The 2013 Canada Conference Report

Via JETAA Ottawa. Posted by Gemma Villanueva (Fukushima 2008-11), the current newsletter editor for the JETAA Ottawa Newsletter.
Note from JETAA Québec/Atlantique:
The 2013 JETAA Canada Conference, nicknamed “CanCon”, was held in Montréal, Québec, from May 24 to 26. It was hosted by JETAA Québec/Atlantique, with the support and sponsorship of CLAIR (Council of Local Authorities for International Relations) through the Japan Local Government Center (JLGC) in New York, and MoFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) of Japan through the Consulate-General of Japan at Montréal.
In attendance were JETAA delegates from the 5 of 6 other Canadian chapters, namely BC/Yukon, Southern Alberta, Manitoba/Saskatchewan, Toronto and Ottawa; representatives from the JLGC, as well as staff from the Japanese Consulate at Montreal. A representative of the Embassy of Japan was also present as an observer.
This year’s keynote presentation, “JET: From Classroom to Career”, addressed the challenge of what is seldom a fluid transition from Japanese classrooms to a career back home.
Download your copy of the 2013 JETAA Canada Conference report now! (PDF, 1.81 MB) Direct link here:
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