Saw this on the JETAA DC grouplist:
Job opportunity
Wed Nov 19, 2008 7:24 am (PST)
Dear All:
A job opportunity from a friend in Rwanda. Please see the website below to find out more!
We have a new job opening in our office here in Kigali, so I wanted to spread the word in case any of you knew of any likely candidates. Orphans of Rwanda is starting our own language training program for our students as of January 2009. We are focusing on English, although we also have about 15 people who need additional training in French. We are now actively seeking a Language Coordinator to work with me to oversee the program. Read More
Saw this on Craigslist for Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill, NC. (I have no idea what SEO refers to, by the way.)
Japanese translator & seo copywriters
Date: 2008-11-18, 7:32PM EST
Japanese translator & seo copywriters by bizworx
We need a Japanese translator with SEO experience. Ongoing work delivered fortnightly including numerous: * Brochures translation projects * Websites translation and seo copywriting * Article submission… (Budget: $30-250, Jobs: Copywriting, SEO, Translation, Web Promotion)
Tue, 18 Nov 2008 10:21:40 -0500. GetAFreelancer.com_project_345318. Copywriting. SEO. Translation. Web Promotion
Help JetWit find sponsors

JetWit is seeking sponsors (or other forms of support). Here’s how you can help:
- E-mail me at stevenwaseda /atto/ jetwit /dotto/ com with contact information and a contact person for any potential sponsors.
- Contact potential advertisers yourself and encourage them to get in touch to discuss advertising.
- Be an ad sales rep for JetWit. Contact me to discuss if interested.
The reasons a company might want to advertise on JetWit:
- A unique centralized channel for reaching a national audience of JET alums and other people with a connection to Japan along with current JETs and prospective JETs. (FYI, there are approximately 20,000 JET alums in the US.) (Not that all of them read JetWit. :-)
- Positive publicity and good karma from showing support for JET alumni
- JetWit’s ability to provide creative advertising solutions.
- Benefit from my 7 years of experience communicating with and supporting the JET alumni network in my role as the JETAA NY Newsletter Editor.
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu, and thanks for your help.
Steven (Aichi-ken, 1992-94)
JetWit in Japan-US Business News

Yvonne Burton (an independent business consultant who has both US and Japanese clients), has a nice entry about and finding opportunities in a tought economy today on her unique and interesting website Japan-US Business News (
JetWit will be paying close attention to Yvonne’s site going forward as she has a lot of experience working with small and mid-sized businesses and a reputation for coming up with creative approaches to cross-cultural business issues. Definitely a good resource for many JET alums.
(Side note: Just want to mention I was able to get to know Yvonne thanks to JET alum writer/interpreter/translator Stacy Smith, who has written and done translation work for Yvonne at different points.)
My name is Rick Ambrosio (Ibaraki-ken, 2006-08). And whether readjusting to post-JET life is something you’re facing now, will deal with in the future or if you just enjoy reconnecting with that awkwardly uncertain feeling you had when you got back from Japan, come along with me as I look for a new job, a new apartment, and yes, mow the lawn of my parent’s house. Tadaima!
“Zannen…. Motainai“…..She repeated it again as she circled the computer skills on my resume. This was the third woman I had talked to today from this recruiting company.
It was 3:42pm in Manhattan and I had to decide if I was going to stay to see some people for drinks later tonight or take a train on the LIRR back home to my parent’s house – where I live now. Three months ago it was sayonara parties and teary goodbyes. Now it was recruiting companies and resume dos-and-don’ts.
Yuki (not her real name) was clearly disappointed. Even though we had been speaking Japanese most of the time I met her, she still felt it was not good enough for a Japanese business environment. She then explained Read More
Job: Bilingual Product Specialist for Nintendo (Redmond, WA)

Just saw this on Craigslist, which means it has no connection to JetWit.
Bilingual Product Specialist (English/Japanese) (Redmond)
Reply to: see below
Date: 2008-11-17, 4:18PM PST
To apply, go to:
Bankruptcy Bill – Strip #4: Headhunters

Bankruptcy Bill is a cartoon created by Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) and Gideon Kendall. To see more strips as well as bankruptcy haiku, go to
Job Opportunities: Asian Pacific University Translation/Interpreting Jobs – Beppu City

Professional interpreter/translator (and Beppu Hot Springs Master) Joel Dechant (CIR Fukuoka-ken, 2001-04) mentioned that his former employer, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University in Beppu City, Fukuoka-ken, often has open positions for faculty and native English staff. Go here for job listings:
Joel says these are contract positions, meaning they’re good for fresh Ex-JETS itching to get back to Nippon
and a good place to hone your skills enough to go solo at some point. He also points out there are several ex-APUer acquaintances that ended up in higher education jobs in their respective home countries.
Editorial Pursuits #3 – JetWit is my hero!

