Call for Artists for New Feature: JET Alum Artist Beat

JET Alum Artist Beat is a new feature organized by Jessica Sattell (Fukuoka-ken, 2007-2008) intending to share the wide scope of creative work that JET alumni are pursuing as artists, designers, and/or craftspeople, either professionally or for personal enjoyment. She is interested in interviewing and providing exposure for artists of all mediums, and welcomes links to online portfolios or stores.
The beauty (and the greatest strength) of the JET program is that is attracts such a wide variety of dedicated, talented people from all walks of life. We’re a wonderfully diverse bunch, and JET allows us to further explore and develop our interests, hobbies, and passions within new communities. Whether you’re an alum, a current JET or a prospective JET, we all have stories to tell about how Japan has inspired us, no matter our professional path.
As an aspiring fashion stylist living in Japan during my JET tenure, I saw my own creativity blossom exponentially. My community’s many galleries, museums, cafes and shops spoke to Japan’s inherent acceptance of a DIY mentality and curiosity about art. While I didn’t choose to pursue a path in fashion, I did follow my love of visual art and am crafting a career to help promote the work of artists and creative individuals.
JET Alum Artist Beat aims to profile JETs working as professional artists or who create art for personal enjoyment. There are many JET alums working as artists and in the art world, and many of them wear several different hats! Explore the Art Library here at JETwit to learn more about what some of them are up to, and check out the art category archives for a glimpse of some past projects involving the JET community. There’s also the JET Alum Creative Types LinkedIn group, which is open to new members.
Are you an artist, designer or craftsperson? We’d love to hear your story and share your creative work in a profile piece. Contact Jessica at hello.jessicasattell (at) gmail (dot) com to say hello and introduce yourself!
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