JetWit Blog Beat 8.25.09 by Crystal Wong

JetWit Blog Beat by Crystal Wong (Iwate-ken, 2002-04) is a recurring item featuring posts from the blogs of various JET alumni. Crystal is a former English-language writer for Kyodo News. She is now a freelance writer and digital strategist in New York and relishes her constant hunt for the best cheap(ish) eats in the city.
From the family of JET alum Toby Weymiller in Hokkaido, they share a lovely post about the amazing Shibuya-san, a coffee proprietor in their town who has just offered the use of his tools for them to mix mortar. How cool is that?
If you’re in Canada, catch author Rob Weston (Nara-ken, 2002-04) at your local Word on the Street festival – better yet, if you’re in Toronto, catch him at his appearance there on Sept. 27.
As I’m sure you’ve heard, the Mr. James campaign in McDonald’s has caused quite an uproar. See JET alum Jamie Patterson‘s take here. And if that’s not enough to sate your appetite for surreal Japanese advertising, JET alum cartoonist Lars Martinson shares a gem from the archives.
Ending on a delectable and enviable note, Lee-Sean Huang (Oita-ken, 2003-2006) follows in Anthony Bourdain’s footsteps and checks out a delicious sounding Maple Bacon Latte at the Pirate Cat Radio Café in SF’s Mission District.
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