Roland Kelts on Japan’s News Zero interviewed by Sho Sakurai

Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99) was recently interviewed by Sho Sakurai on Japan’s News Zero program. Click here to watch the clip on YouTube. (Good opportunity to practice your Japanese a bit as well. :-)
Come on, everyone had at least one class like this when they were on JET.
(Special prize to the first person who can post a translation of (1) what he answers at that one part where he wakes up after nearly falling asleep on the microphone, and (2) what’s written on that reporter’s notepad.)
James Kennedy Interviewed by Teens at the Evanston Library

James Kennedy (Nara-ken, 2004-06), author of The Order of Odd-Fish, was recently interviewed at the Evanston Library by some wonderful teenagers. Watch a video of the interview below.
From James’ blog: “This Saturday (2/7) I’m going to be appearing at the Fantasy Festival at the Evanston Public Library! There will also be manga drawing, fantasy video gaming, and a screening of the almighty Hayao Miyazaki’s Spirited Away. (See the events sidebar, right, for details.)
In preparation, I sat down with Sam, Zoe, Heather and Luke of the Evanston library’s Teen Advisory Board to
Japan Society: An Incisive Afternoon with Director Takashi Miike

Via Japan Society (NY):
After seeing the joy and excitement expressed by the people of Obama-shi, I thought it would be appropriate to stop and reflect on how far we have come in the relationship between U.S. presidents and Japan. (Make sure to watch the Saturday Night Live parody clip at the end.)
Reuters: Japan’s Obama Town Parties for Inauguration

Obama-shi in Fukui-ken, Japan is partying hardy to celebrate the inauguration of President Barack Obama.
Here’s today’s report from Reuters:
And here’s the video of their Obama-uta to get you in the mood. “La…la-la-la-la O-ba-ma!…”
Another attempt to replace ALTs

Yet another devious attempt to replace ALTs. And this one doesn’t like being touched on the breast. (I’m not making this up. Read the article for yourself.
Reuters video article on NY de Volunteer’s recent Spa Day

Speaking of volunteering, Reuters Japan has a good video article (in Japanese) about NY de Volunteer’s recent Spa Day, where the volunteers go to a nursing home and treat the residents to a day of various beauty spa treatments. (FYI, the segment starts at about 2:55 into the video.)
(For those of you with stronger Japanese skills, please feel free to post summary comments in English so other JetWit readers can get a sense of what’s being said.)
ALTs Beware

Next they’ll be using them as ALTs. :-)
It turns out there’s Beppu Hot Springs Master in the JET alumni community. Meet translator/interpreter Joel Dechant, currently a resident of Fukuoka but soon moving to Seattle, WA. Never heard of a Hot Springs Master? Watch this video of him from Japanese TV. (See all 4 clips with explanation on
La-la-la-la-la O-ba-ma & Japanese Songwriting

Obama-shi, Japan is so happy about the US election, they’ve come up with a song and video about it. Meanwhile, have you ever written a song in Japanese (or partly in Japanese)? Let me know and I’ll post it, or perhaps we can collaborate with other JET alums to come up with a tune and/or record it. Just email me at stevenwaseda at-mark jetwit dotto com.
This is a little off-topic, but I suppose I can justify it on the basis that celebrities doing commercials in Japan are cultural ambassadors just like JETs.
I had no idea that Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, Ben Stiller and some of the others had ever done commercials in Japan. Click here to see the Top 21 from The Popcorn Trick. Thanks to Alexei Esikoff (Fukushima-ken, 2001-02) for making me aware of the existence of this vital site.
Do like to write songs? Do you know some Japanese? Here’s your chance to come up with a Japanese country song, i.e., a U.S.-style country song in Japanese (or at least half in Japanese). Send in your lyrics to me at stevenwaseda [at] We’ll worry about the tune later (unless you also come up with a tune and a recording and want to share that too.) If it’s even half decent, I’ll publish it here, at which time other readers can offer an appropriate tune, new lyrics or try to record a version of the song. This will be an ongoing contest with no deadline. Multiple submissions welcome!
This idea, btw, was inspired by a Chinese country music video sent to me by my wife (a high school Chinese teacher). It is not only hilarious, but also has amazing choreography, costumes and… I can’t even begin to explain it. Just watch.