippon!
JETAA USA Earthquake Relief Fund
In its 25-year history, more than 55,000 people from 60 countries have participated in the JET (Japan Exchange and Teaching) Program, developing strong ties with communities around Japan. Thanks to the years they spend in Japan, it is fair to say that JET participants come to view Japan as their second home, and most continue to maintain active connections with Japan after leaving the program. The most common way for JET alumni to stay connected is through the 50+ chapters of JET Alumni Association (JETAA) worldwide, which bring alumni together to share their experiences and to promote ties with Japan in their home countries.
Even JET alumni who did not have friends and family in the Tohoku region were deeply moved by the tragedy that unfolded there. In response, all 19 chapters of JETAA USA came together in March 2011 to launch the JETAA USA Earthquake Relief Fund to support educational needs of communities in the disaster zone. Since March 11, the fund has raised $76,000 (5.8 million yen) from the U.S. JET alumni community.
Rikuzentakata and Ishinomaki have special significance for JET alumni since two of their colleagues lost their lives while teaching and living in these communities. Therefore, JETAA USA has decided to donate funds to programs in these two areas, with a primary focus on educational initiatives in Rikuzentakata. The aim is to improve the prospects of students who have been affected by the disaster, carry on the spirit of the JET Program and give back to the country that found its way into the hearts of JET alumni. Grants are being made for the following initiatives:
Hope for Tomorrow support for university applicants from Rikuzentakata ($25,000)– The costs of university entrance exams are a heavy burden for Japanese families and can be especially formidable for families affected by the disaster. Hope for Tomorrow, a new nonprofit organization, will defray exam fees and/ or associated travel and lodging costs in order to support Takata High School (located in Rikuzentakata) students applying to university. JETAA USA will financially support this program in Rikuzentakata.
Rikuzentakata tutoring project ($20,000) – Students in Rikuzentakata have been through traumatic experiences and lost considerable class time. The nonprofit organization Youth Empowerment Iwate, in cooperation with other groups, is launching a new initiative through which university students will provide extracurricular tutoring for middle school students while also using these sessions to lend a sympathetic ear to students who may feel intimidated discussing their concerns with older adults.
Rikuzentakata City education project ($10,000) – A special grant is being made to support JET-related activities and English teaching in the town.
Taylor Anderson Memorial Fund ($5,000)– The Taylor Anderson Fund is supporting a range of innovative programs in Ishinomaki, where JET Taylor Anderson taught and lived, including the exchange programs for local students and “reading corners” at elementary schools.
JETAA USA supporting JET participants ($10,000)– JET-run organizations and programs such as volunteerAKITA (which has been mobilizing JET participants to provide disaster aid since mid-March 2011) have responded to the disaster and recovery efforts. Individual grants are being made to help them sustain their disaster-related activities.
Hope for Tomorrow進学支援プログラム($25,000):高校生の大学受験費用は一般家庭でも大きな負担となっているが、被災した家庭にとっては背負いきれないほどの負担となる。Hope for Tomorrowは新しく立ち上げられたNPOで、高田高校の学生を対象に大学受験にかかる旅費や宿泊費などの諸費用を支援する活動を行う。
陸前高田市内教育プロジェクト($10,000): JET関連の活動と英語教育を支援するための特別寄付を行う。
JETAA北部カリフォルニア支部(本部サンフランシスコ市):募金イベント“Japan Relief Fundraiser”を、ホテル・カブキのO(オー)居酒屋ラウンジにて実施。150人以上の参加があり、寄付と抽選が行われ、地元紙にも取り上げられた。
JETAAミネソタ支部:募金イベント“Japan Benefit Party”を、居酒屋・基(Moto-i)(海外初の店内で醸造した日本酒を提供する店)で実施。DJ、ライブ音楽で会場を盛り上げ、サイレント・オークションが行われた。
全世界の元JET参加者のうち、約半数が米国人であり、米国にはJET同窓会(JET Alumni Association, JETAA)が19支部存在する。各支部は、全てボランティアベースのメンバーにより運営され、元JET参加者のネットワークを維持・強化し、文化・交流・教育事業やチャリティ事業等の実施を通じて、日米関係の一層の深化を図っている。米国JET同窓会の活動の詳細、同会震災復興支援基金への寄付はこちらから: HYPERLINK “” |
Thanks to JETAA USA Country Representative Jessyca Wilcox for gathering this information in connection with an upcoming announcement regarding the JETAA USA Fund:
This is a small example of all the wide-spread efforts that JET alumni have been involved in. Most of the funds collected at the various events went directly to the JETAA USA Earthquake Relief Fund, although portions of it were donated to other organizations to support Japan.
