JET alum Nick Harling starts “Let’s Talk Japan” podcasts

A great idea just started by former JETAA DC Vice-President Nick Harling (Mie-ken, 2001-03):
Dear JET Alumni,
I want to let you know about a new project that I recently started in an effort to engage my long-held interest in Japan – The Let’s Talk Japan Podcast.
Up until last spring, I volunteered as Vice-President of the JET Alumni Association in Washington, DC, and through that experience I met many people with interesting Japan-related jobs and life experiences. After two years in that capacity, it was time to move on to something new, and last fall I decided that that something would be a podcast.
My first episode appeared in iTunes on January 1st of this year. Topics covered so far have include the JET Program application process, the mission of the Sister Cities International and Kizuna Across Cultures organizations, and discussions with an atomic bomb survivor and an expert on Japanese baseball. Whenever possible, I will also highlight the contributions JET alumni are making in their home countries.
If you are interested in checking it out, you can subscribe to the podcast in iTunes. If you like the podcast, feel free to leave a positive rating. You can also interact with the podcast at, through Facebook, or on Twitter @letstalkjapan.
I hope you enjoy the podcast, and I welcome your feedback.
Nick Harling
Mie-Ken 2001-03
Recent posts from Let’s Talk Japan Podcast:
002 The JET Program Application Process
003 Sister Cities International
006 Banzai Babe Ruth Author Robert K. Fitts
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