Nov 26

From JETAA Southern California.  (Not that you’re going to fly in to LA just for the event, but I think it’s interesting to see how different chapters do their versions of the nihongo dake dinner.)

It’s time for another NDD! For those not familiar with the NDD (Nihongo Dake Dinner = Japanese Only Dinner), it’s a chance to meet up and practice your great Japanese ability. But whatever your ability, all levels of Japanese are welcome. Whew! We will start with a potluck dinner at about 6pm, and continue with fun and games ’till the early morn!

The NDD will be on Dec 6th in San Gabriel. Co-President Christine Chow has volunteered her house for the event, so let’s thank her with a great genki turnout. For those coming from afar, or for those who drink a little too much, she welcomes anyone who would like to stay over to do so. Directions will be provided to those who RSVP.

To RSVP, please reply to jim /atto/ jetaasc /dotto/ org with NDD RSVP in the subject, and note:

-What food you will bring for the potluck (salad/appetizer, entree, dessert); your city/ken’s “famous” dish is most welcome!
-2 interesting things about your home/host prefecture in Japan
-Your favorite J-music singer/group
-If you are interested in carpooling and where you’ll be coming from

Hope to see you there! NDD de aimashou!!

Jim Smith, ’08-09 JETAASC Co-President

P.S. This is NOT the bonenkai. Details for that are coming!

Nov 24

JETAA DC reports opening of a new Japanese grocery store

JETAA DC reports that a new Japanese grocery opened in town.  Adriana (Shiga-ken, 1999-2001) reports:

Hana Grocery recently opened at the corner of 17th and U Street, NW. I went there for the first time today, and it’s a small store, but it has a good assortment of products and the prices are reasonable. The store hours are 10am – 7pm, 7 days a week. Nearest metro stops are Dupont Circle (red line) and U Street/Cardozo (green line).

Nov 24

JETAA Philly Mud Shack Social Night – Photos!

The JETAA Philly subchapter Mud Shack Social Night on Saturday, November 15 was a big hit!  Subchapter rep Renay Loper reports, “”We painted pottery, made jewelry, enjoyed some Japanese food, traded JET stories, and laughed the night away!  Everyone was excited that the Philly group was re-awakening! Based on the feedback – even from those who couldn’t make it – I am already looking forward to our next event!”

To be in the loop on future Philly events, just e-mail PhillyRep atto jetaany dotto org

Nov 24

JETAA Chapter Beat – 11.24.08

Freelance writer/editor Jonathan Trace (Fukuoka-ken, 2005-08) takes us on a walk around the JETAA community…

Texoma (aka JETAA Chapter 9)

*  Friday, November 28th —  Beaver’s BBQ – Come support a local legend-in-the-making at Beaver’s BBQ around 7pm.

JETAA Northern California

* November 1, 2008 — December 17, 2008  Madame Kawakita, ongoing film series

Cinema Japan: A Wreath for Madame Kawakita ($5.50 – 9.50 per movie)

– Friday, November 28 — 8:40 p.m. Her Brother

Kon Ichikawa’s powerful family drama, set in the Taisho era, with virtuoso performances by Kinuyo Tanaka and Keiko Kishi

– Saturday, November 29 — 5:00 p.m. Zigeunerweisen

Seijun Suzuki weds surrealism to ghost story to evoke the late 1920s in Japan as a period of changing mores akin to Weimar Germany.

– Sunday, November 30 — 3:00 p.m. Tora-san’s Sunrise and Sunset

A Japanese populist classic from Yoji Yamada’s Tora-san series. Our bumbling proletarian hero has adventures in the Tokyo suburbs and in the arts.

Check out the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive for more dates!

JETAA Southern California

* Saturday, December 6 — Nihongo Dake Dinner. Time and place TBA

* Saturday, December 13 — JETAASC Bonenkai. Time and place TBA

JETAA Portland

* Saturday, December 6 — 2008 JETAA Portland Bonenkai.

Time: 6:30 p.m., Location: Bush Garden, Cost: $12 per person.

Join JETAA Portland’s end of the year party. Make sure you bring a gift for the White Elephant Gift Exchange. Bring your unwanted or most hilarious omiyage from Japan (ike a dancing Pocari Sweat can). One of our most attended events of the year, reserve your spot now. Seating limited!

What happened at your chapter’s event? If you attend(ed) any of these exciting events, JetWit would love to hear about them.  Just email Jonathan Trace with any info, stories or comments.

Nov 23

JETAA Update: Cincinnati/Kentucky taking off

Jimmy Jackson reports from Cincinnati that he’s now in touch with Thad Johnson across the river in Lexington, Kentucky, and that Thad has been working on an upcoming JET alum event for people in the area.

If you’re in the area and want be a part of it, contact Jimmy Jackson at jimmyj1640 /atto/ yahoo /dotto/ com.

Nov 22

JetWit Society Page – by Yoku Shitteiru – 11/21/08

JetWit Society Page is written by Yoku Shitteiru who knows well.

