Follow-up: JETAA USA National Conference info and docs

Via Jessyca Wilcox, one of JETAA USA’s three Country Representatives, sent to JETAA USA chapter delegates: Hello Everyone! I wanted to let you all know that between JETAA DC President Maurice “Mac” Maloney (mostly Mac!) and myself, we’ve managed to collect and post all the presentations and handouts that are available from the conference on […]
JET alum Congressional candidate to assume post at Mansfield Foundation previously held by JET alum

The below announcement was recently sent out by JET alum David Boling, former U.S. Attorney who ran for Congress in Arkansas in the Democratic primary in the last election. David will be the new Deputy Executive Director of the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation which, among other things, manages the Mike Mansfield Fellowship Program, a […]
Challenges facing the US-Japan Earthquake Relief Response

I had the privilege yesterday of being invited by Jim Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-94), Executive Director of the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA), to attend a unique information and idea exchange titled “Funding Meeting: US-Japan Cooperation on Supporting the Japan Disaster Response.” The gathering, organized by JCIE/USA and the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership […]
JetWit Diary 10.21.10

JetWit Diary is a new feature by Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94), founder and publisher of JetWit. Steven is available on a consulting basis to assist organizations with any membership building, social media consulting, creative communications and writing needs. There’s a lot going on in the JetWit (i.e., JET and JETAA) world right now. New ideas. […]
JET ROI: Shukan NY Seikatsu article on JETAANY Welcome Back Reception quotes Jim Gannon

Below is a copy of an article from Shukan NY Seikatsu (Weekly NY Life) about the JETAANY Welcome Back Reception held on November 6. The article includes some quotes from James Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-94) (Executive Director of the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA), author of the July 3 “JET on the Chopping Block,” and […]
JET ROI: JET alum op-ed in Asahi Shimbun – The JET Program is a ‘triumph of soft power’

The below op-ed titled “POINT OF VIEW: The JET Program is a ‘triumph of soft power’” appeared in the November 5, 2010 edition of the Asahi Shimbun. It was written by three JET alumni with expertise in Japan-U.S. policy and relations: James Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-94) – Executive Director of the Japan Center for International Exchange […]