Groups: Joshikai San Francisco – A new meet-up for Japanese women and women connected to Japan

The following is posted at the request of San Francisco-based JET alum Beth Hillman, who has come up with a great idea for a group:
Are you a Japanese woman or a woman with an interest in Japan? Maybe you just moved here from Tokyo this summer and want to make new friends… Maybe you taught English in Osaka a few years ago and want to revive your rusty Japanese… Whether you are a native Japanese woman or an American (or other nationality) woman with an interest in Japan, Joshikai may be for you!
We are creating a community of Japanese women and women with an interest in Japan, gathering for a monthly meet-up to make friends, share stories and learn from each other. On the second Thursday of each month, we’ll meet at a location that is chic, reasonably priced, and conveniently located (near a BART station and other public transportation) for an evening of drinks and girl talk, where our members can connect and relax over a cocktail. We’ll also have a monthly guest speaker or theme, so that we can share knowledge and empower each other.
You can visit our Facebook page at:
We’re also on Twitter! Follow us at: @joshikaisf
Meeting: Joshikai San Francisco: The Japan-Connected Women’s Group
Goal: To relax, have a drink and make connections with other women who are Japanese or interested in Japan
Date: Thursday, January 14th (the second Thursday of each month)
Time: 6 pm – 8:30 pm. Come and leave any time — and enjoy happy hour specials for the entire event!
Location: Amber India Restaurant, 25 Yerba Buena Lane, San Francisco, 94103
場所:Amber India Restaurant(ご好意により、イベント中はドリンク&アペタイザーがハッピーアワーの価格です。Tejiさんナマステ!)
Why women only? We want to create a relaxed atmosphere, with the opportunity to speak freely and connect with each other in a supportive environment.
The first meeting of Joshikai will be on Thursday, January 14th from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. We reserved the bar area at Amber, a downtown Indian restaurant (only a few minutes walk from Powell BART station). We’ve arranged for an extended happy hour for the entire event, with $5 appetizers, $3 beers, and $5 wine and cocktails. Feel free to come for the whole event, or arrive and leave whenever is most convenient for you.
Please join us!
Joshikai is free and open to all women with a connection to Japan. It isn’t necessary to RSVP, but if possible, let us know you are coming by e-mailing Nobuko and Beth at Feel free to ask us any questions and offer any advice or requests; we want to hear your ideas to make this group a success!
We hope to see you there! Please pass this on to anyone who might be interested.
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