JCIE Special Report: US Giving in Response to Japan’s March 11 Disaster Tops $630 Million

Thanks to Jim Gannon (Ehime-ken, 1992-94), Executive Director of the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA), for sharing his organization’s special report, which notes the grassroot efforts of JETAA USA among others.
“JCIE Special Report: US Giving in Response to Japan’s March 11 Disaster Tops $630 Million”
“A JCIE survey of hundreds of American and Japanese organizations estimates that Americans have donated $630.2 million to aid victims of Japan’s massive March 2011 earthquake. This ranks as the largest US philanthropic outpouring ever for a disaster in another developed nation and the third most generous American charitable response in history for any overseas disaster.”
Click here to read the full the report: http://www.jcie.org/311recovery/usgiving.html
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