Feb 9

Sean Sakamoto is a JET alum currently embedded in Gifu Prefecture.  The following is a post from his blog “I’d Rather Be…In Japan“.

Godzilla never looked so good. One of the joys of living in a foreign country is that I don’t take things for granted that everyone around me sees as normal. In this case, I’m talking about plastic food. Everywhere in Japan, restaurants put replicas of their dishes in the windows of their restaurants.

The first time I saw this, I thought it was hilarious. Then I was glad, because I could not actually read the menu. For me the fake food samples are really helpful. But what about Japanese people? Do the samples help you choose your dinner?

As it happens, I now live in the birthplace of the fake food replica. Gujo Hachiman is where the phony baloney, ramen, and even

Click here to read the rest of the post “Faking it in Hachiman”

Feb 4

JET Alum Business Beat: Yvonne Thurman starts Dolly Bella Bakery

Yvonne Thurman (Kagoshima-ken, 1994-95), former JETAA NY President, recently left her position as Director of the Columbia Business School’s Center on Japanese Economy and Business (CJEB) to start her own baked goods business, Dolly Bella Bakery (www.dollybellabakery.com).  Read below as she explains what led her down this path and how it’s all going.

I have enjoyed my career at Columbia Business School , directing its Center on Japanese Economy and Business with Professor Hugh Patrick.  After 10 years of working there, I was searching in the corporate sector for business development positions but couldn’t find something that really excited me.  So I pushed myself to think outside of the box, and really took a good look at my strengths and skills, work experience and education, and analyzed what I really enjoyed doing.

I was fixated on keeping my career in the international organization/international business arena, but I had to explore all options.  I had solid management skills, a degree in finance and business, international experience (same as so many…but wait!)…liked boating as a hobby…loved baking. Hmm.  I started to put all that together. Read More

Feb 2

Traveling Tastebuds: How to Pop Every Kernel

Devon Brown (Tokyo-to, 2002-04) is a freelance writer with a focus on food.  You can read more of her writing at TravelingTastebuds.blogspot.com.

Remember about a year ago when the whole microwave popcorn = cancer thing broke out? After years of eating a snack that smelled like hot plastic and left a slight tingle on my tongue I came to the conclusion that maybe it was time to put the packets away and return to the old fashioned method. So over this past year I’ve pretty much perfected the process and a recent blog post by famed food writer Michael Rhulman inspired me to share because, while his method is good, mine is better. http://blog.ruhlman.com/ruhlmancom/2009/01/popcorn.html#comments

Click here to read the rest of the post…

Jan 29

JETAA Pacific Northwest recently held its bounnenkai which apparently included a trivia game contest.  Photos from JETAA PNW’s Treasurer/Webmaster Shun Endo can be seen on the JETAA PNW site at the link below.

Hi Alumni,

I hope everybody is staying positive in this unstable economy.  Reach out, get support, and maintain hope!  You’re not alone.

I finally got around to posting the pictures that I took at the PNW JETAA Bounenkai.  There are a lot of fun pictures, including a nice group shot!  check them out!

http://www.pnw. jetalumni. org/?p=549


Jan 28

JETAA NY Shinnenkai Photos

Last Friday, January 23, JETAA NY hosted yet another terrific shinnenkai at Naniwa, the only place in town we know of that has a big tatami room.  34 people gathered for tabehodaishabu-shabu and nabe along with nomihodai beer, sake and shochu.  Old JETs, new JETs and everywhere in-between JETs were all represented.  O-tsukare sama to JETAA NY Social Coordinator Monica Yuki for organizing the whole shebang.  Also, special thanks to professional translator Kia Cheleen (CIR, Aichi-ken 1996-98, ALT 1998-1999) for providing yummy baked goods for everyone to take home with them.

*Special post-party treat:  Seeing Cindy Hoffman looking fabulous in her gown at the nearby Waldorf-Astoria Hotel for a high-falutin’ Australia Day event.

