Message from Outgoing AJET Chairman Matthew Cook

Originally posted to the AJET website on May 25, 2012:
AJET Chairman, Matthew Cook: My Final Message as Chair
CLICK HERE to read the full message on the AJET website.
A few select quotes:
“This year saw AJET re-branded to clearly show the world what AJET does: Connects people linked to the JET Programme; participants, ministries, alumni, our countries, and the world. That started a chain reaction of more close interaction from all of those parties.”
“This year, you saw the AJET website revamped and redesigned so that you could more easily navigate it. We saw facebook groups created for regions across Japan, to allow JETs to connect with other JETs locally and share what they found relevant to their experiences. We saw AJET make a presence in the twitter universe and speak to the public, as well as multiple instances of coverage in the media.”
“AJET got involved with JET Alumni and members of our council even attended the JETAA International Conference, to make sure current JETs were represented. AJET engaged Embassies and started close relationships with U.S. and Canadian governments, which we’re hoping will result in more and more opportunities for JETs.”
CLICK HERE to see a list of Matt and the AJET Council’s accomplishments.
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