Kirsten’s World: Azquita Pa’l Cafe

By Kirsten Phillips (Niigata-ken, 2005-08) who is currently a teacher in the NYC Teaching Fellows Program.
I have an ESL kid! WHEEE!
I am way too happy about that!
I became fast friends with the ESL teacher at my school, Amercy. And she is. I love her first name. It’s eloquent! Once upon a time she worked as a push-in for my class but no longer. I was sad to see her go. However now she is coming back because someone gave me Jesus!
Though a majority of my native-speaking students need major assistance with English reading, writing and most importantly, EXPRESSION, this kid is mandated. His former classroom was taught by a Spanish-speaking teacher and his classmates were all bilingual.
But mami wants her baby to start speaking English.
He’s a good boy. Let’s call him Jesus. Jesus is half Puerto Rican and half Dominican. For the most part he sticks with my native-tongued Paras in the kitchen. Sitting him down for instruction in English is understandably a slow process. It’s scary being the kid who doesn’t quite catch everything. He’s a smart boy, though, and damn have I missed teaching ESL.
I don’t get much one-on-one time with my new kid and I always try to corner away just a little for everyone when they first come in. Plus, there’s no way I’m letting Graciela mommy him. He’s in my class because his parents want him in an all-inclusive English environment. It’s been a while since I’ve forced English on innocent kids who need it. Read More