JET alum Bruce Feiler set to publish latest book: The Secrets of Happy Families

The latest from JET alum Bruce Feiler (Tochigi-ken, 1989-90), author of Learning to Bow, The Council of Dads, and, most recently, The Secrets of Happy Family, as well as several books on the Middle East including Walking the Bible, Abrahamand Where God Was Born. To read prior columns, please click here.
In a few weeks Harper Collins will publish Bruce’s new book, THE SECRETS OF HAPPY FAMILIES: Improve Your Mornings, Rethink Family Dinner, Fight Smarter, Go Out and Play, and Much More.
From Bruce: “Like many people we know, my wife, Linda, and I felt squeezed between aging parents and rising children. So over several years, I set out to find the smartest ideas and cutting-edge techniques to make our family happier. Avoiding the usual “experts,” I sought out creative minds from Silicon Valley to the set of “Modern Family” to the country’s top negotiators, asked what they were doing with the families, then tested their ideas at home with Linda and our girls. Some of these solutions failed, but many more improved our lives deeply and brought us all a lot closer.”
The book will be excerpted in the New York Times and appear on the cover of PARADE. Bruce will be featured on Good Morning America, Katie Couric, and other shows. Bruce will also be touring around the country.
There will also be an event in NYC at the Barnes & Noble on 86th Street on the East Side on February 20. (Stay tuned for a JETAANY announcement about going to the event followed by a happy hour.)
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