Job: EU Executive Training Program (ETP)

Interesting opportunity, originally posted by JETAA UK‘s Sarah Parsons to the JETAA UK LinkedIn group. Posted by blogger and podcaster Jon Dao (Toyama-ken, 2009-12). Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.
So sayeth Sarah, “I sat on the discussion panel on Monday night for the EU Executive Training Programme (ETP) reception for participants going out to do business internships in Japan and South Korea.
Lots of participants from very interesting companies all over EU-not many UK participants. This is a fantastic opportunity to actually get Japan/Korean business skills and contacts and intensive language training. Seems like a great opportunity for ex-JETs who are now working within a company wanting to further their Japan experiences.”
Minimum Requirements for EU Executives:
- Be a citizen of one of the Member States of the European Union
- Be employed by a sponsoring company since at least 1 year
- Demonstrate an excellent command of English
- Have not previously participated in the ETP
- Either have (a) a university degree of B.A. level + 3 years of professional experience as an executive or (b) 2 years of higher education + 5 years of professional experience as an executive
Minimum Requirements for EU Companies:
- Either (a) have exports or investments in Japan or Korea or (b) have plans to develop exports or investments in one of the countries or (c) provide support to European companies in developing exports or investments to Japan or Korea
- Be EU-based/owned, have the global headquarters located in the EU, have a European identity and produce goods or services of EU origin
- Employ a minimum of 5 people and have an annual turnover of € 500.000 or more
- Be committed to contributing towards a part of the living expenses of the participant throughout the programme
- Be committed to maintaining the employment link with the participant for the duration of the programme
The ETP will accommodate up to 45 participants for Japan and 15 for Korea per cycle. The deadline for applications for ETP 2014-2015 is 15 May 2014.
If you are interested and fulfil the above requirements, you can apply now
If you need more information, please use this contact form.
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