Jan 11

New Facebook group: Queens JET Alums

JETAANY Secretary Pam Kavalam just set up an informal “Queens JET Alums” Facebook group for anyone living in the Borough of Queens, with a connection to Queens or perhaps even just aspiring to live there.  With a gazillion cultures and ethnic groups in Queens (along with gazillion types of great food), it’s fair to say that Queens is indeed the new Brooklyn.  (FYI, here’s the informal Brooklyn JET Alums Facebook group.)  And with a large population of young Japanese ex-pats and more and more JET alums, there are even parts of Queens (e.g., Astoria) that are starting to look like Harajuku!

Ok, JETAANYers, whose going to get the Bronx and Staten Island JET alum Facebook groups going?  Oh, and Manhattan.  (Does anyone still live there anymore?)

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