Job: Event Planning and Operations – Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of NY (New York, NY, USA)

Posted by Sydney Sparrow. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
Position: Event Planning and Operations
Posted by: Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of NY (JCCI)
Location: New York, NY, USA
Contract: Full-Time
Thanks to JET alumna, Rebecca Cass (Fukui-ken, 2009-2012) for passing along the following job opportunity where she works:
The Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of NY (JCCI) is seeking a full-time employee. The position is as follows Event Planning and Operations
- Planning and promotion of various events and programs (online and in-person events)
- Administrative tasks
- Board correspondence
- Membership promotion
Applicant Qualifications
- Work permit
- Business level communication skills in English and Japanese
- Ability to use MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, and be able to work 3 days in the office and 2 days remotely. (Subject to change)
Salary and Benefits
- Salary: 43-45K DOE
- Group health insurance (medical, dental, vision)
- 401K
Application Process: If you are interested in this position, please send us your resume in English with your personal introduction including reasons for applying to Rebecca Cass at After screening, you will be contacted for an interview, which will be conducted via Zoom/in-person. Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of NY (JCCI)
主な業務内容: 1. 様々なイベントやプログラムの計画およびプロモーション(オンライン、インパーソン両方) 2. 全般的な事務作業 3. 理事会への対応 4. 新規会員の獲得や既存会員の維持に向けたプロモーション
応募資格: 1. 米国で働けるビザをお持ちの方 2. ビジネスレベルで日英語両方を使ったコミュニケーションができる方 3. Word、Excel、PowerPointを使い文書、資料の作成ができる方 4. 週3日事務所勤務、2日在宅勤務ができる方(日数は変更の可能性あり) 給与および福利
厚生: 1. 43-45K(経験による) 2. 団体健康保険(医療、歯科、視覚) 3. 年金制度(401K)
本募集に興味をお持ちの方は、英語で記載された履歴書を添付のうえ、志望動機を含めた自己紹介のメールを担当者Rebecca Cass(までお送りください。審査ののち、面接(オンラインあるいはインパーソン)についてご連絡いたします。
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