The JET Alumni Association of New York, in partnership with NY de Volunteer, raised approximately $10,700 during a three-hour Fundraiser for Japan on April 5 at Slate in Manhattan. Reporters from Fuji TV, TV Tokyo, NHK, Bi-Daily Sun New York, and the Asahi Shimbun were in attendance. NHK aired a noon-time report on April 6, 2011 (Japan time) and Asahi Shimbun featured the event in its special Earthquake reporting section.
Asahi Shinbun:
JETAA Pittsburgh (sub-chapter of JETAANY)
JETAA Pittsburgh chapter co-sponsored a benefit concert in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh and Brother’s Brother Foundation, a top-rated charity by Forbes Magazine. The event included participation by 2 cast members from PBS’ “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood” and many university students and alumni (including many music students who performed), JET alumni, and members of the local Japanese community.
JETAAMN (Minnesota)
The Minnesota JETAA chapter held a huge Japan Benefit Party at Moto-i in Minneapolis on April 16th. This event included a rocking DJ set by members of local band Solid Gold, a silent auction and prize raffle, both with some truly amazing items donated by local businesses and individuals. Free appetizers and half-priced sake were provided by Moto-i, the first sake brewery restaurant of its kind outside of Japan.
JETAANC (Northern CA- San Fransisco)
JETAANC has raised over $17,000 with a large portion of that going to the JETAA USA Earthquake Relief Fund. Events include:
- JETAANC Japan Earthquake Relief Benefit
- TV coverage of the Relief Benefit from local news station KTVU (News caster is a JET alum):
- PiQ Japan Relief Benefit
- Happy Hour Fundraisers:
Individual alumni have also organized and participated in successful benefits as well:
- Dance for Japan
- YouTube (a bit shaky since it’s from the dance floor):
- Sports4Good Soccer Benefit
RMJETAA (Rocky Mountain)
The JETAA Chapter based in Denver, CO put on a Sushi Rolling Benefit this past month. The event featured musical performances of shamisen and jazz by a local Japanese jazz musician. Guests learned the art of rolling sushi as they bid on silent auction items. All funds raised went to the JETAA USA Earthquake Relief Fund.
JETAAMC (Music City)
This chapter, based in Nashville, TN had a Top Chef Tsuanami Dinner Relief event (a five course dinner with sake pairings) to pull in funds from the local community for the JETAA USA Earthquake Relief Fund. JETAAMN partnered with the Japan America Society of Tennessee for this event which also included a silent auction.
JETAA Great Lakes
Faye Valtadoros (President of GLJETAA) is also a high school Japanese teacher in Clarkston, MI. They have an exchange program with Chiba and the Japanese students arrived shortly after 3/11. Faye and the students at her school collected money for the JETAA USA Earthquake Fund. The story was featured on ABC news:
Faye has also coordinated a Taiko Drum Benefit Concert at her high school on October 29th. Again, all funds raised will go to JETAA USA Earthquake Fund.
JETAA Heartland
This chapter helped coordinate and raise money at a File Festival with all money going towards Japan. Warren McAllen, president of the chapter, is featured on the NBC news coverage of the event as he represents the JET Program and JETAA USA.
NHK coverage of JETAA Heartland film festival fundraiser from March 2011

Here’s a link to coverage (including video) of JETAA Heartland’s Japanese Film Festival fundraiser for Japan earthquake/tsunami relief back in March 2011. The video features an interview with JETAA Heartland President Warren McAllen!
Here’s the video and article:
By: Beth Vaughn
OVERLAND PARK, Kansas – Two and a half weeks have passed since an earthquake struck Japan, triggering a huge tusnami that has killed more than 10,000 people. Another estimated 18,000 people are still missing.
Though time has passed, the disaster is still at the forefront of many minds in the Heartland.
All proceeds from the Greater Kansas City Japanese Film Festival Sunday afternoon at Johnson County Community College went directly to agencies working in the Japanese relief effort.
