Hiroshima JET’s “The Wide Island View” – 09.25.12

From The Wide Island View, the JET Program Webzine of Hiroshima Prefecture:
Have you wondered what happens to JETs after they are, well, JETs? Jackie hunted down ex-JET Greg Beck to ask him what life holds after five years in Japan and how to make the most of the experience. Read all about it at Where Are They Now? JET Alum Greg Beck.
Now the weather has cooled down, are you looking to get some exercise? What about an excuse to catch up with friends? Or a chance to travel Japan? If any of those ideas motivate you, read Maire’s article, Kure Shipheads Touch Rugby Team – Don’t let the ship sail without you!
We hope you are enjoying the cooler temperatures. Make the most of the lovely weather to travel and socialise – check out old articles for lots of inspiration! Remember we update the site every two weeks and we have a forum up and running. Enjoy!
Charly & Emily