Update 10/20/08: This position has been filled. Please do not contact or send resume information.
I’m looking for a bilingual cookbook researcher and hope you can help. Read More
JETAA Florida Career Forum

The Consulate General of Japan in Miami is excited to announce to you a JETAA Career Forum that will be held on Friday, October 17th at the Florida International University (FIU) main campus in Miami, FL from 12pm – 2:30pm Read More
Japanese Translator. In CT, South of New Haven. Perm Pos + Benefits. Can offer a small sign on Bonus for non-local candidates Read More
This job opportunity was just posted on the JETAA DC yahoogroup for a position with the Washington, DC office of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Research Associate, Japan Studies
Organization: Council on Foreign Relations Read More
Writing opportunity: How’s the economy treating you?

I’d like to put together an article about how the current economic situation is affecting or will affect JET alumni. So please feel free to email me one paragraph (long or short) about how you think the current economic situation will affect you and why. Include your prefecture and years on JET, or feel free to request anonymity.
Email responses to: Steven Horowitz at stevenwaseda [at] jetwit [dot-] com
If anyone is looking for some help with their resume, Clara Solomon (CIR Tottori-ken, 1999-2001), who is now the Director of Career Services at NYU Law School, put together a great JETAA Resume Guide for the recent JETAA NY Career Forum. It was passed out to all the attendees in conjunction with her presentation, and she agreed to let Jetwit.com post a copy.
Particularly helpful are a range of suggested ways to characterize JET experience.
I was just looking through past issues of Earth Bennett’s (Aomori, 2000-03) JET cartoon Every Situation is Different and came across this one:
Top 10 Resume Blurbs

In the spirit of the JETAA NY Career Forum (held yesterday at the Nippon Club), I thought it might be appropriate to post a topical Top 10 List from the Fall 2002 JETAA NY Newsletter. (Thanks to Clara Solomon for using it as a hand-out for her presentation on resumes, which reminded me of the existence of this list.)
Top 10 JET Resume Descriptions: What They Say…… And What They Really Mean
- Says: Functioned as liason for city relations and internationalization efforts.
- Means: Got hammered with city employees and guests while singing numerous renditions of “Love Me Tender.” Read More