May 4

Attention Portland JETS — It’s time for Iron Chef

The Portland JETAA Chapter has invited us to join in their annual Iron Chef Competition!

Date: Saturday, May 15th
Time: 4pm to 8pm-ish
Location: Portland!

The Iron Chef event is a potluck event to enjoy cooking and eating Japanese food. Everyone brings Japanese food they prepared at home to compete in 3 categories: side dish, main dish, and dessert. Three judges will taste each of the dishes and then pick the best dish and runner up in each category.

This year Portland has added a Seattle vs. Portland category. We will pick one person to represent us and make a dish using this year’s ingredient, Sensei Sauce . The owner of Sensei Sauce will actually be coming by to judge our part of the competition!

Some people are planning to go just for the 15th, but others may stay overnight on Saturday. If any of you would like to stay over but don’t have somewhere to stay, let us know. Portland has generously offered to ask their members to host us.

The 15th is coming up soon!

So please email ASAP if you are interested in coming.
The RSVP deadline is next Wednesday, May 12th. We are going to limit our group size to 20 people, so spots will be first come, first served.

We’re really excited about the competition and hope many of you will come too!

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