Uncanny Terrain: US and Japanese filmmaker team up for documentary about organic farming amidst Japan’s nuclear crisis

Thanks to James Kennedy (Nara-ken, 2004-06), author of the acclaimed young adult novel The Order of Odd-Fish, for sharing this info:
There’s a really terrific and unique film project called UNCANNY TERRAIN, a documentary about organic farmers facing Japan’s nuclear crisis, by Junko Kajino and Ed Koziarski.
Junko and Ed are in Japan right now shooting it, and here’s their blog: http://uncannyterrain.com/blog/
Video: Panel discussion with JET alums Anthony Bianchi, Laurel Lukaszewski and Jim Gannon

Thanks to JET alum and Inuyama City Council Member Anthony Bianchi (Aichi-ken, Inuyama-shi, 1988-89) for sharing the video below (in four parts) taken by his son Matthew of a panel discussion from the JETAA USA National Conference held in Washington, D.C. July 14-17.
The panel featured Bianchi along with fellow JET alums Laurel Lukaszewski (Kagoshima-ken, 1990-92) (sculptor artist and former Executive Director of the Japan-America Society of Washington, D.C. as well as former President of Pacific Northwest JETAA) and Jim Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-94), Executive Director of the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA), and was moderated by JETwit publisher Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, Kariya-shi, 1992-94).
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
JET Memorial Invitation Program for High School Students ready to head to Japan

Thanks to Andy Anderson, father of Taylor Anderson, for sharing information and the video link below. FYI, JETAA USA had the honor of Mr. Anderson attending the National Conference this past weekend in Washington, D.C. and speaking to the conference attendees (2 representatives from each JETAA chapter in the U.S.)
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced an exchange program on June 24, 2011 (press release here) to send 32 American students to Japan as a way of commemorating the work of Taylor Anderson and Monty Dickson. Those students, who come from all over the U.S., have been selected and are now in San Francisco getting ready to depart for Japan.
The majority of the 10 day program takes place in Japan and includes a pre-departure orientation and a wrap-up meeting and farewell dinner in San Francisco. During their stay in Japan, the participants will have an option of participating in a day trip to visit the Tohoku area.
KTVU (San Francisco) did a story on the student group as they gathered in San Francisco for a pre-departure orientation before heading to Japan. Here’s the link to the video: http://www.ktvu.com/video/28580191/index.html
Minasan ganbatte kudasai!
Note: If anyone can figure out how to get the embed code for the video, e-mail it to jetwit [at] jetwit.com so we can post it here.
Update 7/21/2011: Here’s a Japanese article about the event, forwarded by Andy Anderson:
Video: “Tonoharu” explained in unique video by creator Lars Martinson

Lars Martinson (Fukuoka-ken 2003-2006), author of the graphic novels Tonoharu: Part Two and Tonoharu: Part 1, has put together a rather unique video that “explains” the Tonoharu series in a marvelously tongue-in-cheek way. (BTW, does anyone know if there’s a Japanese term for “tongue-in-cheek”?)
Anyway, have a look at the video. I think it’s fair to say that no one has captured the JET/living in Japan experience in as intricate a way as Lars has:
MSNBC story and article feature volunteerAKITA and other JET volunteers

Just saw this MSNBC video and article by NBC News correspondent Ian Williams that mentions JET and volunteerAKITA founder Paul Yoo as well as several other volunteers who seem to be JETs along with the good work being done by All Hands Volunteers. The article was posted to the Pacific Northwest JETAA Facebook group today.
“Young Americans take center stage in Japan tsunami cleanup”
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Video: Anti-nuclear protest march in Tokyo – by JET alum Tom Baker

The meltdown crisis at the tsunami-hit nuclear power plant in Fukushima Prefecture has inspired a number of antinuclear protests in Japan. Journalist and JET alum Tom Baker (Chiba, 1989-1991), who blogs at Tokyo Tom Baker made this video of one that took place in Ginza, Tokyo, last night (May 27):
Japan Relief: “It Won’t Be Long Now” song and video by JET alum Shun Endo and The Liquid Now

