Job: [Teach For Japan] Openings in Development, Recruitment, Training and Mentoring (Tokyo)

[Steve’s Note: Some very interesting and JET-relevant job openings with Teach for Japan received directly from the organization. (The listing is in Japanese because a high level of proficiency is required to work there.) Thanks to AJET Chair Kay Makishi for putting TFJ in touch with JETwit.
A little background in English: “We currently have a small team running the program, and we hope to expand the team as our operations expand moving forward. As does Teach For America, we send full-time teachers for at least two years to the most needy schools in Japan.”
“We are looking to hire folks for
1) Development (fundraising)
2) Recruiting of teachers
3) Developing the teacher training and support program and
4) Supporting teachers as a full-time mentor.”
Here’s the website: See the job listing below.]
Posted by blogger and podcaster Jon Dao (Toyama-ken, 2009-12). Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
・渉外、ファンドレイジングマネージャー (職務記述書参照)
・採用担当マネージャー (職務記述書参照)
・研修開発ディレクター (職務記述書参照)
・プログラムマネージャー (職務記述書参照)
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