The Japan Exchange and Teaching Program Alumni Association and the Heart of America Japan-America Society are putting on the event.
The film festival was planned even before the quake shook Japan. The original purpose was to promote Japanese flims in the Heartland and to grow a greater understanding of Japanese culture.
This year’s films include Chocolate Underground, Harimaya Bridge and Red Beard.
JETAA also plans to send volunteers to Japan in the coming months to help rebuild areas that now face devastation.
Return to Tohoku: Alma Jennings goes back to Iwaki City in Fukushima

Thanks to JET alum Christy Jones of the Japan Society in New York for letting JETwit know about fellow JET alum and Japan Society colleague Alma Jennings (Fukushima-ken, Iwaki-shi) who has written about her return to Iwaki City in Fukushima where she went to volunteer and reconnect with old friends and colleagues.
Here’s a link to Alma’s writing on the Japan Society website:
Here’s the intro from the Japan Society website:
“Like many young Americans interested in Japan, Alma Jennings, a Development Assistant at Japan Society, participated in the JET Programme and lived and taught English in Iwaki City on the southern coast of Fukushima Prefecture between 2008 and 2010. In September 2011, Alma returned to Iwaki City to visit her friends, former colleagues and students. She also went to the Iwaki City Volunteer Center to volunteer. Here is the first-part of a three-part series on her experience.
CLICK HERE to read more Return to Tohoku posts by other JET alums.
WIT Life #183: 10,000 Free Flights to Japan! (and the best bonsai I’ve ever had)

WIT Life is a periodic series written by professional Writer/Interpreter/Translator Stacy Smith (Kumamoto-ken CIR, 2000-03). She starts her day by watching Fujisankei’s newscast in Japanese, and here she shares some of the interesting tidbits and trends together with her own observations.
Last night I had the chance to attend an event at the Modern sponsored by the Japanese beverage company Suntory, for the unveiling of their newest whiskey here in the States, Hakushu. We first enjoyed a tasting of this offering, along with samples of favorites Yamazki and Hibiki. Chef Gabriel Kreuther prepared an amazing menu to pair with these whiskeys, featuring such treats as foie gras and caviar.
However, for me the best part of the meal was the Read More
PNW JETAA’s meeting with Hyogo Governor Ido and Ryan Hart’s speech

On Friday August 26, we had the great honor of giving a presentation about the Pacific Northwest JET Alumni Association at the Hyogo Seminar, which was hosted by Hyogo Prefecture (coordinated by theHyogo Business and Cultural Center) and the Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR). The Governor of Hyogo Prefecture, Toshizo Ido, gave a comprehensive presentation on the many great qualities of Hyogo. Consul General Kiyokazu Ota, Masaaki Akagi, the Executive Director of The Japan Local Government Center (CLAIR New York), and Ginn Kitaoka, the Executive Director of the Hyogo Business and Cultural Center all gave warm opening remarks.
During our presentation, we highlighted the great things our chapter does. Ryan Hart (Chiba-ken, Ichihara-shi, 1998-99) (former PNW JETAA President, JETAA USA Country Representative and JETAA International Vice-Chair) shared what JETAA and current JETs are doing on the national and international level, Karin Zaugg-Black shared how her JET experiences shaped her career and her personal involvement with Japan, and Erin Erickson explained how we have supported Japan Relief efforts. Leela Bilow, Jana Yamada, and Casey Mochel shared their memories of Japan and how they continue to be involved with the Japanese community after JET.
Ryan Hart very generously allowed us to share his speech with you. Below is a brief excerpt, and his full speech is below the cut.
From its inception, the JET Alumni Association has helped former participants of the JET Program “Bring Japan Back Home.” What does this mean? We help former participants network, make new friends and transition their careers. We help the JET Program by recruiting, interviewing and training new teachers for their journey. We also help our communities we live in to support Japanese culture and raise awareness of the strong ties between our countries.
On March 11, 2011, like so many other things in our lives, this changed. Instead of “Bringing Japan Back Home”, our chapters and membership have rallied not only to raise money for immediate earthquake and tsunami relief, but also to strengthen the value of our relationship with local communities and organizations in Japan.