JET alum Shun Endo (Ibaraki Prefecture, 1998-2001) (Treasurer and Webmaster for JETAA Pacific Northwest and creator instantnoodlescomics.com) and his band The Liquid Now have released a music video titled “It Won’t Be Long Now“ intended to draw attention to and help fundraise for Japan relief efforts.
From Shun Endo and The Liquid Now:
IT WON’T BE LONG is about overcoming the tsunami and earthquake in Northern Japan. It was a chance for us to really reflect on their struggle, and beyond. To us, the Japanese festivals encompass the beauty of the culture. We’ve experienced nothing like it. It is a time of strong community, tradition, abandon, and joy. We hope the areas affected will heal enough to enjoy themselves once again soon.
All band sales will be donated, so just donate directly to the Seattlejapanrelief.org who work with Red Cross and Peacewinds.
For a digital copy of the song, visit www.theliquidnow.com and/or email theliquidnow@gmail.com
Thank you for listening. 日本の皆さん、頑張りましょう。
The Liquid Now are a band from Seattle that is influenced by British music and Japanese culture. www.theliquidnow.com
(we hope people don’t mind us using their online photos as this is for a good cause, and we will donate anything that comes our way.)
Smile Kids Japan’s Mike Maher-King speaks at TEDxTokyo

Mike Maher-King (Fukui), founder of Smile Kids Japan, recently spoke at TEDxTokyo: Entering the Unknown on Saturday, May 21 at Miraikan Tokyo.
Here are the English and Japanese videos of Mike’s talk which is titled “Against All Odds” in which he talks about Smile Kids Japan, how he came to start it, how the JET experience and community factored in and SKJ’s involvement in earthquake relief efforts.
Better than Skype: Japan invents new kissing device that lets you make out over the Internet

Researchers in Japan have invented a way to kiss over the Internet. I worked hard to think of a JET angle to make this story JETwit-worthy. And it finally hit me that it might be extremely helpful to JETs and JET alums involved in long-distance relationships! (Not bad, deshou?)
Here’s the video:
Japan Society Presents Hikashu & Tomoe Shinohara in Concert

The Japan Society will be hosting an upcoming concert featuring J-techno pop band Hikashu & Tomoe Shinohara on May 13. 50% of all ticket sales from this event will go to Japan Society’s Earthquake Relief Fund.
Click Here to find out more information about the show.
Posted by Sam Frank, an ALT who taught English in Hiraizumi-Cho, Iwate Prefecture from 2002-2004 and worked in Shirahama-cho, Wakayama Prefecture as a JET from 2004-2006. He currently manages the New York Division of UnRated Magazine and works as a Project Manager/Web Producer at Arrow Root Media.
NHK video of JETAA NY Fundraiser

Thanks to Roland Kelts (Osaka-shi, 1998-99) for sharing the link to this NHK video on Tuesday night’s JETAANY Japan Fundraiser:
NHK TV today showed a video (in Japanese) of Taylor Anderson’s father Andy Anderson visiting Ishinomaki and laying flowers where Taylor’s body was found. It’s very moving to hear her father say, “Taylor loved Ishinomaki, and we do too.” And as a JET it’s hard to look at the background scenery in the video and not feel that sense of familiarity that this could be any town in Japan.
CBS’s 60 Minutes recently aired a segment on the town of Matsushima which was wiped out by the tsunami. The segment includes an interview with an ALT named David (I can’t tell how to spell his last name) who gives a harrowing description of being in the school gym with students, teachers and parents when the tsunami hit and how he was able to hold on to the basketball hoop (the water was that high) and help pull a few students to safety.
The interview with David starts at about 6:24 into the video and includes video footage of the school, which looks very much like the schools we all taught at as JETs/ALTs.
Side note: Good feedback from a JETwit reader: “Thanks for the update and the link. Btw, not all JETs (or all of your readers) are ALTs.” The title of this post, which originally read “Matsushima JET,” has been changed accordingly.
NHK article and video of DC JETs at fundraiser

Thanks to JETAA DC President Mac Maloney for sharing this link to an NHK article and video (in Japanese) about Facebook and a recent DC-area fundraising event attended by a number of DC JET alums including Mack.
JET alum Lee-Sean Huang (ALT Oita-ken ’03-’06 / webmaster, JETAANY.org & JetWit) was recently spotted in a flash mob music video for the dance pop girl group Xelle. You can spot Lee-Sean in the back of the train, dancing with the big spotlights.