JET poet Warren Decker in lineup for Isobar Press 10th anniversary event

Posted by Tom Baker
JET alum and poet Warren Decker will be in the lineup at an Oct. 14 event in Nagoya to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Isobar Press. He and other poets will read from and discuss their work as part of this year’s Japan Writers Conference. The conference, which is free, will take place in Nagoya on Oct. 14-15.
Here’s the official description of the Isobar event:
Isobar Press: Tenth Anniversary Reading
The first publication from Isobar Press, a small press specialising in English-language poetry and poetic translation from Japan, was a book by founder Paul Rossiter, From the Japanese; it was published on 14 October 2013. Ten years and forty-five books later, on 14 October 2023, eight poets and translators published by Isobar, each with their own strikingly different style, gather from Miyazaki, Kobe, Osaka, Shizuoka, Tsukuba and Tokyo to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the press. Paul Rossiter will speak briefly about the history of the press and the motivation behind it, and each author will briefly introduce and read from their work. We hope you will join us for this celebratory reading!
Paul Rossiter has published eleven books of poetry since 1995. After retiring from teaching at the University of Tokyo, he founded Isobar Press, which specialises in publishing English-language poetry from Japan, and English translations of modernist and contemporary Japanese poetry. More information can be found at:
For biographies of the individual readers, please see their author pages on the Isobar Press website:
Janine Beichman:
Yoko Danno:
Warren Decker:
Gregory Dunne:
Jane Joritz Nakagawa:
Philip Rowland:
Eric Selland:
Christopher Simons:
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