New Bankruptcy Bill Cartoon
Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) has posted a new Bankruptcy Bill cartoon at
Bankruptcy Bill in the WSJ Law Blog
“Bankruptcy Bill to the Rescue” – The Wall Street Journal‘s Dionne Searcey yesterday wrote a nice item in the WSJ Law Blog about Bankruptcy Bill, the cartoon written by Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) and illustrated by Gideon Kendall.
From a Japanese perspective, the article is also notable in that it mentioned Bill’s bankruptcy haiku. :-)
We’d like to introduce JetWit (nickname: A.J.) , the new mascot for, created by Zi Mei (Saitama-ken, 2002-05)!
Below the jump, Zi Mei explains the origin of the nickname “A.J.” and shares an early sketch: Read More
New Bankruptcy Comic Strip by JET Alum Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94)
Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) (i.e., the guy who does this JetWit site) has launched a new comic strip about bankruptcy lawyers called Bankruptcy Bill. The first two strips are viewable at Also, The Deal’s Bankruptcy Insider ran a nice item on the cartoon in this week’s issue (subscription required).
Electric Chair Bear
Click here to see a recent blog post from Lee-Sean Huang (Oita-ken, 2004-06) on the Electric Chair Bear project he’s working on with his classmates. Lee-Sean, who is the JETAA NY webmaster as well as the webmaster, is currently doing grad work in alternative media at NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP) which requires a great deal of blogging on topics that are simultaneously fascinating and completely esoteric.
Japanese Economy
Given the current state of things, I thought it would be appropriate to pull out a 2003 strip from Earth Bennett’s (Aomori, 2000-03) cartoon strip Every Situation is Different.
JETAA Toronto Newsletter – September 2008
JETAA Toronto Newsletter Editor Gloria Ma has just put out the September 2008 issue of their newsletter, including the latest Life After the B.O.E. cartoon from David Namisato.
I was just looking through past issues of Earth Bennett’s (Aomori, 2000-03) JET cartoon Every Situation is Different and came across this one: