Michael Auslin: A “Third Neighbor” Strategy for Asia

The latest article from JET alum Michael Auslin, Resident Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and previously a professor of Japanese History at Yale. A “Third Neighbor” Strategy for Asia, Posted Date: Monday, October 6, 2008 “By serving as a disinterested “third neighbor” to put-upon allies in East Asia, the United States can strengthen liberalism […]
JQ Magazine Seeks Writers for Fall 2013!

As we head into fall, JETAA New York’s JQ magazine continues to provide content with an ever-expanding array of articles, interviews and features (see our recent stories here). We’re now looking for new writers, including recent returnees and JET vets, from all JETAA chapters worldwide for posting stories via our host at the global JET alumni resource site […]
JQ Magazine Seeks Writers for Spring 2013!

As we slide into spring, JETAA New York’s JQ magazine continues to provide content with an ever-expanding array of articles, interviews and features (see our recent stories here). We’re now looking for new writers, including recent returnees and JET vets, from all JETAA chapters worldwide for posting stories via our host at the global JET alumni resource site JETwit.com. […]
JQ Magazine: JQ&A with Matthew Gillam, Senior Researcher at the Japan Local Government Center

By Adam Lobel (Nagano-ken, 2000-02) for JQ magazine. Last year, Adam returned to New York after 10 years in Japan, where he researched satoyama (traditional landscape of Japan) as a master’s student, and collaborated with Japanese policymakers in science and technology while working at a think tank. Adam currently helps manage his family’s business, a land use law firm […]
JQ Magazine Seeks Writers for Winter 2012!

As winter approaches, JETAA New York’s JQ magazine continues to provide content with an ever-expanding array of articles, interviews and features (see our recent stories here). We’re now looking for new writers, including recent returnees and JET vets, from all JETAA chapters worldwide for posting stories via our host at the global JET alumni resource site JETwit.com. (Scribes are […]
JQ Magazine Seeks Writers for Summer 2012!

As we slide into summer, JETAA New York’s JQ magazine continues to provide content with an ever-expanding array of articles, interviews and features (see our recent stories here). We’re now looking for new writers, including recent returnees and JET vets, from all JETAA chapters worldwide for posting stories via our host at the global JET alumni resource site JETwit.com. […]
JQ Magazine Seeks Writers for Spring 2012!

As we march into spring, JETAA New York’s JQ magazine continues to provide content with an ever-expanding array of articles, interviews and features (see our recent stories here). We’re now looking for new writers, including recent returnees and JET vets, from all JETAA chapters worldwide for posting stories via our host at the global JET […]
JET News Roundup 12.26.2011

By Filmore Ha (Ibaraki-ken, 2006-08). Filmore continues to live and work in the Greater Tokyo Area and is webmaster for JETAA Tokyo, however he is looking for new opportunities in the U.S. or Canada. Hope everyone had a great X-mas holiday! New Years Volunteering OP w/ JETAA Portland 2011 is coming to an end and 2012 is right […]
The Consulate General of Japan in New York has provided a “Letter of Support” for JetWit recognizing to the valuable role JetWit plays in supporting the JET Programme and the JET Alumni Association. Both the English and Japanese versions are included below with permission from the Consulate. ********** ENGLISH VERSION (Text) Message from the Consulate […]
JET ROI: Mainichi Daily, Japan Times article highlights major foreign policy impact of JET alumni

Update 2/12/11: The same article also subsequently appeared in the Japan Times. This time with Ben Dooley (a former CIR) getting the byline. Here’s the link: http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nn20110210f3.html Thanks to James Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-94) (Executive Director of the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA), author of the July 3 “JET on the Chopping Block” post and […]
JetWit Diary 10.21.10

JetWit Diary is a new feature by Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94), founder and publisher of JetWit. Steven is available on a consulting basis to assist organizations with any membership building, social media consulting, creative communications and writing needs. There’s a lot going on in the JetWit (i.e., JET and JETAA) world right now. New ideas. […]
JET ROI: Shukan NY Seikatsu article on JETAANY Welcome Back Reception quotes Jim Gannon

Below is a copy of an article from Shukan NY Seikatsu (Weekly NY Life) about the JETAANY Welcome Back Reception held on November 6. The article includes some quotes from James Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-94) (Executive Director of the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA), author of the July 3 “JET on the Chopping Block,” and […]
JET ROI: JET alum op-ed in Asahi Shimbun – The JET Program is a ‘triumph of soft power’

The below op-ed titled “POINT OF VIEW: The JET Program is a ‘triumph of soft power’” appeared in the November 5, 2010 edition of the Asahi Shimbun. It was written by three JET alumni with expertise in Japan-U.S. policy and relations: James Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-94) – Executive Director of the Japan Center for International Exchange […]
********* JET Return on Investment (ROI) is a category on JetWit intended to highlight the various economic, diplomatic and other benefits to Japan resulting from its investment in the JET Program. Why is this important right now? Because the JET Program and JET Alumni Association may be cut by the Japanese government, as explained in this […]
JETAA Canada National Conference Keynote Speech – May 30, 2009 – Toronto By Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, Kariya-shi, 1992-94) IMPORTANCE OF COMMUNICATION Minasan, Ohayo gozaimasu. 1. First, I’d like to thank JETAA Canada and Gloria Ma and everyone else involved with this conference for inviting me here to speak today. As an American, I have to […]