Nov 25

Thanksgiving in Japan – Celebrating and Enjoying the Holiday

The JAPANESE DOCTOR is a recurring feature written by Friend Of JET, Jon Hills, who maintains the blog for Hills Learning ( Hills Learning is a NY-based language learning services company offering customized and personal Japanese and Chinese language learning options.

Thanksgiving is one of those holidays you’d expect to be an American only holiday. After all, according to our elementary school education it celebrates American pilgrims and Native Americans coming together to celebrate, eat, and give thanks. Why would a country like Japan, whose history starts 1,000 years before America, celebrate Thanksgiving?

Surprisingly, Japan does celebrate Thanksgiving. Not surprisingly, the official holiday, called Thanksgiving Labor Day, was started after the American Occupation in 1948. Thanksgiving in Japan is an opportunity for unions and other workers to celebrate their hard worked days of labor through parades, parties, and well an actual day off.

As an American living in Japan though it wasn’t easy to celebrate the holiday…

Click here for the rest of the article, including other Japanese language and culture articles

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