New Bankruptcy Comic Strip by JET Alum Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94)
Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, 1992-94) (i.e., the guy who does this JetWit site) has launched a new comic strip about bankruptcy lawyers called Bankruptcy Bill. The first two strips are viewable at Also, The Deal’s Bankruptcy Insider ran a nice item on the cartoon in this week’s issue (subscription required).
Daily Yomiuri Column by Roland Kelts (Osaka, 1998-99)
There’s a new Daily Yomiuri column out today by Japanamerica author Roland Kelts (Osaka, 1998-99). In his periodic column (“Soft Power/Hard Truths”), he comments on American perceptions of Japan and of foreigners, touching on his recent on-stage interview with Haruki Murakami in San Francisco as well as the recent matchup of the Rays’ Akinori Iwamura against the Red Sox Hideki Okajima.
Electric Chair Bear
Click here to see a recent blog post from Lee-Sean Huang (Oita-ken, 2004-06) on the Electric Chair Bear project he’s working on with his classmates. Lee-Sean, who is the JETAA NY webmaster as well as the webmaster, is currently doing grad work in alternative media at NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP) which requires a great deal of blogging on topics that are simultaneously fascinating and completely esoteric.
JET Alum Conversation with Haruki Murakami
Roland Kelts (Osaka, 1998-99) will be having a conversation with Haruki Murakami tonight at a UC Berkeley event following a reading by Murakami-san. Roland is a lecturer at Tokyo University and the author of Japanamerica: How Japanese Pop Culture Has Invaded the U.S. (Roland explains on his blog that the photo of him with Murakami on the right was taken several years ago.)
Roland Kelts Column in Daily Yomiuri
Roland Kelts (Osaka, 1998-1999), author of Japanamerica: How Japanese Culture Has Invaded the U.S., has an article in this weekend’s Daily Yomiuri entitled Soft Power, Hard Truths: Japan’s Global Power: Soft or Wilted? You can keep up on Roland on his blog at