The JET Program, since 1987, has grown into the largest and most successful work exchange program in the world. Each year, the program brings thousands of teachers to Japan to promote language education and to strengthen Japan’s relationship with a number of countries. Since 1989, our Alumni Association of former program participants, has mirrored that growth and has steadily grown as a true grassroots organization, built from our individual members up. JETAA is now 53 chapters in 18 countries. As a former chapter president here in Seattle, a former Country Representative for JETAA USA’s 19 chapters and as former Vice Chair for JETAA International, I have been truly blessed to have had the chance to work and be a part of this growth.
From its inception, the JET Alumni Association has helped former participants of the JET Program “Bring Japan Back Home.” What does this mean? We help former participants network, make new friends and transition their careers. We help the JET Program by recruiting, interviewing and training new teachers for their journey. We also help our communities we live in to support Japanese culture and raise awareness of the strong ties between our countries.
On March 11, 2011, like so many other things in our lives, this changed. Instead of “Bringing Japan Back Home”, our chapters and membership have rallied not only to raise money for immediate earthquake and tsunami relief, but also to strengthen the value of our relationship with local communities and organizations in Japan.
- Immediately following the earthquake and tsunami, JETAA USA started raised money as a national organization and chapters voted to allocate this money directly to the affected local communities. We have formed a national advisory committee for the relief fund, of which I am proudly serving as a member. To date, the JET alumni have raised over $60k in funds and we are exploring continued fundraising efforts to make an even bigger impact.
- AJET, as an organization of current JETs living and teaching in Japan, has been partnering with organizations such as Peace Boat, Second Harvest, Foreign Buyers Club and 5toSurvive to raise money and awareness of recovery efforts. The Osaka AJET Chapter has worked on food drives with Kozmoz International of Kyoto, and have driven food and supplies themselves to Tohoku from Osaka.
- Mike Maher-King, a Fukui JET, formed Smile Kids Japan, a program of visiting orphanages throughout Japan. After March 11, he partnered with an organization in Tokyo called Living Dreams to start the Smile & Dreams project for Tohoku children to make sure the needs of the orphanages and the needs of the children who rely on them are met. He recently presented at TED Talks in Tokyo.
- Paul Yoo, an Akita JET, founded the Fruit Tree Project (delivering $23,571 worth and 38,612 items of fresh fruit to Tohoku) and VolunteerAkita, which was the backbone of the BIG CLEAN project that was directly involved in the cleanup of Kessenuma. He is now working as the Home Communication Manager for two orphanages in Sendai to ensure their needs are communicated with organizations involved with relief efforts.
- Hotdogs and Hugs was an aid organization of JETs from Saga-ken, who traveled from Saga Prefecture in western Kyushu, all the way to Tohoku, raising awareness and funds for relief efforts along the way.
- Save Miyagi was founded by Canon Purdy, a JET Alumni who was in Miyagi-ken.
- Billy McMicheal, a CIR in Fukushima, has formed Hearts for Haragama, which is raising funds for the Haragama Youchien Kindergarten in Soma, Fukushima.
- Kat Geeraert, an alumnus who also lived in Soma, has started Friends of Soma to raise money for relief efforts.
These are just a few examples of the direct impact JETs and JET alumni have had. Given the number of teachers who have taught in Japan since 1985, there probably are many more individual efforts out there that we don’t know about.
What we do know is that, in light of what happened on March 11, JET alumni around the world are not only focused on “Bringing Japan Home”, but also “Bringing Home to Japan.” Collectively, we have a renewed focus not only on strengthening US/Japan relations, but also the ties with the communities we once lived, worked, and taught in. We know that our contracts we were given to us by local governments and boards of education throughout Japan, weren’t just annual contracts, they were invitations to a legacy. It should be very clear to the many communities across Japan who have invested in the JET Program since 1987 that there is a long-term value in the relationships that have been formed with the many JET Program participants that have come and gone. Whether it be through media campaigns, tourism promotion, school exchange programs, or relief and fundraising efforts, JETAA is now looking to continue our legacy in “Bringing Home Back to Japan.”
Thank you.
Ryan Hart, Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture, 1998-99
In a speech on October 7 at the U.S.-Japan Council Annual Conference, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lauded the JET Programme for its vital grassroots relationship building, cited the JET alumni community’s role in raising money for earthquake/tsunami relief and cited Monty Dickson and Taylor Anderson as models of the kind of cross-cultural exchange that is so important to successful relationships between countries and cultures.