Hello my loyal readers and welcome to the new on-line version of the Society Page column about JET alumni!

But enough about you, let’s talk about last night’s JETAA New York Happy Hour at Revival (15th St & Irving Place).  For some reason, over 30 JET alums came out and took over the second floor of the place despite cho-beri-samui evening weather, perhaps incentivized by the happy hour deals, extended to 8pm thanks to JETAA Social Coordinator Monica Yuki’s Manhattan-style negotiating savvy.

WKRP in New York? Many in attendance were bikkuri-shita‘d by the sudden yet now-predictable annual surprise appearance of John Sandoval (Mie-ken, 1992-95), who was in from Cincinnati on Procter & Gamble business.  Apparently there aren’t enough karaoke nights in Marge Schott’s furusato (though if JET alum Cincy native Jimmy Jackson has his way, there may be some of those coming soon)….Meanwhile, Queens-ken was in the house last night courtesy of super-teacher Cindy Hoffman, with Brooklyn-ken represented by translator Jamie Graves and NHK Associate Producer Marea Pariser as well as by Wynne Wu and Steven Too.  Even New Jersey-ken sent party delegates including JTB employee Chau Lam and Seton Hall grad student Glen Milan….Thanks to Nandita, now a Manhattan-jin since she took over brother Neel’s apartment after he skipped town for Nashville to finish his M.D.), “disco nap” became the English vocab lesson for the night…And Marea had the story of the night, explaining how she needed to find a family in the NY area that would let the NHK morning show crew film its Thanksgiving dinner live from the family’s home.  Turns out they found a farming family outside the city that sells to the Green Markets and was thrilled to host NHK.  Why?  Because their daughter was a JET, married a Japanese guy, and now lives in Nagano.  All of which means that now she’ll be able to see her family on Thanksgiving live from Japan! (Sugoi yo!)….JETs Are Everywhere Moment: When a random lad from the rowdy, neighboring non-JET crowd rushing out the door paused to read Steven’s shirt (JETAA NY – 日本語分るよ!) and blurted, “Man, I do understand Japanese!  I’m a JET!” and continued on his misguided way….As the JET crowd eventually dissipated and the second floor was taken over by cult of people brainwashed to believe that singing along with “Piano Man” is never a bad decision, Monica led a small crew of JET alum detritus to Stand (12th St & University) for pricey but tasty burgers, shakes and potato sticks, not to mention an educational “tramp stamp” citing.

That’s all for this edition.  See you in the JetWit future.

Tokoro de, Yoku Shitteiru welcomes the sharing of any JET-related info from any JET-related events as well as news of engagements, weddings, births, new jobs and other fun and JET-worthy items.  Just send an e-mail to yokushitteiru/atto/jetwit /dotto/com.

Nov 22

Cincinnati JETAA?

Jimmy Jackson is trying to get Cincinatti/Northern Kentucky JET alums together.  If you’re interested or know anyone in Cincinnati who might be, even if they’re not a JET alum, get in touch with Jimmy at jimmyj1640 /atto/ yahoo /dotto/ com.

I think Randall Crowder may officially be the chapter rep for the Great Lakes Region and is in Cincinnati, but I don’t have contact info for him.  Also, former JETAA NYer John Sandoval (Mie-ken, 1992-95) is in Cincinnati now working for Procter & Gamble.

Great Lakes had been defunct for a while until Scott Norman in Detroit and Randall in Cincinnati have made efforts to bring it back in the last few years.  So if you guys and other people can all link up and get some momentum, that would be JET-tastic!  (Note:  Not a real word.)

Nov 21

California here we come!

A quick thanks to Jason Porath, President of JETAA Southern California, for letting all the Southern Cal JET alums know about  And a big, laid back welcome to everyone in LA-LA Land who’s reading this.

Also a reminder that JetWit is always looking for writers, job listings and other JET-relevant info.  And of JetWit’s reasons for being is to help JET alums promote their work and get well-deserved exposure.  Just email me at stevenwaseda /atto/ jetwit /dotto/ com.

Lastly, if you’re reading this somewhere and your chapter has not yet sent out an announcement or posted it on its website, please encourage your officers to do so.  Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!

Nov 19

Adren Hart has started a new Google Group for JET alumni (and Friends of JET) who are interested in or have any connection to music, musical events, etc.  The group is called JETAA Ongaku Connection and it’s goal is to help connect JET alums who are interested in going to music events, following Japanese bands, playing music and anything esle having to do with music.  A great way to stay connected with the JET alumni network.

Go to the link above to sign up.  (FYI, you’ll need to have (or create) a google or gmail account to sign up for a google group.)

Nov 19

Texoma Happy Hour/General Meeting – November 20

JETAA Chapter 9 Texoma Happy Hour/ General Meeting

Thursday, November 20th
Fox & Hound, Westheimer location
Starting at 6:00pm
(see address below)

Come have a drink, socialize, and help plan upcoming events. We would love to hear your ideas!