See all of Monica’s photos here.  Samples are below.

Jan 26

Growing Pains: A freelancer’s follow-up – by Devon Brown

Devon Brown (Tokyo-to, 2002-04) is a freelance writer with a focus on food.  You can read more of her writing at TravelingTastebuds.blogspot.com.

In a recent post titled “Growing Pains”, she sought some perspective on the business of freelance writing.  In a subsequent JetWit post, we aggregated the responses of writers in the JET alum community in response to Devon’s question.  Below she shares her new perspective:

Growing Pains: A follow up on an over edited piece by a newbie freelance writer

The jury is in and it seems I’ll just have to man up.

The freelance writing world can be a cold hard place and the fact that I’m getting paid and will have a byline in a national mag is going to have to be consolation for my hurt ego.  The rational part of me knows that magazines have their own voice and until I’m so big and famous that they’re willing to pay me $5 for every single word I type, I’m gonna have to deal.

Thank you to everyone who offered up some insight.  I  heard of some horror stories that I hope to never experience myself.

On the upside, I did get a final PDF of my piece.  Seeing it in print was awesome!

Jan 21

Bar Great Harry – Brooklyn Brewmaster’s Reserve Night

Bar Great Harry is a bar on Smith St. in Brooklyn owned and run by JET alum Ben Wiley (CIR Fukui-ken, 2004-06), who shares the below info for anyone interested in joining.  You can also see the Bar Great Harry blog here and a Fall 2007 JETAA NY Newsletter article about Ben and his bar here.

What: Brooklyn Brewery Brewmaster’s Reserve Night

When: Tuesday, 01/27/09, 6PM-10PM

Where: Bar Great Harry, 280 Smith Street, Brooklyn, NY


  • 2000 Monster Ale
  • 2001 Saison
  • 2006 Black Chocolate Stout
  • 2006 Cuvee D’Achouffe
  • 2008 Blast
  • 2008 Flemish Gold
  • 2008 Grand Cru
  • 2008 Savoir Faire
  • Cask of Blunderbuss Old Ale on Gravity!!!

This will be a seriously special night. The good folks from Brooklyn Brewery scoured the warehouse and found some really rare stuff for this event. A Monster Ale from 2000? A Saison from 2001? You will probably never get to try these again. Come.

Jan 9

Nosh Pit: Ringing in the New Year with Toshi-Koshi Soba

A recent post by JET alum Rosie DeFremery on her collaborative foodie blog Nosh Pit:

As I write this we are a little over one hour from ringing in the New Year here in icy New York City.  It’s already 2009 in Japan, where they’ve just woken up to celebrate Oshogatsu, the Japanese New Year.  Japanese residents of New York still keep some of the traditions while living overseas, as you could tell by visiting any Japanese market or store in the city.  When I dropped by Chiyoda Sushi to pick up lunch this afternoon, customers were picking up elaborate osechi ryouri meals they’d ordered in advance (for a pretty penny too – well over $100).  For the more budget conscious among us, however, they did have packages of fresh toshi-koshi soba noodles available.  Upon catching sight of those I snapped one up to prepare at home.

Toshi-koshi soba noodles, which JustHungry translates roughly as “end the old year and enter the new year soba noodles,” will be familiar to anyone who’s eaten soba before.  The only difference is


Dec 17

Thank God for Fridays in Japan – by Peter Weber

Peter Weber (Saitama-ken, Gyoda-shi, 2004-07) is the JET Coordinator at the Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco.

This is how I remember it… As previously mentioned, even though I had overcome many of my dietary obstacles, I still hungered for “American Cuisine”.  Although McDonald’s was always easily accessible, it was only a temporary “fix”.

I wanted a more hearty burger.  So I went to the place where all answers are found… the internet.  After searching words like “Applebees”, “Chili’s”, and “Fuddruckers” I finally hit the jackpot. My salvation was when I entered three wonderful letters followed by one word that makes everyone happy. Located less than 50 miles away in Ueno we found our salvation, and it came with a Happy Hour!

