Submissions sought for JET-organized Toyama Film Festival

Jonathan Dao, the current ALT PA for Toyama Prefecture, is organizing a fundraiser for Make a Wish Japan, Hokuriku and shared the below information and rather entertaining video:
Love movies? Well, we are pleased to announce the first-ever Toyama Film Festival— and in consequence, the CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS. You’ll have three categories to choose from (or maybe you’ll even submit an entry for each):
Movie Trailers/Commercials (1 minute)
Keep it short and sweet. Spoof an existing product or showcase your own!
Karaoke/Music Videos (5 minutes)
We’re all aware of those unforgettable videos that play along when you’re belting out your favorite tune. Think you can do better? Think you can do worse?
Any musicians looking to self-promote are free to submit a little something-something of their own as well.
Short Films (5 minutes)
Give yourself the ultimate challenge of churning out a five minute flick. You’ll just have to watch your pacing. Then again, you could always submit a scene from a longer piece of work. Let the audience watch your ending first? You could be the next Tarantino!
There is no submission fee
Anyone and everyone is free to participate
Entries must be in either English or Japanese (subtitles are appreciated, but not necessary)
Participants may submit as many entries as they like*
Entries are DUE APRIL 14TH for review
We’re in the process of securing the venue, but the tentative date for viewing said entries will be Saturday, May 19th. Ticket prices will be only 500 yen, with all proceeds going to Make a Wish Japan, Hokuriku.
For any questions, comments, or troubleshooting concerns, feel free to contact Jonathan Dao at
Stay tuned right here at for more!
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