Here is a link to Secretary of State Clinton’s speech on the State Department’s website along with a video.
Below are a few excerpts followed by the full text of the speech.
“More than 35,000 people have participated in exchange programs sponsored by our two governments, programs like the Fulbright and the Japan Exchange and Teaching Program, known as JET.”
“[A]lthough these ties have already benefited both of our nations, they are not self-sustaining. We have to continue to invest in them.”
“The American people are proud to count Japan among our closest friends. I recently heard the story of an Alaskan named Monty Dickson who taught English at Yonesaki Elementary School as part of the JET program. While in Japan, Monty came to love Japanese poetry, and on the morning of March 11th, he had translated a poem by Shiba Ryotaro into English, and it read: “There’s nothing as beautiful as dedicating one’s life for a cause.” And just a few hours after writing those words, Monty Dickson was swept away in the tsunami. In fact, both of the Americans who died that day, Monty and Taylor Anderson, were teachers in the JET program. Their lives and their cause are part of the fabric of the friendship that we now share. The Dicksons, the Andersons, and the entire extended family of JET alumni have been working to help the communities that both Monty and Taylor lived in and grew to love.”
“The U.S.-Japan alliance is the cornerstone of a system in the Asia Pacific that has underwritten peace, stability, and prosperity for decades. And the close connections built by the Monty Dicksons and the Taylor Andersons and the U.S.-Japan Councils, those are the foundations that not only keep the cornerstones strong but keep building higher and higher.”
Remarks at the U.S.-Japan Council Annual Conference
Secretary of State
Return to Tohoku: “Don’t Speak, Just Move On” by Audrey Shiomi

The following is a personal essay by Audrey Shiomi (CIR Miyagi-ken, Sendai-shi, 1999-2001). Through generous sponsorship by Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she spent a week in September visiting her former residence in Sendai City, one of the areas affected by the March 11 earthquake. In lieu of volunteering in disaster-stricken regions, she spent each day meeting with friends and former coworkers to listen to their stories.
Click here to read other Return To Tohoku updates on JETwit. You can also check the JETAA USA website post (“JET Alums Return to Tohoku”) for additional information.
Don’t Speak, Just Move On
By Audrey Shiomi (CIR Miyagi-ken, Sendai-shi, 1999-2001)
I couldn’t believe how normal it all felt to spend each day hanging out with old friends in Sendai. They hardly talked about what had happened six months ago, and if they did, they were calm, reflective and grateful. They didn’t suffer the way they did in the north, along the Pacific coast.
Within city limits, homes were damaged and people were left without running water, electricity and heat soon after the earthquake. It was late winter, and they had no clue when things they’d taken for granted—warmth, hot food and information—would be readily available. The minute it looked like a market was about to re-open, people formed long lines out the door. Luckily, by Day 5, water and electricity had been restored.
Now, six months later, my friends are with me, laughing, drinking and eating like there’s no tomorrow. We were doing everything but dwelling on March 11 and for good reasons. For one, it was simply time to more forward. For another, talking about your own situation made it seem like you were complaining about it, and—as my friend explained—the only people who are socially allowed to lament are those whose loved ones died in the tsunami.
Another reason few people talk about the events of March is that if someone were to mention they temporarily fled the prefecture after the nuclear reactor meltdown, they’d face the silent scorn of their peers. For some, leaving town was a logical safety measure. For others, leaving town was the moral equivalent of abandoning your family. It’s these opposing schools of thought that make it difficult to openly talk to one another. “It’s like in the U.S. where people don’t bring up religion,” said one Japanese friend. “People don’t talk about certain parts of their experiences after the disaster.”
So instead of dwelling in the past, my friends have no option but to move forward. For many of them, March 11 instilled a newfound reason for living. Many have taken up new hobbies and started traveling more. My friend, Nanae, has been making a living by holding private cooking classes at her home. March 11 fueled her to hold more classes. The way she sees it, she’s lucky to be alive, so not living life would be like besmirching the memory of all those who’d died.
