Crash Japan: Million Cranes for Japan

Via Crash Japan, Posted by Kay Monroe (Miyazaki-shi, 1995 -97):
We at CRASH Japan are launching an exciting international campaign: “Million Cranes for Japan“. The “Million Cranes for Japan” Campaign invites you to volunteer your time by participating with others in the making of origami cranes. Then give the cranes to family and friends for a donation, 100 yen or 1 dollar each, and give the money to CRASH to support the vision.
Is there still a need to help Japan?
Soon after the great earthquake on March 11, 2011, CRASH Japan began working to deliver aid and bring hope to survivors in Tohoku. Thanks to an amazing response from Christians in Japan and around the world, CRASH planted five bases in Tohoku and has mobilized almost three thousand volunteers since the disaster! God has used thousands of people like you to bless Japan.
Yet today many survivors are still alone, living in fear and without hope. We have the opportunity to continue to make a huge impact in Tohoku by sending volunteers — Christian volunteers who tend to emotional and spiritual needs by bringing the love of Jesus Christ. Volunteer activities include performing concerts, serving food, playing with children, cleaning, and giving hand massages. Volunteers often have opportunities to share the gospel with survivors.
What exactly will your donations be used for?
- Mobilizing volunteers requires staff, office space, vehicles, supplies, insurance, and equipment. Your donations will enable us to continue mobilizing volunteers and helping local churches.
- Supporting ongoing CRASH-sponsored partner programs. Every program we support submitted a detailed proposal and was carefully vetted by CRASH staff.
- Preparing for future disasters by investing in disaster relief training, building rapid response networks, and putting together action plans before the next disaster happens.
We would love for you to partner with us in this endeavor. Help us fold a Million CRANES for Japan! Help us continue to serve Tohoku and prepare for future disasters.
- ボランティアを派遣するには人材、オフィス、車、保険、道具などが必要です。献金が続く限り私たちはボランティアを動員し、地元の教会を支援することができます。
- 現在実施中のクラッシュのパートナープログラムを継続的に支援することができます。各パートナープログラムは慎重に選考されています。
- 次期災害の対応のための準備をすることができます。災害支援トレーニングやネットワーク作りに力を注いでいきます。他団体やネットワークと協力して共に支援活動計画を立てていきます。
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