Calling all Ex-JETs in the Midlands Area (UK)

Originally posted to the JETAA UK LinkedIn group by Sarah Parsons:
CALLING ALL EX JETS IN THE MIDLANDS AREA to help with Q & A session for JETS about to go out to Japan and to provide advice and networking opportunities for those who will return this year.
We are holding a pre-departure Q & A session in Birmingham on Saturday 20th July from 3-5pm for JETs about to set sail for Japan so they can ask us more experienced and hopefully wiser JETS anything they want to know about living in Japan.
We are also holding a welcome back reception for JETS returning from Japan in September to offer them a networking opportunity and post-JET careers advice (date yet to be confirmed).
We really need ex-JETS who have used their JET experience whether in Japan related companies or doing something completely different to come along and share their experiences as well as continue to promote the links between our two countries.
E mail us on, follow us on Twitter @JETAAMidlands or find us on Facebook – JETAA UK Midlands. Thank you.
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