I’m glad my friends have emerged from this tragedy with their heads held high. It would have been a sad reunion if they’d greeted me with distressed tears. If they’d told me, “Take me back to the U.S. with you!” I would have stowed them all away in my suitcase. But, no, instead we’re able to share a drink, enjoy great izakaya food and laugh about old times.
That’s the Japan I know.
Return to Tohoku Update 10.04.11

Here are updates from a few more of the 20 Tohoku region JET alumni selected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) to return to their town to both engage in volunteer efforts and also help document and share what’s going on there.
- Audrey Shiomi (CIR Miyagi-ken, Sendai-shi, 1999-2001) has had some of her excellent writing and observations published in a series titled Tohoku Travelogue ( including:
- “Moving On From Tragedy” (Oct 1)
- “Scenes from an Izakaya” (Sept 15)
- “Nearly Swept Away” (Sept 14)
- “Ah Matsushima!” (Sept 11)
- “Signs, Signs, Everywhere!” (Sept 10)
- “Gambarimasu” (Sept 9)
- “The Telephone Booth” (Sept 8)
- “Letters to Sendai” (Sept 8)
- “Ganbarou Nihon!” (Sept 7)
- “Omiyage 101” (Sept 6)
- “To Be Afraid or Not To Be Afraid….” (Sept 2)
- Brent Stirling (Fukushima-ken, Fukushima-shi, 2006-10) – “Why This is Only Blog #3.5” – Brent tries to explain the overwhelmingness of visiting Soma and how it has affected his approach to blogging about his trip. He shares photos and questions why he has taken them.
- Sharon Van Etten (CIR Iwate-ken), President of JETAA Sydney, has blogged about her trip here: Revisiting Iwate: Here are some recent posts:
Click here to read other Return To Tohoku updates on JETwit. You can also check the JETAA USA website post (“JET Alums Return to Tohoku”) for additional information.
WIT Life #181: Volunteer interpreter in Tohoku

WITLife is a periodic series written by professional Writer/Interpreter/Translator Stacy Smith (Kumamoto-ken CIR, 2000-03). She starts her day by watching Fujisankei’s newscast in Japanese, and here she shares some of the interesting tidbits and trends together with her own observations.
For those want to help out with Japan’s recovery effort and have Japanese language skills, here’s a great way. Please see below message regarding details of a 6-week volunteer interpreting opportunity in the disaster area, and contact Laura/Jiella directly if you are interested. For those who want to help but aren’t able to make it over, think about picking up the new Travel Guide to Aid Japan. It features some fabulous sites in Japan, some of which you might not be aware, written up by an interesting mix of celebrity contributors. All proceeds from its sales (minus expenses) will be donated to the Japan Red Cross for use toward disaster recovery efforts.
Dear all,
Many of you have heard of the group All Hands Volunteers, an American
NGO that has been working in Ofunato and Rikusentakata in Iwate
Prefecture doing tsunami relief since right after the March 11
disaster. This is an amazing organization that harnesses the power of
volunteers in disaster response. For those of you who were on the
USJLP Japan trip this year, you heard about them in my presentation.
Spencer and I were up in Ofunato again last weekend volunteering with
All Hands and we continue to be very impressed – there were over 90
Japanese and international volunteers working together to clear
highway ditches and rice field drainage systems, to clean and retouch
damaged photographs, and to remove damaged materials from homes
devastated by the tsunami. This organization has made a huge
difference to the people of Ofunato and Rikusentakata, and there were
posters all over town thanking All Hands for their efforts.
All Hands is continuing their project in Tohoku until November 12 and
they are in urgent need of an interpreter for these next 6 weeks of
the project.
Food, lodging and a (small) salary will be provided, and this
interpreter will be heavily involved in the day to day management of
the project, alongside an American Project Director. The interpreter
needs to speak very good English and Japanese, and will need to
relocate to Ofunato right away for the next 6 weeks.
This is a great opportunity to make a big difference and contribute to
the recovery of Japan. Please see this link for more information
about the project:
Please let me and Jiella Esmat ( if you or anyone you
know is interested. Feel free to pass this around.
Thanks so much for your help,
Laura (USJLP ’11, ’12, and Board Member of All Hands Volunteers)
From: Laura Winthrop Abbot
Date: September 30, 2011 20:43:01 CDT
Subject: [Usjlp] Interpreter needed urgently: All Hands Volunteers Project Tohoku