Job: Internship Opportunities — US-Japan Bridging Foundation (DC)

Thanks to JET alum Laurel Lukaszewski who is the Project Director of the JETAA Initiative at the USJBF for passing this on. She mentioned that they have taken on both undgrad and graduate level interns. Posted by Mia Nakaji Monnier, freelance writer and Online Editor of The Rafu Shimpo, a Japanese American daily newspaper based in Los Angeles. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
Position: Internship
Posted by: Japan Society
Location: NYC
Status: Part-Time
The Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission (JUSFC), U.S. CULCON Secretariat and U.S.-Japan Bridging Foundation (USJBF) in Washington, DC are seeking TWO summer 2015 interns to support current initiatives, which include activities promoting U.S.-Japan cultural, educational and people-to-people exchange. Interns will be disseminating information via social media, helping to plan a Summit of U.S.-Japan related organizations, assisting with the JUSFC grant-making selection process, and supporting the Friendship Blossoms, TeamUp and other campaigns. Applicants should have excellent research, internet and organizational skills and some knowledge of Japan and/or Japanese language (translation skills a plus). 16-40 hours/week in our Washington, DC office, flexible schedule. JUSFC/CULCON/USJBF will reimburse transportation costs. Please see our website for further information about our activities and our excellent Internship Program:
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