JETAA Texoma has several tables reserved and will provide plenty of appetizers, drinks and pool to get the creative juices flowing!

As you may have heard, Japan has officially declared a recession and JETAA International anticipates increased cuts to local chapter’s GIA funding. In order to do our part in raising awareness of the JET Program we need to ensure that Texoma has the funds to continue holding these and other great events.

While we will provide drinks and appetizers, if possible, we kindly ask you to contribute $15 to help kick-start Texoma’s first fundraising campaign.

See you all Thursday!


Chieko Rothengass

Location address:

Fox and Hound
11470 Westheimer Rd
Houston, TX 77077
http://www.tentcorp .com/

Nov 19

JETAA NY Happy Hour This Friday!

JETAANY Happy Hour
“Start Friday night with your fellow JET alums”
WHEN: Friday, Nov 21, 6pm

WHERE: Revival (15th St betw Irving Place & 3rd Ave, just east of Union Square)

WHY? See people and have fun!


Nov 15

Rocky Mountain JETAA Newsletter – Fall 2008 Issue

Rocky Mountain JETAA Newsletter editor Cami Cacciatore recently published their Fall 2008 newsletter.  Have a look, especially if you’re looking for tatami timeshares for ski season. ;-)

Nov 11

JETAA Chapter Beat – 11.11.08

What’s going on in other JET Alumni chapters?


  • Korean BBQ & Karaoke Night – November 15
  • Happy Hour Tonight – Monday, Nov 10; 6 p.m. Ireland’s Four Courts, 2051 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA 22201 (703) 525-3600
  • JETAA DC Rally (i.e., a big annual scavenger hunt) – This past Sat, Nov 8 on the Mall (Someone from DC want to send in an update on how it went?)

JETAA Chapter 9 – Texoma – New Officers

President – Barbara (Chieko) Rothengass
Vice-President – Shaun Scott
Treasurer – Nicolas (NicK) Cristinziani [interim] & Yi Tan [advisory/counsel]
Secretary – Dennis Li
Chair, Dallas-Fort Worth Subchapter – Angela Beard

JETAA Canberra (Australia)

  • Cherry Picking Field Trip – November 30
  • Bonenkai – December 12


  • Speed Dating @ Lounge Bar Holborn, Wed, Nov 12, from 7pm for a 7.30pm start.

JETAA Pacific Northwest

  • Happy hour at Wann Izakaya, Friday, Nov 7

JETAA Portland

  • Career Forum & Welcome Back Reception, Wed, Nov 12, 7-9pm
  • J-Kaiwa, Friday, Nov 7

JETAA Chicago

  • Invited to be part of Bank of America Chicago Marathon International Mile, Sunday, Oct 12

Nov 7

JETAA NY Book Club Reborn!

Note:  While the JETAA NY Book Club is aimed at NYers, non-NYers are encouraged to read and get in touch as well, as there’s potential for virtual participation.

Dear JETAA Book Clubbers,

Hajimemashite!  This is Jessica Langbein, co-organizer of JETAANY’s new book club, along with Michael Glazer.  Apologies for being out of touch for so long.  It’s been a busy fall so far.

I’m very excited to announce the first meeting of our book club.  To kick off the fun, we will be reading Ryu Murakami’s Almost Transparent Blue.

Here’s a blurb:

“Almost Transparent Blue is a brutal tale of lost youth in a Japanese port town close to an American military base. Murakami’s image-intensive narrative paints a portrait of a group of friends locked in a destructive cycle of sex, drugs and rock’n’roll. The novel is all but plotless, but the raw and often violent prose takes us on a rollercoaster ride through reality and hallucination, highs and lows, in which the characters and their experiences come vividly to life. Trapped in passivity, they gain neither passion nor pleasure from their adventures. Yet out of the alienation, boredom and underlying rage and grief emerges a strangely quiet and almost equally shocking beauty. Ryu Murakami’s first novel, Almost Transparent Blue won the coveted Akutagawa literary prize and became an instant bestseller. Representing a sharp and conscious turning away from the introspective trend of postwar Japanese literature, it polarized critics and public alike
and soon attracted international attention as an alternative view of modern Japan.”

The book can of course be ordered off of Amazon.

We will be meeting on December 10, at 7:00 p.m.  Katrina Barnas has very generously offered the use of the lounge in her apartment building in downtown Manhattan.  Light refreshments will be served.

For those who can make it, please RSVP and I will provide you with the address of Katrina’s building and her phone number.  Then, please buy or borrow the book and get reading!  Michael Glazer will be in contact with the group in the near future, to get us started with a few discussion questions.  If you have any questions or comments in the meantime, please feel free to e-mail me or share them with the group.

I look forward to hearing from you all!


Oct 12

JETAA DC Career Forum – Tuesday, Oct 21

2008 JETAA Career Night & Welcome Back Reception

JETAA DC is hosting its Career Night and Welcome Back Reception on Tuesday, October 21.  Click “Read More” for details. Read More

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