Taylor Anderson honored at MLB opening day game in Tokyo

Major League Baseball honored Taylor Anderson and several other tsunami relief heroes at it’s opening day game between the Seattle Mariners and Oakland A’s held in Tokyo on March 28. Taylor’s parents, Andy and Jean, were in attendance, and Andy threw out the first pitch.
Here’s a really nice article from the Major League Baseball website: “Tsunami Relief Heroes Honored at Opener” (Well worth reading for a variety of reasons including the stories about the other heroes. Below is a quote.)
Anderson didn’t know if he could summon the strength to get the ball to home plate, so he looked down at that pink phone.
“I had Taylor’s cell phone and her straps … because they remind me of her, and when I think about her, I feel stronger, so I was able to get the ball in there,” Anderson said. “That’s what I thought about: Taylor.”
Here’s are links to two photos of Andy Anderson throwing out the first pitch: http://www.47news.jp/photo/395455.php and http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20120328-00000831-yom-base.view-000
Here’s a link to an article on the Nikkan Sports website (in Japanese): http://www.nikkansports.com/baseball/mlb/news/f-bb-tp2-20120328-924778.html
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