Julie Matysik (Yamanashi-ken, 2006-07) is a freelance copy editor and aspiring in-house editor who recently moved to NYC with her husband (also a JET alum). She has just started an internship in editing/publishing/writing. Editorial Pursuits will chronicle her job hunting efforts, experiences and lessons learned. Intro
Friday morning started out like any other day full of job searching and unemployment. I got up, made some toast, put water in the tea kettle and set the burner on medium heat, lazily sauntered over to the computer desk, turned on the laptop, and opened Gmail.
I expected to find a few Facebook comments, a random e-mail or two from family members, an special deal. But this morning, I found something additional in the inbox – a message from a fellow JET Alumn who had read my JetWit posts and wanted to offer me a potential internship at her literary agency.
Wait, what? Could this be happening to me? I sat baffled at the words on the screen, unable to believe what I just read. Me? For an internship? At a New York literary agency? Saw my “Editorial Pursuits” and wanted me to contact her if I was interested? Wow!
Needless to say, I e-mailed her right away and one thing led to another. I was asked to come in and meet her and the agent that afternoon, and by 3:00pm, I had an internship and felt that I was finally on the road toward my dream of working in editing and publishing!
Walking out of the agent’s office with an armload of books and a partial manuscript to read and write a report for by Monday, I felt like a new woman – a person with a purpose! I don’t want to sound cliché but I walked down the street, towards the subway station, with a bounce in my step and a twinkle in my eye. I immediately came home, called all my friends and family, and did a little “happy dance” in the living room while listening to ” Don’t Ya Evah” by Spoon. Life, it turns out, is good.
So my lesson for the end of the week – a week that only began with a suggestion that I write a regular “column” on JetWit – is that you should never turn down opportunities that are given to you. I didn’t really think anyone would care to read about my job search trials and tribulations, but in fact someone did. And now I am happily (though not monetarily) employed and on a track for endless possibilities. My life has purpose again.
And to any of you out there who might be thinking, “Is this the end of Editorial Pursuits?” I happily answer, “No.” I look forward to continuing to share my lessons learned about job searching and being an intern in the wide world of publishing.
ODD-FISH ALUM: A talk with James Kennedy (Nara-ken, 2004-06), author of the fantasy novel The Order of Odd-Fish

Interview by Gina Anderson (Nara-ken, 2003-05) JETAA DC Newsletter Editor
In August 2008, James Kennedy (Nara-ken, 2004-06) published his first novel, The Order of Odd-Fish, a fantasy novel inspired partially by his experience in Japan. Book sales have been going well and JETAA DC Newsletter Editor Gina Anderson (Nara-ken, 2003-05) recently talked with James about the book and, well, some other things.
Let’s start with your hair. Do you razor it or clippers? Neither?
Usually my wife Heather cuts my hair. Scissors all the way. Recently I’ve been getting my hair cut by a friend instead. At first it felt like a kind of betrayal, but actually Heather is relieved.
Paper or plastic?
I generally write on paper.
Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
Like many introverts, I enjoy playing the extrovert.
Who’s your favorite author?
I just noticed that the Chronicle of Higher Education’s website ( provides job listings for international programs, a popular career path for many JET alums.
You can also grab the RSS/XML feed.
Julie Matysik (Yamanashi-ken, 2006-07) is a freelance copy editor and aspiring in-house editor who recently moved to NYC with her husband (also a JET alum). She is seeking an internship or entry level position in editing/publishing/writing. Editorial Pursuits will chronicle her job hunting efforts, experiences and lessons learned.
Here’s one thing I’ve learned about job hunting: Always follow up with contacts because you never know where they might lead. Even if you don’t get the job, or even an interview, you might find that something completely unexpected evolves from the relationship.
What do I mean by these somewhat cryptic “words of wisdom”? Here’s what happened to me.
Last year I worked as a Teacher Assistant at a Madison preschool. No, this has nothing to do with my editorial pursuits, but it was a job that paid the bills and a great place to work for a limited period. I am still in contact with some of the parents of children in my after-school class, and they know all about my job search woes.
One of the parents remembered having a contact at Macmillan Publishers, and he graciously introduced me to his friend who expressed great interest in getting extra attention for my resume.
I was tickled pink at all the possibilities this could mean for me, and I even started dreaming about walking into the Flatiron Building every day for work at a major book publishing company.
Meanwhile, in addition to going to bat for me, she also invited me to her house to meet her and her two-year-old son! How fantastic! She wanted to meet me face to face! Read More
Have a job listing that you want to reach the JET alumni community? Send it in to stevenwaseda /atto/ jetwit /dotto/ com.
Another relevant job listing from Craigslist:
ESL Editor Needed Immediately (White Plains, NY)
Reply to: [?]
Date: 2008-11-12, 12:45PM EST
Education Publisher located in White Plains,NY is looking for an ESL editor to start immediately.
1 – 2 years of ESL editing experience required. This is a temporary position with the possiblility of going permanent. The office is very close to the metro north train station, so an easy commute from NYC.
All qualified candidates send your resume with “ESL” on the subject in a word document or PDF file to:
Pooja Gupta at Ribolow Associates, Inc.
* Location: White Plains, NY
* Compensation: $15.00/hour
* Principals only. Recruiters, please don’t contact this job poster.
* Please, no phone calls about this job!
Editorial Pursuits #1 – Getting LinkedIn to Your Professional Profile on JetWit

Julie Matysik (Yamanashi-ken, 2006-07) is a freelance copy editor and aspiring in-house editor who recently moved to NYC with her husband (also a JET alum). She is seeking an internship or entry level position in editing/publishing/writing. Editorial Pursuits will chronicle her job hunting efforts, experiences and lessons learned.
As a recent transplant to New York City from little ol’ Wisconsin, I’ve had a lot of new experiences thrown at me over the past two months.
I’ve learned to not take it personally when I smile at someone on the sidewalk and they give me a scowl; I’ve learned the exact speed to swipe the MetroCard so you don’t get bumped from behind when you have to re-swipe; I’ve learned that yes, New York pizza is super greasy but oh-so-alluring.
I’ve also learned that job searching in a city of millions of people is not a piece of cake and so, on the advice of a fellow JETAANY member, I decided to try my hand at creating a LinkedIn profile that I could link to in my JetWit Professional Profile.
I’m still getting comfortable with establishing an online presence for myself, but, to my pleasant surprise, Read More