Nov 6

Just saw a request on the JETAA DC yahoogroup for electronic dictionary recommendations.  That seems like a good question to throw out to the JET and JET alum community.  So please post your recommendations in the comments section of this post, or send an email to jetwit [/at/] jetwit [/dot/] com.


2 comments so far...

  • Mel Said on November 6th, 2009 at 6:23 pm:

    The best thing is to get a DS and buy a dictionary program.

    Overall it is cheaper, can type kanji in (though most do now I think- they didn’t when I bought mine) It does everything else with hiragana and katakana and has a normal dictionary feature (depending on the program of course) etc.

    You can also buy studying programs and games in Japanese making it a better study tool.

    I have both and NEVER used my dictionary after getting the DS.

  • AB Said on November 12th, 2009 at 11:30 pm:

    I use with an EMOBILE laptop connection – it’s great for using during meetings.

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