Return to Tohoku: “Don’t Speak, Just Move On” by Audrey Shiomi

******************* The following is a personal essay by Audrey Shiomi (CIR Miyagi-ken, Sendai-shi, 1999-2001). Through generous sponsorship by Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she spent a week in September visiting her former residence in Sendai City, one of the areas affected by the March 11 earthquake. In lieu of volunteering in disaster-stricken regions, she spent each day […]
CLAIR-NY Report: JETAA USA Support for Communities in Japan

CLAIR-NY recently posted the below report, written by Senior Researcher Matthew Gillam, on its website about JETAA USA chapter activities in support of communities in Japan: JETAA USA Support for Communities in Japan Recent examples as of May 2012 One way that the many JET alumni chapters in the US work to stay connected […]
Sushi and Sake Magazine seeks JET writing

Via JET alum Audrey Shiomi (CIR Miyagi-ken, Sendai-shi, 1999-2001): “Are you a former/current JET with a story to tell a greater audience? Here’s your opportunity! Sushi & Sake is a monthly publication which circulates throughout Southern California. Space in the magazine is reserved each month for an article written by a JET (past or present) about his/her experiences […]
************* Thanks to Matt Gillam, Senior Researcher at CLAIR-NY (aka Japan Local Government Center), who attended the recent Sister Cities International Conference in Riverside, CA, for writing up a little something about the conference and noting how JETs were present in several ways. A little context: Back in July, several JET alum reps including Mike […]
Return to Tohoku Update 10.04.11

*************** Here are updates from a few more of the 20 Tohoku region JET alumni selected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) to return to their town to both engage in volunteer efforts and also help document and share what’s going on there. Audrey Shiomi (CIR Miyagi-ken, Sendai-shi, 1999-2001) has had some of her excellent writing and […]
Report on the Invitation Programme for JET Alumni to Disaster Stricken Areas in Tohoku

Below is the text of the report on the Invitation Program for JET Alumni to Disaster Stricken Areas in Tohoku (aka Return to Tohoku) where MOFA assesses the results and impact of the program. A very interesting read! Twenty JET alumni who had previously worked in Tohoku were selected from a pool of over 60 […]