(Click here to read the rest of the post.)

Dec 12

JET alum Rosie de Fremery launches new blog and website

Former JETAA NY Vice-Prez Rosie de Fremery (Shizuoka-ken, 1998-2001) recently launched a new blog about food (working with a couple friends) and also a new Etsy store website.   In Rosie’s own words…

Nosh Pit is a group food blog I’ve started with two friends who are as passionate about food as I am.  We launched it on Sunday and have already put up several recipes and restaurant views, with discussions beginning in the comments section.  So far I’ve posted a friend’s recipe for maple bourbon sweet potato pie and a review of a French patisserie I discovered this week.  Please check it out at http://noshpit.wordpress.com/

The second is Shining Flower Productions, an Etsy store where I am selling hand-painted greeting cards for the upcoming holidays.  For now I’m just selling two designs, one of an angel for Christmas and one of a Chanukiah for Chanukah, but I do plan to offer more watercolor card designs and some original Japanese calligraphy in the future.  The store can be found at http://shiningflower.etsy.com/

Dec 8

Traveling Tastebuds: The Ambassador of Japanese Food – by Devon Brown

Devon Brown (Tokyo-to, 2002-04) is a freelance writer with a focus on food.  You can read more of her writing at TravelingTastebuds.blogspot.com.Is there anyone out there that doesn’t love Japanese curry rice?

Ok, it lacks the sophistication of sashimi and the artisanship of kaiseki, but of all the school lunches that were put in front of me those first few weeks living in Japan, curry rice was the only thing that made me feel like I might not wither away in a world of seaweed wrapped rice balls and soups brimming with tiny dried fish with tiny black eyes.

Even lukewarm (as almost every Japanese school lunch is served lukewarm) it still tasted good. As a matter Read More

Dec 8

Mac and Cheese w/ Hotdogs

Peter Weber (Saitama-ken, Gyoda-shi, 2004-07) is the JET Coordinator at the Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco.

Here is how I remember it… My tolerance for food has changed over the years.  When I was a child I was they referred to as “picky”.  Although exposed to many foreign and exotic foods (at least for Ohio) by my mother I would usually abstain from the meal.  The perfect meal for me was alternating days between hamburgers and pizza with an occasional mac and cheese with hotdogs dinner.  This changed a bit when I got older, but not by much.

When I was living in Japan I found one of the biggest challenges for me was the diet. Upon my arrival in Japan the difference in types of food people ate was apparent very quickly as I realized that foreign country and foreign food went hand in hand. Luckily there was always an abundance of rice that I could fill myself with until I could hunt down something familiar to my senses. Grocery shopping was also a major challenge trying to find foods that look appetizing. A typical purchase of mine consisted of peanut cream & jelly sandwiches (not peanut butter like I was used to) and potato chips. They were safe and quenched my appetite.


Dec 8

Kia’s Homemade Bake Sale!

Professional translator, interpreter and writer Kia Cheleen (CIR, Aichi-ken 1996-98, ALT 1998-1999) is making homemade sweets and baked goods for pick-up or delivery in NYC and Jersey City right out of her home for the holiday season.

Go to www.homemadebakesale.com to place an order.

Nov 26

Next they’ll be using them as ALTs. :-)

Nov 24

JETAA DC reports opening of a new Japanese grocery store

JETAA DC reports that a new Japanese grocery opened in town.  Adriana (Shiga-ken, 1999-2001) reports:

Hana Grocery recently opened at the corner of 17th and U Street, NW. I went there for the first time today, and it’s a small store, but it has a good assortment of products and the prices are reasonable. The store hours are 10am – 7pm, 7 days a week. Nearest metro stops are Dupont Circle (red line) and U Street/Cardozo (green line).

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