Job: Branch Sales Manager – InsideJapan Tours (Australia or USA)

Posted by Sydney Sparrow. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
Position: Branch Sales Manager
Posted by: InsideJapan Tours
Location: Brisbane, Australia or Broomfield, Colorado, USA
Contract: Full-Time
Here’s a job received directly from the company:
As a Branch Sales Manager, you will look to inspire your team of Travel Consultants and Sales Team Leaders to deliver consistent, excellent results in both profit and service. You will embody the ITG values and ensure our sales teams live our ‘Sales as Service’ ethos – balancing our commitment to world-class customer service with the commercial imperative.
Your teams will likewise balance a positive, competitive attitude toward sales targets with a desire to delight their clients at every opportunity. You will share your team’s passion for their destinations and their desire to share these experiences with their clients.
You will model the culture of self-directed learning that underpins ITG’s approach to personal development and will use your flexible leadership skills to guide your team to peak performance. Being a highly capable communicator, both verbally and in writing, you will build strong links with your colleagues across all functions and will focus on ensuring the critical Sales-Product-Marketing triangle works seamlessly together.
Your insights and understanding of your local market, developed in collaboration with your local Branch Director/Integrator, will enable you to identify opportunities unique to your branch, and you will work closely with the Branch Director and functional leadership to evaluate and marry those deemed valuable into our global Sales strategy.
As part of the ITG Senior Sales Leadership team, you will work closely with the Head of Sales and other Branch Sales Managers to develop global strategy, policy and process, the results of which you will implement locally to secure the One ITG foundation on which local market-driven variation is built.
Application Process: For more information and to apply, please click here –
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