Internships for Grad Students in International Development

Stephanie Boegeman (ALT, Akita-ken, 2006-09) gets her kicks from finding fun crazy ways to see the world and getting paid to do it. She is constantly in search of job, internship, and travel ideas to add to her site Playing With Hire, in the hopes that more JET alumni and like-minded souls join her in her quest to find creative, inspiring, and unique ways to make ends meet.
This opportunity is tailor-made for JETs who find themselves inextricably pulled toward the world of international development after their years in Japan. If you’re a grad student looking to live abroad again while racking up some experience in service of your studies, you may want to check into doing some field work with Mercy Corps. More details on available internships can be found here.
Job: JET for JTEs

Stephanie Boegeman (ALT, Akita-ken, 2006-09) gets her kicks from finding fun crazy ways to see the world and getting paid to do it. She is constantly in search of job, internship, and travel ideas to add to her site Playing With Hire, in the hopes that more JET alumni and like-minded souls join her in her quest to find creative, inspiring, and unique ways to make ends meet.
Japanese citizens with a college degree and a good command of the English language can land a sweet job teaching American kids about Japanese culture. Sound familiar? If you know of any wonderful folks in the inaka who fit this description, pass on the good word about the Japan Outreach Initiative (JOI). Applications are being accepted through *Jan 7th*. More details about the job are here.
Stephanie Boegeman (ALT, Akita-ken, 2006-09) gets her kicks from finding fun crazy ways to see the world and getting paid to do it. She is constantly in search of job, internship, and travel ideas to add to her site Playing With Hire, in the hopes that more JET alumni and like-minded souls join her in her quest to find creative, inspiring, and unique ways to make ends meet.
Calling all teachers at the elementary through high school level: Here is a great opportunity to travel abroad in the name of professional development. The Distinguished Fulbright Awards in Teaching program is accepting applications through *Dec. 15th*. More details on the program can be found here.